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S2 licensed
Quote from 13ob :k.hunt

S2 licensed
Quote from Rynno666 :Are you Idiot or just joking ? You understand what is my numberplate.The emoticotions is not a part of Numberplate !!!

Think you need to lay off the steroids mate.
S2 licensed
Is it a fashion statement around these forums to own a Miata? Most commonly in red.
S2 licensed
Quote from rockclan :stop arguing for **** sake!!!

Stop ruining the ruined thread!!!

Go to off topic if you feel you need to piss and moan!!

Thank you, you've won, a free cookie.

S2 licensed
FLASH!......... Ahhhhhh.
S2 licensed
Quote from SJM1337 :I think you've misread the problem I'm having.

Most likely what Dadge posted. A long long time ago I owned a brand new Logitech DFP. For the first month I had the same problem as you. Couldn't use the wheels full rotation. Then I found out that there was a specific button combination that I had to press to enable 900degree mode.

Try find out, if it has a combination, what buttons you may need to hit.
S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :It's ok, I have pictures of a Sierra that isn't mine, do you want to see them?

That joke died a long time ago. Please come up with something new or don't bother at all.
S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :Somebody else made them, and they are funny. Point muted.

But your quote was in reply the pictures Nightfly posted and I have high doubts he made them himself. It also put a little smile to my face. So who are you to judge what's funny and what isn't for others?
S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :OMG ****ING HILARIOUS HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH I laughed so hard because it was funny about the mentos sweets and the diet coke.

Na seriously, some people should spend their time learning some humour rather than writing text on a .jpg in the hope it gets widespread over the interwebz.

S2 licensed
Well It's registered here on forums so it must exist.
S2 licensed
Quote from 5haz :Bad music is nothing new

She dosen't look like a slut, but then I'm from Essex so my idea of a slut is probrably a bit off.

That's not bad. If you see the funny side to it you'll begin to like it.
S2 licensed
Big women.
S2 licensed
My closest server with the disgrace of an ISP "Sky" is absolutely miles away. Milton Keynes to be exact. No wonder I get such a shite connection and the customer service really does make you want to headbut the ****ing router just so you don't have to live through the torture of a shite internet.
S2 licensed
Quote from mekhon :Lov 'em

Bit out dated since the XR interiors were updated.
S2 licensed
Quote from raging-bull :My first try at making a suit, I know it looks messy and not 100% accurate but I did my best

Pretty cool.
S2 licensed
You ain't no robot.
S2 licensed
Can you make me a sandwhich for the FXO please?
S2 licensed
My HDD is still dead. Soon as i have it fixed I will come along.
S2 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :Or worse, tire blowout - spin into grass - dead tire digs into grass sending blades of grass careening into the car and poking an eye out....

Which could also tickle your nose hairs causing you to sneeze which means you smack your head off the wheel.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Plenty servers, try leagues. Oh wait you don't have S2.
S2 licensed
Quote from Fuse5 :reelax rich,

atomant is actually to be taken more seriously than that S14 Drift fellow anyway.
AtomAnt's post actually have some substance to them.

Couldn't be more true.
S2 licensed
Quote from speed1230 :So you're going to bump song related threads?

So you're going to mock new(ish) forum users?
S2 licensed
Quote from hazaky :jamdead, u srs?

Did u really have to blow dust off a 3 year old thread?

Did you really have to post this reply in a 3 year old thread?
S2 licensed
Quote from wody21 :We, we ... Sick :sick: illepall

Better lay off the booze there mate.