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S3 licensed
If i have the chance i would like to come down to this. All depending if your doing it/date/money and that. Oh and if am allowed
S3 licensed
Quote from frantic88 :EliteAti has joined Lublin Racing Team

Aaah nice, Congrats Anton, good luck in your team and good luck LRT
S3 licensed
Three Days Grace - Animal I Have Become
S3 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :I've changed my mind - Ski-Cross is even better

Ski-Cross was amazing. Never thought you could get much better than snowboard cross but just like normal i was wrong. Ski-Cross is just mental

Oh and Curling is amazing. Its about the only thing us Scots/Brits are good at
S3 licensed
i can't race in this tomorrow. I have prelims which are taking my main attention for now but i should be able to make the next race. Thanks
S3 licensed
That Ski Cross was mental, but so awesome i loved watching that
S3 licensed
So did anybody go to the snowman then. I went with my brothers and i have to say it was just AMAZING. Qutie a few cars crashed, and quite a few fails at the hairpin. I was at Stage 3 which this year was reversed. I will get some photos when i can up on here. Or my brother will. But yeah it was very good
S3 licensed
Quote from bmwe30m3 :That looks like shit..

Whatever it is, doesn't look right one bit. Felt sick after seeing it
S3 licensed
Nice, i always thought this team (alliance) would become a full team someday. Good luck to you Yann
S3 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :Yeah these guys blow, makes me appreciate you, passo, and deko's failures much more.

Go Dave!

i agree.

And just to ruin it for everyone. Well done Dave, Good win
Last edited by 1993weeman, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Wilko868 :LOL! Andy Kirs-hote. My Mam is better at this than them!

This is just horrible. There was just pure silence on the race start! But Dave Williams is racing. Go on, He is 2nd just now

Edit: ok he is first now
Last edited by 1993weeman, .
S3 licensed
Quote from count.bazley :There is a PSRTV hosted event with the Jetta at VIR Full Course tonight - qualifying is at 22:05 GMT and the race at 22:20. It is for a test broadcast which should be on air from 22:00 at We might have a few LFS'ers in so cheer us on.

It is On! enjoy, it will be funny to see what there commentator's are like. As long as there better than Wilko there doing fine
S3 licensed
Quote from Jordan2007 :Your Keith Macdonald :o. I've been against you on the legends like 5 times
Woo, Finally been on with someone from LFS

Yeah i wondered how long it would take you to recognise my name.
S3 licensed
Bob Marley- Three Little Birds
All i need is some weed and i will be properly listening to Bob Marley but i don't take drugs
S3 licensed
It ain't snowing just now, was last night but it is meant to be snowing later on the week and on Saturday as far as i know
S3 licensed
Quote from blakehoo88 :This will all end in tears.

It nearly did last year so i wont be surprised if it does again last year. I nearly got killed by the legendary Jimmy Girvan. Good fun though

Edit: Here is Jimmy girvan losing it

and Jimmy nearly driving into me
Last edited by 1993weeman, .
S3 licensed
I love the late model's. They are amazing....shame i suck at driving them. But oval racing of this game feels so good to me. I am addicted to Oval racing now
S3 licensed
Quote from Mackie The Staggie :Hey, I didn't say I was the one with talent, skill and good looks, mind....some poor team took pity on me also.

Yeah, i have always felt sorry for SRS taking you onboard, They must of been drunk when the made that choice.

Quote from Rikje :Best of luck guys. Keith, go kick some ass

Haha cheers man
S3 licensed
Quote from Mackie The Staggie :Yeah, got to take pity on those who are not blessed with skill, talent and the good looks unlike some others.

Just because your jealous of how amazing i am and how sexy my hair is. And just because you look like earl hickey
S3 licensed
Quote from Bee :As a fellow 'manager' of a new team, I can only wish you the best of luck. Have fun! And well done on signing Keith, he needs a team really.

Cheers mate.