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S3 licensed
Quote from pasibrzuch :Yes mate, you waste your time. You didn't put any arguments on table...nor counterarguments, instead you switch rails of topic (this patch or that patch, multicore or two, it was here or there etc.)

He put topics on table(people are tired to repeat 100x the same thing), you just dont read know how much improvemts we had on 0.6J? i dont think so.
before i have a bad system with weird FPS problem in some points on NEW WESTHILL ,but other drivers having the same issue with better system than my, so we start long conversation about that, because i can show my point without know so much about computers. here is a Xenix74 results because im not so lazy lol

Quote from Xenix74 :South City Chikane (alone)

Before update 290 Frames, after update 500 Frames!

This is fu.... UNBELIEVABLE! I am searching for words Schwitz

You are a GENIUS.....

S3 licensed

LFS version Smile
S3 licensed
Quote from TechEdison :

Good physics, low spec requirements, best wheel&FF support (so I've been told), and many different display options..


LFS doesn't use FFB effects to simulate what happened with car. steering wheel get direct information from car when you drive if im not have a variable feeling by track elevation/ Tyre temperatures, etc...more precise than other "new sims",LFS have some unreal things but i can live with it.every sim have good and bad thing Tongue
S3 licensed
Shirtkicker are right he he he i feel it. ins´t only on menu,with shift+u and in garage Force Feedback on the wheel disappears. is a good feature for to many reasons , in overall is better for steering wheel life example - After plug my steering wheel ffb working all time for center( if i try move wheel ffb is really strong),he just turn off when i open LFS. so i have to unplug my wheel if not wanting using about 1h, dont have sense have motors working without use in my opinion. i use logitech g920 i dont know how is in others except logitech ,but i think this feature nice for to integrate in logitech software and not having to get up from the chair. Big grin
S3 licensed
I don't like the video , i like video objective...
No tracks, no life Tongue
Nice see you again on LFS and doing something for it, keep up Wink
S3 licensed
I have some reasons to play LFS like you guys,just adding little more Smile
LFS to me is a "realtime sim" you can do many things when you play,LFS options,via chat (lfsworld information,etc..etc..),engine sound(working in real time) can sounds really nice if you edit ,everything .Is a solid game and feels more like a real car with all unreal things he have,than other sims to me.
Thats why i still play Live For Speed. Big grin
S3 licensed
Yes, maybe i misunderstanding the English,but still possible both ways and i dont feels like he have it.i dont really care to be honest, Just talking to about waste of time... Thanks for the tip.
S3 licensed
Quote from :It has nothing to do with anything of that.

But does any of his fans here know how to direct message this guy? Then I can ask if he did this on purpose or not. I don't like the comment system of Youtube that much.

He trying make LFS more "impressive" than he really is, with some jokes btw using a crack version for sure...he are free to doing what he wanting,we cant stop it.i agree with you, but i dont like, i dont watching,is really simple.we just wasting time with this style of conversation, we cant change world dude...
Last edited by Abone, .
S3 licensed
Quote from :

Looks like you are the only smart guy in world, You find defects in any place, peace out bro
S3 licensed
To be honest TV Commercials and Website Ads is bad idea for LFS and is to late...

Quote from Racon :

Rather than adverts, I think if we could get someone who is famous enough and known for driving to say "LFS feels more like the real thing than all the others", we'd get floods of new players. (Bottas would be the obvious choice with his time here).

We already have it,but not so famous like Pawel Trela and nothing changed...

Quote from Ibtasim6781 :

LFS first needs the new tyre physics, the VWS released and more content added, and then from there either add content via devs and/or Mod Support implementation.

This is the point i agree/disagree.we need all things you talking about,
but how is at the end?people are more focus in having easy layouts( i watching people using the same ones on AU1 around years lolol),
looking good cars, easy to driving with unreal setups than learn it searching for what is LSD and others components about car to make setup realistic. Mod support implementation + some road shaders and others is the only way to "save" LFS with driving realism lost in time by users hands...

Im sad with this situation because is the only simracing i love play and i have more fun offline than online at moment Frown
S3 licensed
This is like listen music these days. people just listen one music, never full album... But we are here to make it more interesting for new players Smile
S3 licensed
Nice you like it.keep going with nice thread Wink
S3 licensed are like me,diggin on forum. Smile
im thinking share my textures so i ask a friend for make a video about "my textures" because i'm busy,just no time...he make video but unfortunately after show some textures he show a mod so i cant post here.i have a link for you download, this is some textures i collected after buy for the first time S2 license, i think can be interesting for you. allready you have a document with proper credits for every texture,you can find "easy" on forum.


Last edited by Abone, .
S3 licensed
Quote from taipalsaari :I reinstalled last night and copied all my mods (10gb dds files) and with CSR revbouncer and lfslazy and it all works without CPW so Idk what was causing it.Just waiting on all my bans now to expire..

2 or 1 day ago i see few ppl got cpw ban, i see you banned also.try use original Vob.maybe your mod dont work online anymore.

S3 licensed
N7DMG no worries, happen sometimes. i always help everyone, send sets (for drift),etc.. some time a go i join in SO long rev, i just saying "hi" 2 votes and i get banned from 2 kids i never see in my life.
server is from my friend, so he unban-me, and he ban this 2 kids because i send a names for him.
admin server, is the best way for you looking for a answer
S3 licensed
I never noticed this FPS gauge .i feels so stupid when i down FPS limiter and "temperature gauge" down at same time, before i do that very times for FPS run more stable, do not listen desktop/laptop screaming,etc...always i learn something new on this simracing. Smile
S3 licensed
Quote from Skinzinho :

I didn't create BRLok to be admins friend. I don't consider myself a friend of admins until they invite me to a barbecue on a sunny sunday. I had my own reasons, and probably Alexander too, to create a cracked community, and the point wasn't become a reseller.

Your and Alexander reasons....guys like you prefer original servers empty and "crack" servers full, because is to easy geting more people, is "free". lol
The only good thing on this thread is helping Brazilian guys, except that you want something i dont know and i have sure is not help brazilians , future talk by him self.

"future sounds the same to me...."
S3 licensed
Ped7g i understand your irony now, in some thing he are right "my english is no good at all" .
im not bothered by it, i just have a lot patience with him waiting some sense for help him.
Last edited by Abone, .
S3 licensed
Scawen thats is really nice, but future sounds the same to me....
i feels like in few month we have another "BRlok" to use without buy LFS(like happen ever).
he already can buy a voucher for someone before you got this idea, if he really want help brazilian guys, why he making BRlok before help people buy LFS after down price?LFS is to cheap and he won money with LFS non-oficial btw (is ilegal).
I really apreciate your attitude and patience you have with all situation of Live for speed,This is not easy to handle.
S3 licensed
Gutholz, nice one.
omg,is crazy how camber changed in FZ5, i never noticed before.

S3 licensed
Quote from Jedruss :so is it just a thing in pits and once we are spawned on track it is all as it was set in setup?


That happen because car moving when you changed setup,etc...
but happen the same in tracks, if you press shift + L when you running ,you can watching your suspension working. Smile
S3 licensed
After some test I know how it happens. When you changed setup, click drop ,etc..... negative camber is not the same in garage, maybe a bug? i dont know to be honest.
you no need different version to do that, step 1 - go game select hardtrack setup, left garagem and close game. step 2 - open same game, join in garage(car and setup is automaticly selected by LFS) and just click in "ON" for show suspension and watching camber. after that do not left garage ,changed setup and select hardtrack setup again, camber is not the same can click drop 10000000times ,camber never goes for real camber, i mean -1.17

i use LFS0.6R

Last edited by Abone, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Ped7g :I don't see any reason why to be so harsh on him, or request ban, or closing the topic, etc... whatever, he can believe anything he can.

Actually he may even experience something "different" by feel, I can for example imagine he did tune the sounds in older version a bit, and maybe he's driving so much "by sound", that he does push over with default R sound, etc... In a world of software there are many weird things happening from time to time.

But what should be easy to verify is, that the same input leads to the same output. Looks like he doesn't want to accept even that, not sure why he doesn't try with replays. Maybe watching replay in R would even give him clue, what feels different.

Should I be bothered, angry or call for a ban? For this? It's funny. Let him be, he's amusing, and doesn't deserve this hostile tone.

And there may be some subtle real reason why he's giving R different inputs. Although it may easily be also just placebo, it's powerful thing, if you believe into something.

really? He put words in people's mouths and called us ignorante...I ask for Scawen just close Thread,because the only way here is talking the same thing again, again and again...

And he saying that:

Quote from taipalsaari :lmao @abone trying so hard to get me banned cus he cant come up with a proper argument

i already gave u proof and all my request was to get this fixed cus its annoying for mouse users.
whatever, I got my answer now.You guys are clearly all just ignorant.

pls close


is normal read this comment after so many answers?

come on, man,he got time enough for understand.
S3 licensed
Quote from BeNoM :Well that was completely random...

1. In his video he was using stock LX with Nardi steering wheel lol

2. i don't saying VOB mods change physics, but ok...