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S2 licensed
I had a computer for 3 years straight without having any sort of anti virus or spyware programmes and never once got a virus/malware/spybots. You sir, fail
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :No, not yet, did the first one, the german car one, going to do the Nascar ones next, but I was unsure if you got gifted a Nascar for golding the Nascar special save me from buying one..........

Im not sure as im planning doing those today but i just forked out 500k for a NASCAR so if you do win one im gonna headbut something.
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :Just went through and re-tried them, "golded" them all easily, infact the final one at Chamonix, I had 16secs to spare!!!!.

The ghost is far, far quicker than gold time, so don't worry if you are a way off the ghost.

The biggest way to make it easier for me was bumper cam, pee'd it using that.

Now halfway through Lvl21, just unlocked the Nascar series, so that will be fun, also did the "wet ring" challenges, which are actually really easy.

Also, now I am over Lvl20, I don't really see much of an improvement in the damage system, has it ACTUALLY been confirmed that Lvl20 "unlocks" damage?, surely this would be something the game would tell you?, (which it makes no mention of)

Have you done "Like The Wind" Yet? Golded the first with my GTR but get raped on the speedway.
I guess i'll have another go at the loeb challenges although they are hard for me. On the expert rally challenge in the snow i finished each stage 30 secs or more ahead.
S2 licensed
Quote from JJ72 :leob's challenge is awesome fun, not much of a challenge though? have 3 or so seconds to spare on each one.

Please share your secret.
@Gills, these any better?
Finally messed around with some settings.

Edit* These pics are huge so you've been warned.
S2 licensed
Rank 21 races - fcking solid
S2 licensed
Quote from skywatcher122 :love ur package

S2 licensed
I was the only one to vote for FivEd.
S2 licensed
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :Bugger, had another 2 inches fall. All of this snow is becoming a massive pain in the arse.

Just had to shovel snow from mine and my neighbours garden.
S2 licensed
Quote from JJ72 :really? A friggin' SUV?

458Hp and really usefull for the rally special events. (except the last expert one, that requires a rally car which you win by doing it on intermediate)
S2 licensed
Quote from JJ72 :Just saw a Audi Pikes Peak Quattro '03 in used car section asking for over a million, lol. It's just a concept Q8.

You win it by doing the German car race on Extreme mode.
S2 licensed
lololololo yes it is. My Evo on Cape Ring. Since i use my PS3 as an internet browser, when i take a photo, i save/extract it to my XMB then come here, upload attachment and that's it. Alot of quality probably has been lost and since im no camera expert i usually dont mess with the settings. So there. A guide to taking bad pics. Also some quality has been lost in the Scooby and Ferrari shots.
S2 licensed
Two of my 700HP 458 Italia, one of my WIP scooby and one of me drifting in my Evo 3.
S2 licensed
Quote from FPVaaron :M5 or M3, I can't decide

M3, Much smarter.
S2 licensed
Quote from Chrisuu01 :My psn is Chrisuu if anyone is up for some racing or gifting how do you guys get so much money.

Because im at Lvl 20 which enables you to race the expert rally challenge. A win gets you way over 100k and theres 3 of then.

Tip: When you need Aspec points quickly just do lots of the special events, plus you get alot of cash.
S2 licensed
Quote from Hotdogxx60 :In the old GT series could you do a brake upgrade in the tuning shop, I can't remember as it looks like the brakes are either very good to start with or they progressively get better as you upgrade.

No there is no option to upgrade brakes unfortunately.
S2 licensed
Snooooooooooooooooooow. Eventually.
Never snows properly round these parts. It usually falls lightly and any hint of a fart and its gone again. Bloody cold cigarette breaks though.
S2 licensed
My latest work of art and my 50th car.
Nissan GTR Spec V
801BHP/Top speed - 210+
And it beats a 787B round Trial Mountain
S2 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :Many people think Jeremy Beadle has a very small penis. But on the other hand, it's quite large.

I see what you did there.
S2 licensed
Got a new job in a bowling alley! It's not very good though as im only tenpin..
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :mason, add me: dawesdust_12.

S2 licensed
Just reached Aspec Lvl 20. The extreme races are solid since they have race cars and i cant produce 10mil to buy an equivalent one. I got 49 cars consisting of a 670HP 458 Italia, a prize Veyron, Skyline R34 R Tune, Lambo Gallardo which had 670HP aswell although i gifted that to a GFresh1982 and many more.

If anywants some tuned/high performance car just add me - maSonn09, and i'll see if i can help you out.
S2 licensed
Does this mean im famous now?
S2 licensed
Quote from hyntty :No. I just see the Scottish as different.

awww thanks, makes me feel special.
S2 licensed
Quote from hyntty :I'm sorry, isn't that a bit racist towards the Scottish?

So you see Scottish people as a different race? Racist.
S2 licensed
Quote from Velocity. :And i will sh1t meself,become the pope,take control of the conservative party and win the lottery

Call me pope sh1tty pants millionaire Cameron the 2nd

Now that's an incentive.