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S2 licensed
I voted Berghem because the layout possibilities seem a lot nicer. Have only ever driven outside once in Eindhoven which was fun though.

I do not really care however where it is. It's all about the fun and not about who wins for me (a surprisingly similar attitude as I have in LFS ) And I'll drive wherever the meet is. There are always people coming from alot farther away than I am

I did however participate in an indoor karting meet in Huizen organized by a company I worked for and the differences in karts was realy a problem there.
I did OK on a small circuit and was in the semifinal on the large circuit. This large circuit has an overpass and the power difference in karts really played a big role there getting up the climb. I had a REALLY bad one in the semifinal (and surprising myself I made it to the final last place) and a REALLY great one in the final where people seemed to be standing still getting up.
For indoor karting I'm cured of driving at circuits that have overpasses (for the average 1 time per 2 years I sit in a kart ) and luckily outdoor circuits are not really using them so I'm ok with that.

It would be nice to be able to sit in similarly powered karts and it might be wiser to have someone actually having experienced karts at a certain track to comment and go somewhere based on that.
S2 licensed
I do not yet have the G25, but an old Formula force pro and I have similar problems there once in a while.

I just open up the pedal set en clean it from the dust that collects in there. Afterwards everything is good.
S2 licensed
If possible I'll really try to be there. June is usually my holiday month, so that could be a bit difficult.
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :I'm the opposite. I find it really hard to left-foot brake in LFS because I have such generously-proportioned genitalia. It's not comfortable to have my legs that close together all the time.

Same reason I had to turn down the second McLaren seat.

We all feel very sorry for you Kev
S2 licensed
happy birthday!
S2 licensed
Quote from BWX232 :Which list? The people who do NOT want real cars and tracks? if so I suppose the LFS fan base is so backward there is no hope for real content. Oh well.

It's not that people do not WANT real tracks, but a good virtual track is a lot nicer to drive than most of the existing real tracks.

I've often heard complaining that the starting position and pitstops actually decide the race nowadays. In F1 you hear that a lot, because a lot of the tracks are not really suitable anymore to overtake (especially in these high downforce cars).

I do not NEED a real race track to have fun. Any layout will do fine if it provides me an opportunity to race side by side next to an opponent. Thàt exact moment defines racing fun for me and not what track/car I'm driving.
S2 licensed
Voted NO.

I really like the fantasy tracks we already have and as far as I can see there is just no real use for creating RL tracks
Racing is racing and a good virtual track is probably more fun than a bad RL track. Being side by side with any other car is the thrill for me and if it's a real track does not change that feeling. If the track is real is actually the last on my mind at that precise moment

In my opinion RL tracks are more for hotlapping and comparing times with real cars then anything else.

Actual racing and the thrill of racing can be had on any track, as long as it is good (and of course real tracks can be suitable).
I just do not see the need for them in LFS and would not pay extra for them.
S2 licensed
Subscription based would turn me away from LFS. I may have a month where I'm able to play a lot or a month where I hardly touch my PC.

The latter happens quite a lot and as such not a single subscription game has been in my gamelist ever (except in beta testing). The time vs cost is usually a very bad investment for me.

So I'm happy with the way it is now and as mentioned before, you can better donate by buying vouchers then anything else. More players will come in the game, which means more fun and maybe they'll return the favor by either advertising this amazing game/community and/or buying someone else a voucher instead.
S2 licensed
Total race time is a good idea, but it's sometimes made almost impossible because you are being torpedoed off track.
I can see the rage against wreckers reaching an all time high :headbang:

On the other hand I don't need other people to get me off the track, I'm quite capable of doing that myself
S2 licensed
I'm all for having a serverside option to force a cockpit view.

If the damage model changes more it could become a deciding factor (as it sometimes already is if you roll over and your view is blocked by the roof between your eyes

This would increase fairness in a competition. I doubt it will have any/much use on a public server really unless the server host prefers it him/herself.

The serverhost should be able to configure his server in a way he prefers people to drive. Serverhosts with outlandish preferences will look at an empty server, but always have the option to make sure there is one server configured how they like to play or think LFS is most fun.
Last edited by AeoIus, .
S2 licensed
I'm kinda tired of being called elitist in this thread I'm using cockpit view in LFS, but do in no way feel elitist or want to force people to use it. I do think it is the most realistic view to use and for me it gives the best feedback on my driving. In e.g. ColinMcRae and Toca I always used bonnet view and I was very surprised when I first played LFS it was not there.

With a RWD car in S1 I was able to better control the car when driving chase view at first. I could see better when the rear was actually breaking away from me. After a little while I was able to interpret it similarly in cockpit view, but then again I still suck at RWD and hardly ever drive one of them

I honestly think every view can be gotten used to if given a little time

Do I think someone hosting a server should have a lot of options available to host a server in a way he feels that the game should be played. Hell yes. I've hosted a gameserver myself (not LFS) and nobody was going to tell me how I could host my server. I wanted to have a place where I could play the game like I wanted and looking from visitors quite a few people agreed with my view.

It's similar for LFS, if I could host a server I would want to have a lot of options for me to play with so I could host a server that completely agreed with my personal idea of LFS. Everybody has different ideas on how this game is MEANT to be played/interpreted, but it does not really matter. There will always be people with similar sentiments and they will find a place that meets their needs. There are so many servers empty it is almost laughable how people are complaining they imagine cannot find a server if Force Cockpit view becomes standard (which will only be if it is actually in the dedicated server config from the start). "Build it and they will come" should work even here. Advertise a server that does NOT force cockpit view but still is very stable/quick and uses a nice configuration. Popularity of a server is a fickle thing and mostly a full server attracts other racers.

It's a server sided option and for me it would weigh heavily that framerates could be really drastically reduced in cockpit view. I want people to have fun playing LFS and low framerates really detract from having fun imo.

As was mentioned by someone else, what is really going to be important is the damage aspect of the car. I've rolled over and the roof was actually blocking my view in the cockpit view. I still kept driving and having fun in a way that would have been impossible to enjoy similarly in wheels/chase view. So this damage aspect is the only real reason that should influence a decision for forced cockpit view. Do you want everyone to have the same problems after flipping over? I can imagine people going for realism will do, but still mostly league only. For a public server NOT targeted at the real hardcore side of racing, this forced view will simply never be turned on.

The panick can stop people... I have spoken
S2 licensed
How often is the license file updated?

Yesterday was my first real outing on the CD1 server after I've been playing mostly on CD3 and got licensed for CD4.
To my own surprise I even drove 1:43.xx in the end (and how I wish I could do that steadily ) and had a blast. Because the CD1 server was full I hoped to get into CD2 at one time which of course did not work.

I'm probably able to race a bit again tomorrow evening so I wouldn't mind if I could choose for CD2

Hehe, the moment total racing time is counted I'll probably be demoted again, since I'm 'peaking'
S2 licensed
Maybe not a bug but still irritating:

I was driving in the pitlane after a pitstop with the limitor on and somebody raced out of his pitbox (just joined) I get hit and go over the speedlimit and receive a stop and go penalty.

There seems to be something wrong there, but do not have a clue on how to solve it.
S2 licensed
I'm bad at remembering names and after each incompatible batch delete all old replays, so I can only express a general feeling.

I've had some brilliant times with just a really great atmosphere with quite a lot of different people where I'll have a fun and close battles and the "Good pass" "Good race" binds are used a lot.

Just respecting the other players and complimenting them will in my experience almost always result in some smalltalk where there is a quick sort of friendship formed and you are all looking forward to the next race hoping you can have the same fun/close battle again with those same people.

This atmosphere is what keeps bringing me back and why I love to play LFS.
S2 licensed
Quote from drinklime :Try not to take it personally... that is very hard for me. I get so pissed off. Even in real life when something happens I get road rage all the time. I have the scrape marks on my car to prove it

That's actually a bit disturbing......
S2 licensed
Quote from Thill :Morning all Had some great fun racing on CD3 yesterday , sure there were some wreckers but overall it was alot better than the days before that (prolly cause CD ppl were online)

True, great fun Thill
S2 licensed
Quote from X-Ter :That rule is in effect in F1, DTM, WTCC, well... just about any racing on the planet. And let's face it... If more people followed that rule, almost half the incidents would be eliminated. And if people also follwed the turn exit rule, about 80% of all incidents would be gone. And if people also tried to use the "gentlemens/womens rule of conduct" on track, almost 95% of all crashes would be gone. The last five % would be caused by wreckers who don't belong on a track anyway...

Good god, wouldn't that be boring
S2 licensed
Quote from PLAYLIFE :I often run purposely wide in the frist tunr because I know there is a car coming from behind that thinks he can out brake 15 people into the corner.

Tried that but it didn't work... time and time again. I found out that actually holding the inside line and actually driving over the inside curb was my best bet for getting through safely on CD3 (UFR/XFR?) T1. If you are hit you might stay on track because you are bumped into another car and not straight onto the grass.

I like the UFR/XFR cars after spending most of my time lately on CTRA/STCC servers on the UF1 and didn't yet touch a RWD car in patch X

Ah well, it's sometimes frustrating also because you are actually raced and consequently usually being crashed by people ignoring the blue flag on that server. Usually happens when you are finally getting in the top ten and hope to be more crash free and the next race you are completely taken out by a backmarker and have to try and start from the last row again. Sometimes I just give up and that wasn't happening on the CTRA servers. It probably has to do with car control, that is just a little harder on the R class on that little track.

I do still enjoy it though :P
S2 licensed
Quote from Ian.H :Ahh yes, just like all of our (and many other) servers have from day dot. Like it takes STCC for this to happen :rolleyes:

Difference being most just go with it... they don't feel the need to shout it from the rooftops for attention

That's a bit unfair imo. Yes you can have it on other servers, but the STCC servers are the one's that are full at the times when I race and the others are sparsely populated. I like a race with as many drivers as possible.

Since such a huge part of the people are apparently driving there, it is reasonable that it is often talked about. Are Becky and SamH the ones starting all STCC threads? I do not believe so, but it is normal that they respond to threads about 'their' servers.

Yes, STCC gets a lot of attention, but currently I think it is most used, so a result of that.

When patch X arrives and Becky is still unable to update (btw good luck with the jobhunting!!!!) STCC will fall away and people will race on other servers again. It's not even said that when STCC returns (There is no IF ) that they'd still get the same attention. I expect so, because apparently the progression has some extra appeal at the moment. For us not racing in leagues there is a reasonable standard of racing to be had with a bit more satisfaction than just that 4th place (as if I ever place that high ) in that one race.

I suck at RWD car driving, so hopefully patch X will change a bit of that (I have serious doubts, ... really.. serious....) and because of STCC I want to start trying to get to grips with them and improve overall. There is no real incentive for me to do that just on any server and I realize this is a personal motivation issue. If STCC does motivate me to become a better overall racer, than we can respect STCC for that if nothing else. It gives a part of the LFS community apparently more motivation to drive there than at other places. You do not have to like it, but these people will drive on other servers too eventually and make that experience better, just because they are better trained.

All in all win-win.
S2 licensed
The racing I've been doing lately was on the STCC servers. Why? Because they were full with racers

Also I kinda like the slower intense fights with the UF1 and can still be amazed by the feel of that little car and the difference setups make.
I'm not the quickest and not the slowest but enjoy a good clean fight and it's been my experience that the racing is very reasonable. Of course I get hit and used as a brake, but it does not bother me at all and actually is really rare. There's always a next race where I can try again to survive the first couple of corners I just tag along at the back and learn the circuit, because it's probably another one I haven't driven on before

That's one thing I really like about the STCC servers. The fact there is a lot of racing because of the auto restarts and the switching of circuits and even # of laps. It makes it a refreshing and 'new' experience everytime I'm on there.

So there is a part of me that really would like to have a couple of these things as a standard server option in LFS (if they aren't already).
I agree however that the credits/licencing system is not for everyone. You should be able to drive all cars/circuits in my opinion if you want to do that.
It would be nice to have it included in a server version where you can activate it if you are so willing, but it should be off by default.
I know that I'd like to use it if I were to run a server and I don't know a thing myself about programming, so I could never create such a thing myself.

Are there any plans to make it (partially) available?
S2 licensed
Always been interested in racing from REVS on the C64, Indycar Racing, F1, GPL, Motorcity online beta and all the NFS's, CM Rally's and a few other rally games. Been playing Tribes and Tribes 2 I think about 5-6 solid years almost daily however with only a slight interest in racing as a temp distraction.
I did however 'always' have a steering wheel for some reason and cannot even remember really why/how I bought the first one or what it was called. (steel steering column attached to a plate that you had to put the monitor on)

Found LFS as most promising game on BHM site a few years ago and downloaded it. Took my first lap in XFG on BL immediately online and "WOW" this feels real. I've hardly played any other game since (also because of time) and got WOW-ed again when S2 came out in how much better that felt.

I expect to be WOW-ed a lot more before the LFS ride is finished
S2 licensed
When I was driving in S1 LFS felt realistic.
With S2 it felt more realistic and each physics patch improves LFS in a way that again feels more realistic (up till now :P).

So as far as I'm concerned something 'feeling' realistic has to be taken with a grain of salt. I just didn't know better until after the next patch arrived and I could compare.

LFS has normal road cars which I drive about 60.000km a year, so me telling you that an LFS roadcar is realistic in behaviour should have more value as a 'racer' telling you a race car is feeling realistic if he only drives it 5.000km a year.

Luckily I'm not telling anybody roadcars are realistic so we can stop right there. And yes I've driven my car to the limit where it was publicly safe to do so and probably to a simillar amount of corners as a racer does.
S2 licensed
Quote from Glenn67 :or do I just suck?

I get a similar feeling whenever I race I think I know what my problem is and that is steering too much.
What I've been trying to look at is the steering range I use compared to others and I find that I kinda overdo it.
Accelerating away out of a corner I just loose speed, because my tyre angle is all wrong.

So I know what I do wrong, but seem to be unable to really correct it consistently :P

That said, it means I indeed do suck
S2 licensed
I'm definitely midfield and have had a lot of fun battles there. And if I'm running alone the next game is only a few laps away so I'll try to get familiar with the car/track combo and hope for the best next time.

Probably one of my nicest races was on an Aston circuit with only 3 peeps but we were on the exact same pace in FXO and all making mistakes, making the first place swap around a lot. It showed me that it does not matter how many people are even on a server just as long as you are driving with a similar pace. We were about 4-5 secs off WR

I do however usually look for at least 6 people on a server just because there is a bigger chance for someone of similar abilities.
S2 licensed
Some valid arguments all in all, but the badgering about the money is senseless in my opinion.

Simworld in the Netherlands is a simcentre with all intentions of getting people together being able to play different racesims and making money out of it. Nobody seems to get upset over a company like that. Somehow trying to do a similar thing online is almost a crime?!?!?

Weird, just weird.

However they do not support LFS, so I never go there

Yes, there is a lot of sales craptalk to promote R2P, but they will try to make money out of it. And if it works, good for them.

However their idea of getting an easily accessible place with 1 type of official rules for all sims and easy setup of league races is not unreasonable at all. Being willing to promote/include LFS is not unreasonable at all. To ask for information is not unreasonable at all.

Pfff, realx people and get into the christmas spirit (not the stuffing yourselves hotdiggity )