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S3 licensed
Wow well done Tim, That sounds amazing and i can tell you one thing. I would never be able to do that. After the first 100 miles i would just want to go home
S3 licensed
I have only been in one relationship before now and that was when i was 14 and it really was just a complete pointless relationship. But now am 16 i feel people have matured a bit more now and i feel i have a bit too (even though people would say different). Still things haven't turned out the way I wanted but I guess that's what a relationship is and you just have to work for it if you really want it
S3 licensed
I have been going out with someone not for that long, but its so hard. We can hardly see each other because of where we live. Like the next time i will see her is in November and then i would only see her 2-4 times every month no matter what we try. So where thinking we will stop going out for now and maybe one day it will change.

I just can't wait for next year when i hopefully will be able to drive and change the situation me and her have. Because it ain't one of the stupid relationships you could get at this age. Theirs a lot more feeling behind this one. Just so hard
S3 licensed
Good luck guys. Skins also look quite amazing
S3 licensed
Well done Jeson Button.
S3 licensed
Wow this is some race already, Great moves there by Button. Amazing racing
S3 licensed
Quote :(951): now I regret adding my aunt on ... since I have diaherria.

I laughed at that one and alot of other ones, great website
S3 licensed

Just for the Liverpool Fans
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from 5haz :Manic Street Preachers - Faster

Nice, someone else that listens to great music
S3 licensed
Last edited by 1993weeman, .
S3 licensed
Happy birthday

and i already had a shot at this and it was harder than i first thought. But very fun
S3 licensed
Nice video, and fantastic win. Very impressive
S3 licensed
lol to both the videos.

I have seen that puddle thing happen quite a few times too my mates and luckly not to me.
S3 licensed
Very sad news. 6 years is a very long time and well done going that long.

Sad news though
S3 licensed
Thats just mental, but i would LOVE to do it though
S3 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :No shit.

Hence he said "My lucky escape".

Nice shot

Thank you

I couldn't belive it that i missed him
S3 licensed
My lucky escape on the FM FOX JUNKIES server yesterday
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen : It is not just you, there are quite a few reports about this and it is now listed in the Z18 known issues.

ok thats fine. Thanks for the patch aswell
S3 licensed
When am in Shift + U mode and following a car. The car is very jumpy. Am getting 150 FPS but the car is still just jumpy. Its not from lag. Is it juts me that is having this problem?
S3 licensed
Never liked the band, but that is quite surprising news RIP
S3 licensed
Quote from NitroNitrous :This is real, it happened in Tenerife ... 16/espana/1150485114.html

The police stopped a motorbike because there were 3 passengers, all of them wearing helmet. When they proceeded to the registration, they realised one of them was a goat

haha that would of been great to see there faces when they found out it was a goat