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S2 licensed
Got her painted earlier on. Nice shiny black and also got half the interior in. Will continue tomorrow.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Why? Because I don't agree with you?

What's your problem? You always try to annoy me, and never alone, you little rat.

Now let's get on topic again and post some renders

I was actually agreeing with you asshat. But nvm.
S2 licensed
Quote from rockclan :I wouldn't even want a ahole like you to care about me.

But just so you know that I'm not retarded.

Well stop with the drama shows then.
S2 licensed
Quote from e2mustang :no frikkin way AL posted a pic !!!! now i just have to..

Nice T-shirt.
S2 licensed
Quote from leonardo555 :I won't waste time with you.

Each to their own. Leave him be.
S2 licensed
My Ps3 just had a monumental meltdown loading those images and i would struggle to see them looking out the wrong end of a pair of binoculars!
S2 licensed
Quote from logitekg25 :its SO much easier getting it through a quick download, and utorrent process

Would you change your ****ing sig, people like you that don't deserve it.
S2 licensed
Nice drifting but cheeesy song.
S2 licensed
Quote from TehPaws3D :....... :doh: Really..? You guys have names for everything..

This is why my boyfriend is kept on a leash...

Yea let me live my life. :rolleyes:
S2 licensed
Lancer Evo Accent13klinsi2171Fri Sep 03, 2010 4:29 amelise111s
S2 licensed
Pre ordering some time in October, Untill then gonna stick with my bruuuute GT5P
S2 licensed
Quote from TehPaws3D :
Allow me to use big colourful text. OH HELL NO

Well that wasn't very colourful now was it?
I was hoping more for THIS
S2 licensed
Quote from olieg38 :Sorry

Cruise server....

No no nonnononononono more cruise servers.:doh:
S2 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :You chase view people just like to look at that beautiful beast of a car from behind.

Get inside of her, like a man.

I like the rear view, what does that suggest?
S2 licensed
Quote from Gener_AL (UK) :If you look really close you will notice the smirk, anyways the Internet is serious business, or so "they" say.

Apperntly so. Soon as you're happy people jump in and are usually determined to make you unhappy.
S2 licensed
Quote from 91mason91 :really nice layouts

Keep up the good work

Same as what i said 2 years ago.
S2 licensed
Quote from Gener_AL (UK) :

Ugh here we go, Old pic, Old man

Why so serious?

Quote from TehPaws3D :Paws is not a cuss word, Please don't include even 1/2/3/4 of my name in any bashing statement, Thanks, But I did nothing. :hide:

Yes ma'am.

Quote from el pibe :well.... this is me in my mess of a '' room '' ( see the lack of wall behind me, yes. i sleep in the living room.... f*ck yes! ) ..... bleh

Everytime i see your name it pops into my head as el_pibe but comes out as el_pleb.
S2 licensed
He's a bruuuuuute.
S2 licensed
Quote from TehPaws3D :I really wish they would recode the physics in my shoes, So painful! I mean rubber is rubber right? Devs? Help...

You always seem to like having a go at somebody no matter where you go mmk?
S2 licensed
Quote from Klutch :why would you quote the pics again?

Teh **** is that???????????
Last edited by 91mason91, . Reason : temptation took over
S2 licensed
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :Because you still find this funny? It's been the same kind of business for 16 months

To do list for all LLM members if they want to get a clean and nice thread:

1) Don't use this thread for personnal and private communication
2) Don't spam the thread any time you have a new member or something, only make a post every fortnight or so
3) Ignore trolls, do not lower yourselves to their level
4) Ignore any kind of provocation
5) Stop complaining if people aren't nice with you, deal of that in private, seriously.

If you respect those simple rules, that thingy will stop looking like a dump. No matter how much you are hated by some. Ignore them and they'll stop coming there. It's not that hard, seriously.

S2 licensed
Quote from Backtrack3d :I guess your the police? Oh well.. And thanks 91mason91

Woop woop, sound of da police..
S2 licensed
Quote from BrandonR :I dont understand.......... What exactly is EVERYONEs problem with LLM? Its simple. If you dont like the team then dont click on "Last Lap Motorsports Signings and News" thread........... Are you idiots too stupid to do that? Probably so. Its a game and you bellsouth badass's want to try and ruin it, Id put money on it if you guys were face to face without that computer screen giving you all the confidence one can handle you wouldnt act like you do. Just my opinion.

Oh yea, I dont really care what anyone says about LLM. There are some great guys on the team and YOU idiots are the ones giving them the bad name. Just shut up, drop whatever has happened in the past and race.

But i need my daily dosage of hilarity.
S2 licensed
Quote from Zevaw :i think its a good idea, because sometimes i have track layouts and the AI just rams everything in front of it. it becomes annoying after a while.

And how did you obtain these "track layouts".
S2 licensed
Quote from DieKolkrabe :But Logi doesn't make drunk threads

Wait what? He wasn't drunk when he made this?? Wtf crazy mofo.