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S3 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :Thats what your basically saying about Hamilton.... "He deserves it"

I admit Hamilton is a good driver and has done well to get where he is now. But he is the most annoying driver there, and i cant belive he ired to get away with that, i cant believe that its shocking. No driver should ever do that and if another driver did that then i would be going mental at them even if he was my fav driver
S3 licensed
Ok here is mine

S3 licensed
WAAAAAAAAAY hahahahahahahaha Hamilton

I knew there was a reason why i hated him, i really don't like him

And for the people that say "the stewards are racist" "the stewards have it in for Hamilton" and "the Stewards should make there minds up and stick with it" (This has been said in the phone ins or text in the news channels or radio). Are stupid and should shut the f**k up. I mean can you get more stupid but i bet you if it was Massa or any other driver they would be saying he deserves it.
S3 licensed
Ok call me weird but for some reason i had to go around this layout in every car in LFS and see what time i can get.

BF1 = 0.43.14
FOX = 0.46.64
FO8 = 0.46.67
FZR = 0.46.79
FXR = 0.47.09
XRR = 0.47.75
FBM = 0.49.14
XFR = 0.50.75
UFR = 0.51.44
MRT = 0.51.81
RAC = 0.55.70
LX4 = 0.55.87
FZ5 = 0.56.26
LX6 = 0.56.83
FXO = 0.57.42
XRT = 0.57.50
RB4 = 0.57.83
XRG = 1.02.66
XFG = 1.02.66
UF1 = 1.05.40

ok the laps will be not true because of my bad driving, but oh while, all the laps were done in default setup
S3 licensed
oooh you nearly got me there Amp,

nah you didn't good effort though
S3 licensed
This is the last thing i have purchased ... mages/IMG_0022-744973.JPG

S3 licensed
Quote from EliteAti :FXO is too easy, 1st lap and got 2.01.140... :S

You took FXO, Alfons took XRT, only car i can drive then is RB4, so RB4 will be it

FXO racers will love this track, on RB4 its very hard to get even 2.01 times.
Though next tracks like South City will be alot better for 4WD

FXO may be fast around the track, but those tires GET WRECKED, quickly
S3 licensed
Quote from de Souza :Now that got me a bit worried. Tyre temperatures wise, how's it looking for the FXOs?

KY2 seems to be a lot more demanding than AS3 regarding that, think we'll have some rubber barbecue on this round.

Am struggling to keep a fast pace and keep the tires nice, i got 2.01 laps which made my tires last for 3-4 laps , on my race setup. Tires are going to be a major problem for me
S3 licensed
I don't like tags, they are lame. but other ones like has been shown in the first post are simply amazing, the people have pure talent
S3 licensed
Quote from Mackie The Staggie :Questions of many I have

1) WTF were you doing in the bush
2) Did you do the honorable thing and hand it in?
3) Did you run out of golf balls again booster?


4) WTF were you doing in the bush ?

1) i saw something in it so i went to look, hoping to find it was golf balls
2) i forgot i had the money
3) And nah i didn't this time, i got a Birdie for once
4) just go and look at 1 again
S3 licensed

Golf, full 18 holes now
My under 17s football team am in, first game is soon in the cup
Found £20 in a bush on the Golf Course


knowing i have my Exams soon
Some people who are complete D***s
S3 licensed
Quote from scotty2888 :just been on the server and had an epic timing battle with a couple guys from ER. We traded fastest lap times lap after lap, then Rolly went and trumped the lot of us.

My pb is 2.01.47 in an FXO.

Thats was good fun, my PB just now is : 2:01.39. in a FXO
S3 licensed
lol thats brilliant
S3 licensed
you didn't even put my name down as no points oh well no one needs to see it any way

cheers Wilko
S3 licensed
Quote from de Souza :That's cool, just a bit weird to be kicked from inactivity while driving, miss 6 minutes of the qualify AND be told to shut up after that.

Seriously now, it's really better to leave any insim stuff off or at least leave only the very necessary features on. And concerning the chatting, maybe a "chat = instant penalty" rule?

that would get people to shut up, i think
S3 licensed
i will be looking forward to this race. I should be able to make it no problem I will see what times i am doing later on in the week
S3 licensed
that was good fun

Race 1 - my mind was not in it because of something that happened.

Race 2 - I enjoyed it alot, some goo racing and some good passes made. i was just picking of positions.

Hope to see ya's in the next round hopefully
S3 licensed
WOW that is crazy, that guy is a legend and is very clever,

Must love that car
S3 licensed
Nice video, and good commentary.
S3 licensed
Good luck guys
S3 licensed
Am going to say Button. Don't think he will win it but i would like him to get close to it at least
S3 licensed
Soo i got up early in the morning to watch the Race. Forgetting that the clocks had gone forward i had missed the start. Gutted about that as it seemed there was some action. Button looked solid through out that race (never thought i would say that) with the incident at the start Rubens did very well to keep up the pace. Then not much happened until the end with the fight for 2nd and 3rd, Vettel and Kubica. The crash they had were both there faults. 50/50 as Brundle said, but Rubens must of been so happy when he passed them. When i heard that Hamilton was going to finish 3rd i was raging but how did Trulli get past him? I don't know what happened. Did Hamilton pass Trulli under yellow flag then had to give the spot back?

Anyway am happy for Button, he deserves a break and has been very loyal to the team. Well done Ross Brawn as well
S3 licensed
haha Hamilton sorry i don't like him

well done Button and Brawn GP though, But i hope Vettel will win it. I like him
S3 licensed
i guess i should watch this