#1 - ste_
Banger Racing server is back!! But..
My favourite server is back, the banger racing one, called ---UKDirt LFS Bangers--- and using UF1s! So much fun is to be had on this server, but some ppl insist on racing on it, which is really boring.

The rules are no pitting, no resetting and no driving the wrong way, but anything else goes!

But because there is no resetting allowed, once you get flipped off your wheels you can't do anything til a kindly soul rams you back upright. But too many lamers don't do this, they concentrate on racing which really sucks.

For me, this banger racing is like playing that board game Snakes & Ladders. Playing S&L is skillless, it's the luck of the dice whether you win or not, and this is how I treat banger racing.. If i see a car not on it's wheels I make for it and give it a great big ram to try and get it back upright (and to see some funny shtuff happen often too.) but too many other people just ignore such cars and race past them

Banger Racing isn't about winning ffs, it's about creating mayhem and having a laugh. When I'm on this server I've usually got an enormous grin on my face the whole time just cuz of the mad stuff that happens.

So please, ppl who join this server, screw the racing. If you win it's not a measure of skill, but luck. But be decent ppl and ram those who aren't on their wheels please. It makes for a much more interesting server. No one is impressed if you win, trust me. Every single other server is about winning, but this one is surely different.

If you see a car on its side/roof, then use all your momentum and give it a great big ram. If that doesn't right it then do another lap to get your momentum back up and if it's still there then give it another ram. Of course, hopefully by then some other kind soul has given it a whack up the jacksie and put it back on it's wheels.

And you can still kinda do tactics if everyone is decent enough to ram all upturned cars.. If the guy behind you is closing in, then ram some other car you pass to get it on its side and then the person behind you has to waste some time to give it a ram. And of course others can do this to delay you

But plse stop serious racing on this server, it's so boring. Get stuck in, ram everything that you see not on its wheels (and anyone you don't like who is on their wheels) and have a laugh. It's much more fun!

edit: added server name and what car it uses.
#2 - Grunt
Yay Bangers back!
I missed this server when it went up the first time, should be a real good laugh when I get home!!!!

Anyone whos never been to see Bangers in RL really should, especially if theres a caravan special!
I'll take a look when I get home from work. Seems amusing. What track is this held on though? Some Rallycross or regular race track?
Its on a Car Park layout. Its a short oval; 2 short straights and 2 corners. One lap is around 16 seconds long.
Quote from zeugnimod :One lap is around 16 seconds long.

nope your wrong it takes 14 or 15 sec long
Quote from Grunt :I missed this server when it went up the first time, should be a real good laugh when I get home!!!!

Anyone whos never been to see Bangers in RL really should, especially if theres a caravan special!

Top gear - the 4Runner through the caravan sprung to my mind!!
#7 - _rod_
Alright, banger is back!!!!! I´ll drop by later on!!! I used to have a lot a fun in there!!
Quote from rc10racer :nope your wrong it takes 14 or 15 sec long

Ehm...did you read the first post?

It wasnt my intention to write down the fastest time possible.
Ooooh I loved Banger Racing. So glad its back. Hope to see most of the old gang back there soon for a smashing good time!!!
Quote from rc10racer :nope your wrong it takes 14 or 15 sec long

Yes, clearly this guy is one of the serious racers.

Viva Banger Racing, it's nice to see a place where the usual rules of conduct are reversed. Please do all you can to attract some of the guys who bring a banger-racing mentality to a normal race server, OK?
Quote from jtr99 :Yes, clearly this guy is one of the serious racers.

I only wanted to see what type of times are possable because i was haveing free few traffic laps and was getting close to the 14s lap but banger racing is all about fun and not see what type lap times can be achived
if the crowd is better than the ones at the time when banger racing became unpopular (ie people crash into you to gain an advantage not just for the heck of it) im sure to attend
Rofl @ the angry guy who left saying: only noobs here!

1000 race servers out there and he picks this 1 to race..
I also love the banger racing, and I do flip the cars back over. However I think it's a stupid rule to be honest and would rather it didn't exist. Guys it's still a race and if you get flipped thats hard luck. It comes with the territory in my opinion.
Help !!! :D
Whats the server name ?
Quote from Nck 1991 :Whats the server name ?

It's not available to Demo Racers, if I remember correctly.
#17 - DeKo
one thing, why is the race limit like 18, and the server limit 23? theres nothing more frustrating than sitting in a server unable to join the race <_<...
#18 - mr_x
I agree with everything Ste said in his post... i admit, i do race sometimes see how quick i can go, but if i see a car on its side then i hit it.

it's very annoying right now aswell, beacuse the server it's running on doesn't have No Resetting in it's rules, so there are alot of people resetting their cars
i hate it when people just SMASH into the side of u flat out from miles back in a braking zone, and take themselfs out too. surely its a race?
no its bangers ??
Quote from ayrton senna 87 :i hate it when people just SMASH into the side of u flat out from miles back in a braking zone, and take themselfs out too. surely its a race?

um thats y its a banger racing track ???

ps:. can anyone sent me a good banger track . i wont to put one on my server , the overs r allways full
Quote from ayrton senna 87 :i hate it when people just SMASH into the side of u flat out from miles back in a braking zone, and take themselfs out too. surely its a race?

thats what i said

Quote from bertus_23 : um thats y its a banger racing track ???

the point is still to finish first ... not to wreck people for the hell of it
#23 - Jakg
Quote from al heeley :Oops.

lol, had a great series f races with Munko and Dazza tho, altho it was a bit to hectic for me!
Glad to hear you guys are having fun in the banger server

To save the banger layout if you press shift u in the server you can save it from there.

Quote from ayrton senna 87 :i hate it when people just SMASH into the side of u flat out from miles back in a braking zone, and take themselfs out too. surely its a race?

I'm shocked, Dendy. You seem like the last guy who should get mad at this sort of thing.