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S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Wow, that must mean you're so caring about others. I want to sleep with you now.

Slags aren't my type I'm afraid. Yes, it sounds like a small amount but if everyone who has a PS3 chipped in they raise alot of cash. Ofcourse I'm not showing off, as your childish mind has perceived. Just trying to bring this feature/service to light.
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Also your posts in threads you don't like. Instead of not posting you go into a thread you know you won't like to complain. So in effect you're complaining because you like everyone knowing how much you disaprove. Are you one of those people who, on Youtube, will go into a Lady gaga song to write "I HATE LADY GAGA!!!" ??

Replace Lady Gaga with your Facebook and yes.
S2 licensed
Quote from skywatcher122 :post count ching-chink (lol?)

Here is my rant: Whats the point?

I can't count unfortunately. What's the point in that? I get my phone to do it for me everytime i phone Sky broadband (un)help(ful)line.
S2 licensed
Quote from CoolColJ :^ Nice avatar

Nice bump.

We should set up a LFS GT5 league for the sake of killing time untill Japan and PD get themselves sorted out. I also helped by donating £10 to that Japanese appeal thingy in the PS store.
S2 licensed
لحظة تأهب نفسي يفرضه الشعار مقدمة اشواط تصوير ورى الطاره الأصوات والتعزيز وطريقة تناسقها أبدعععـت ثم أبدععت دخوووول عنييف للأشواط ولنبدأ بلحظاتها الممتعه 4:20  زاوية الهووزه مع حركة الكميرا :| 5:46 5:55 تعفييط 6:10 الهووزه الهووزه 6:55 لايوجد كومنت حالياً 8:38 واااااااو وبس يالصفاوه 9:10 بداية الجو الجديد الداخلي بعدده ياهوووووووووووووو ابدعوو الطارات وابدععت يابوسلطان الاخراج وبالديزاينات وبالتصوير لاتحرمونا من الابداع يابطال الى الامام الى الامام نطله نطله
S2 licensed
Quote from Mackie The Staggie :It's always a concern when after completing a rebuild of a have a spare piece left over.

I was thinking something along the lines of this before you posted but didn't bother. Guess I should of.

Just in case you're wondering.

"The moment in which you realise you forgot to put the washers on."
S2 licensed
I'd certainly have fun destroying tbh. His car, he does what he wants with it.
S2 licensed
"Rossis pre-race ritual of watching porn, said to be relaxing."
S2 licensed
Atleast you guys won. We, Hibs, are picking ourselves up by winning 2 out of the last 3 games and drawing the last one. Should of been a win. With our keeper ****ed and a manager who can't manage his own life nevermind a team, i don't think we will break out of 8th.
Mob paid to smash a Lambo.
S2 licensed
Interesting story I found on GTPlanet. A man paid a mob to smash up his expensive Lambo.

"The millionaire entrepreneur was protesting at his local dealer after the £465,000 Gallardo's engine packed up within a month. The garage failed to fix the fault and damaged the bumper and chassis in the process. After arguing with bosses, the owner paid the men to wreck the car to draw attention to his grievances in Qingdao, China."

Pictures and videos!

One way to protest i suppose.
S2 licensed
"The reason why new formula 1 cars should have car alarms..."
S2 licensed
Valentino Rossi regrets putting his bike in for a hot wash.
S2 licensed
"Watch this!"
S2 licensed
Quote from Bmxtwins :I wasn't "ape shit" I just think some people need to watch what they say. I am not "mad", just didn't need to hear anymore of it.

I offered you a room in my server after Mason inquired to you about having one, and I get flamed for it. Sorry for being nice.

edit: why don't you show the conversation before I reconnected?

You were saying some shit that your team was one of the best in LFS. I put you to shame then you rage quit. Also i don't have a replay etc because i lagged out before you connected.
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :No he doesn't, because he's never won an argument on the internet. Having never been there or done that (or read that, or been taught that), he is the one always getting 'owned'.

Don't forget that he also has no friends to run off to.
S2 licensed
Quote from PoVo :Tomba, what wheels are being used in those screenshots?

Is it me or I can't find it in Wheel Changer?

The red car is me

And Bmxtwins! Grow up.
S2 licensed
Quote from Mackie The Staggie :Clarkson takes extra caution when driving up to Scotland after his latest rant at the Scots *Mackie The Staggie cocks his sniper riffle and acquires his target in his sights....*

S2 licensed
Quote from Gills4life :"I wish my Mercedes was this fast "

Making this one short.

Gills is the winner, made me chuckle
S2 licensed
Oh wow.

Best i could come up with.
S2 licensed
Open LFS > on menu screen open tweak > select XFG > go to track > open tweak > on the left side of it press "refresh" > play with settings then hit apply > shift + p then enter track > Enjoy!
S2 licensed
Quote from Bmxtwins :The fact that it is private doesn't allow for those people who don't use lfsforum to join.

It isn't private..
Anyone can join. Get your facts straight sir.
S2 licensed
"Two teammates, one mouth"
S2 licensed
Level 35Apec and 39Bspec. Almost there. Been buying pretty much every car that shows up in the UCD.
S2 licensed
"Chin hair? What chin hair?"