Haha, if in UK only rich people don't pay taxes, in my country noone do, including me, because there is no point of paying them. The % of black/shadow economy officially/on paper is something about 38% but IRL its more than 60%, I bet. For example, many companies pays the lowest salary as possible officially, for their employees and other, biggest part of salary comes ''in envelope'' how we say here. Everyone who got LLC or another form of entrepreneurship, buys their car or another stuff on LLC's name, because then you can avoid Value Added Tax - if you are smart you can even buy some sorts of food like that and write them off like ''representation expenses for company''. Others buy petrol and diesel, as well as booze and cigarettes, from peoples who smuggles them over from Russia, again - to avoid VAT and Excise tax. Our country looks pretty poor ''on paper'' - in official statistics and other shit, but when in real life you everyday see parking lots of shopping malls, which are overflowed with new cars (and good ones, not some 1.2l korean shitboxes), private-house villages with big-ass houses that looks like manor's and other things, then you realize how big part of our economy is taken by shadow economy. If everything IRL would look like it looks ''on paper'', everyone here would live in caves and drive horse carriages.