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S3 licensed
Car Number: 19
Driver's Name: Keith
Driver's LFS Username: MacDonald
Team's Name: Starlite Racing

and am also wondering what would be a good race pace for this combo?
S3 licensed
Well done Chris, good luck at the team, and great commentating
S3 licensed
Well i hope yous keep it at the same time, because if it gets changed i probably cant make the races. I think the time is fine
S3 licensed
If anyone could please edit this? thanks
S3 licensed
Quote from amp88 :There should be administrative staff in during the holiday. During the down time when the kids are on holiday it lets them get on with other things (like preparing for the next session).

Alright cool, i guess i will phone up some time soon then
S3 licensed
Quote from wild :Well I don't see any reason that you shouldn't be allowed to appeal. I'd phone the school to see if any of your teachers are in and maybe they can shed some light on the situation

Yeah, that might be a plan. But i doubt there will be any one in the school just now.
S3 licensed
"Thank You For Smoking" Great film, loved it
S3 licensed
I might see if i can appeal for a better grade in my English. I got a 2 in my Speaking, a 2 in my Reading, but i got a 4 in my Writing. But i think i may have just missed the 3 mark and i have a feeling i got a 3 in my prelim. So hopefully i can get my writing to a 3 and then get an overall grade of a 2 for English. But i don't even know when i go back to school so i don't know when i can go in and talk to the teachers.
S3 licensed
am also not 100% sure i will make this but i hope too

Car Number: 19
Driver's Name: Keith MacDonald
Driver's LFS Username: 1993weeman
Team's Name: Starlite Racing
S3 licensed
Well i got my exam results back and i have to say i am very delighted with what i got. I got a 2 (Credit pass) in Admin, History, PE, Maths, and Physics. I got a 3 (General Pass) in English and a 4 (General Pass) in French. Then i got a C in HE. These are all of course Standard Grades. So i cant complain about what i got. No fails or any foundations. So am very happy
S3 licensed
BBC all the way, much better than ITV. End of
S3 licensed
Congrats guys
S3 licensed
Well done to the team but mainly to Fabio. Remember him very shortly at ER before the team had to close down. Good driver. Good luck
S3 licensed
Such a shame this news. He was probably the only good person left in football. He was a legend

R.I.P Bobby Robson
S3 licensed
JO53PHS has got my vote
S3 licensed
Click on this link. It has some pictures
S3 licensed
1. Friends/Family
2. House with Food and water
3. Computer
S3 licensed
I should be able to make the races so i will sign up, Sounds fun

Real Name: Keith MacDonald
LFS Username: 1993weeman
Team Name: Starlite Racing
Number: 19
Last edited by 1993weeman, .
S3 licensed
Sounds like it will be an amazing weekend. Hope yous all enjoy it
S3 licensed
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :Black Eyed Peas - I got a feeling

Im really enjoying this song. Makes you feel kinda happy.

Yeah am really liking this song myself. It has a nice feeling with it
S3 licensed

I saw the accident yesterday afternoon and i knew it was bad but didn't realise how bad it was. Such a sad day for Motorsport.

R.I.P Henry Surtees.
Last edited by 1993weeman, .
S3 licensed
Quote from 1993weeman :Right here i go again. Am looking for a team

What kind of team are you looking for : Race
Age: 16
Country: Scotland
Preferred Car/Track: TBO's or GTR's on any Aston track or Fern Bay
Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: Am about 2-3 secs off the world record but i could get it to 1 second after some practice
How Active Are You? Am on must nights but sometimes am away bowling on the weekends.
What Kind of Control do you use? G25
Time Zone: BST (London time)

I also was in Elite Racing and manged the team for a short term. I have had experience in The IMA TBO Challenge and did ok in it. A looking to race in more leagues in the future and improve as a driver. Hoping to improve on my driving a bit more to become a better driver.


Well i might aswell put this back up again, as things didn't work out to plan. So am back up looking for a team
S3 licensed
yeah i guess so. I don't i might go depends on what the bands are. Just hope they are good next year.
S3 licensed
I have always been planning to go, but i might what untill am 18 to go yet, My friends that went to it says it was simply outstanding and i hope it carries on for wee bit longer so i can go to it. But they need to get some better music rather than that idiot Dizzie Rascal.
S3 licensed
I belive this deserves a caption on it, but am crap at them so i thought i would let it go to the LFS community.

oh and these owl pics suck