Thats one thing I don't get about self checkouts, they're supposed to be automated, but half the time you end up needing assistance from staff anyway, so much for 'self checkout'.
Most people weren't stupid enough to put exactly where they live however, those who did, more fool them. That doesn't mean you can ruin the entire map. I for example don't live on a roundabout, obviously, and I'm not living anywhere near the uni I go to.
Nice attempt at trying to justify being a dickhead though, how very noble of you to try and police the interwebs for us all. But I remember you adding your place on there which makes you a liar. We all know that you really did it for a laugh.
What the hell is it with Lithuanians on this forum, are you all like that?
Haha, you cry like a girl at the end of every season, you did it last year and the year before. Grow up, this isn't school sports day where everyone gets a prize.
Its not that we feel as if we need to be lead by these people, quite the opposite, just that its pretty clear we can vote or protest or decide all we like and it'll make no difference. Why don't you suggest what we do? Your idea of rebellion seems to consist of being patronising on an internet forum, which I'm afraid dosen't quite cut it either. Your convinced that the system you live under is somehow different, how much power do you really have over what legislation is passed? Sure you might be able to lobby some MPs, but will they listen? Spewing out over worn cliches does not make you a great independant thinker.
The sad truth is that humans are herd animals and like other herd animals there will always be some kind of pecking order.