London/UK Riots
(461 posts, started )
London/UK Riots
errrr... wtf!
For once I can only but agree with you. WTF indeed.
#3 - Bean0
Apparently reports of rioting in Leeds is a bit premature at the moment.
I really dont understand why they are rioting? Some guy with a gun got shot well even if the police shot first why did the guy have a gun????

It's about time we backed the police more than we do.
#9 - Bean0
Quote from flare2 :I really dont understand why they are rioting? Some guy with a gun got shot well even if the police shot first why did the guy have a gun????

It's about time we backed the police more than we do.

It's emerging that he may not have been armed, but had a gun which was found afterwards.

Anyway, the stuff on Saturday was about that.

Last night and tonight is just rioting for teh lulz basically.
BTW, The Smiths's Panic seems a bit spot on at the moment

Panic on the streets of London
Panic on the streets of Birmingham
I wonder to myself
Could life ever be sane again ?
The Leeds?????? side-streets that you slip down
I wonder to myself
Hopes may rise on the Grasmere
But Honey Pie, you're not safe here
So you run down
To the safety of the town
But there's Panic on the streets of Carlisle (next??)
Dublin, Dundee, Humberside
I wonder to myself

BTW follow Paul Lewis on twitter....seems to be stuck right in the middle of this riots for the past 3 nights
Basically a shit load young thugs.

I'm in Enfield (North London) where there were issues last night.

Tonight seems to be more South London than anything else (hackney was nothing too bad in the end in comparison).

Its all youths, Nobody older than late teens it seems,.

Personally i can see tomorrow being a call for the army to pop in and employ a curfew. Or, better yet. Shoot these thugs.

Saturday night was about a Shooting of a man who Reportedly was being tracked by Police, and then for some stupid reason it was chosen to stop him whilst he was in a Taxi, Police opened fire (for whatever reason) And he was killed. There was a gun found (it is quite vague as to weather he was actually holding it or not). But my view is if you want to be a bad ass carrying a gun or knife outside of any authority in the first place, you deserve what you get, if that means loss of life. so be it.
#12 - 5haz

People trying to get in on the act in Romford but nothing so far compared to the unrest further West. I think we can all agree that these riots are not a noble stand against the state, but its getting pretty clear to see that this entire culture of wanton violence and scum is the legacy of 80s conservatism coming back to haunt us.

Quote from Mackie The Staggie :BTW, The Smiths's Panic seems a bit spot on at the moment

A whole load of late 70s and 80s songs have suddenly become relevant again.
Quote from 5haz :Relevant....

People trying to get in on the act in Romford but nothing so far compared to the unrest further West. I think we can all agree that these riots are not a noble stand against the state, but its getting pretty clear to see that this entire culture of wanton violence and scum is the legacy of 80s conservatism coming back to haunt us.

This has nothing to do with a throwback to the legacy of the eighties. Most of the rioters were born in the 90s and grew up under Labour. This hasn't anything to do with politics. It's opportunism. Nothing more, nothing less.
Quote from franky500 : Or, better yet. Shoot these thugs.

I mean, if you want more riots... that would only compound the problem.

EDIT: just thought about rubber bullets as opposed to live ammunition. They would be a better choice.
#15 - 5haz
Quote from Intrepid :This has nothing to do with a throwback to the legacy of the eighties. Most of the rioters were born in the 90s and grew up under Labour. This hasn't anything to do with politics. It's opportunism. Nothing more, nothing less.

Indeed they were, to parents who lived through the 80s, many of whom suffered the effects, and Labour wasn't exactly the breath of fresh air many hoped at the time. Yes the current riots have very little to do with politics, but the culture of violence and opportunism and the decline of basic respect and morals are things 30 years of successive governments have failed to address and as such are ultimately responsible for. These things are more common in states where inequality is stronger and social mobility weak, essentially the state continues to ignore the poor and this is the price.
stupid monkeys :monkey:
5Haz this is no time for political opportunism. You predictably blame the Tories while those on the right are already blaming multi-culturalism and the welfare state. Both arguments are equally complete bollocks in my opinoin.

What we've witnessed is a group of people who discovered they could get away with mass looting and destruction with a bit of organisation/

This women tells it like it is
So, uhm...

Time for rubber bullets + high pressure water hoses?
Quote from DevilDare :So, uhm...

Time for rubber bullets + high pressure water hoses?

A handy guide to ending riots, for the police:

1: Get a loud sound system
2: Shout at the crowd and tell them to **** off
3: Count down from 5 to 1

The police are having issues with spectators it seems. Can't use rubber bullets and water cannons with kids hanging about.

All rather odd.
Quote from Intrepid :The police are having issues with spectators it seems. Can't use rubber bullets and water cannons with kids hanging about.

All rather odd.

They don't have any.
RUC might be able to loan them some though.
#22 - 5haz
Quote from Intrepid :

What we've witnessed is a group of people who discovered they could get away with mass looting and destruction with a bit of organisation

Do you think the kind of society that breeds that behavior came about by itself?
5Haz these kids have

Free education
Free healthcare
Blackberries/smart phones
Clearly fed
Nice clothes

Let's just cut this rubbish about being poor and having no opportunity. Relative to millions around the world they have plentiful opportunity.

This isn't about anything other than grabbing a free TV and having fun. It's a mess.
#24 - 5haz
Romford shops are now being looted, and already Twitter and Facebook are lighting up with snobbish posts and calls to get the army in and shoot everyone....

Quote from Intrepid :5Haz these kids have

Free education
Free healthcare
Blackberries/smart phones
Clearly fed
Nice clothes

Let's just cut this rubbish about being poor and having no opportunity. Relative to millions around the world they have plentiful opportunity.

This isn't about anything other than grabbing a free TV and having fun. It's a mess.

You just tarred possibly 1000+ people with the same brush, and you expect me to take you seriously?

There is a common misconception promoted by much of the mainstream media that the lower working class live some kind of life of luxury on gazillion pound a week benefit payments. The reality is quite different in quite a lot of London's inner city, many people don't work simply because there are no jobs, and when people cant find money to pay the bills they turn to crime, and when an opportunity for crime like this presents itself who can resist?

I agree that the rioters have no political cause, but you need to see the bigger picture as to why these people turn to crime so readily, and the responsibility successive Conservative/Labour governments have for that.
Quote from 5haz :
You just tarred possibly 1000+ people with the same brush, and you expect me to take you seriously?

You did exactly the same thing blaming the 80s for this mess. You tarred them all with the same brush saying they are a product of the 80s. I am just highlighting a floor in that argument as there is floors in many political arguments regarding these riots.

London/UK Riots
(461 posts, started )