I did, and I'm certain JTbo knows what it means. Does having a not-so-well-thought-out opinion give you the right to call him with such hideous names? I don't think so.
You're right on both accounts: the first one is regulated by server side administration, not by the license.
As for the second remark you can preach what you like, but you're not the best preacher I've ever seen. In fact, when you try to convince someone of the validity of your arguments you talk, you don't laugh at them.
I don't drift, don't race ovals, don't cruise, but I also dislike the guttural cries of pain coming from racers who feel cornered as if someone was trying to suffocate them while preaching their absolute truth. That's far from being true, and the development of LFS is there to show it.
Does the license agreement state you have to race?
You quote a description, not an agreement; the usage of LFS is regulated by an agreement, not by a description. Therefore also your argument about cruisers is invalid.
I'll add that if you have proof that the original poster did something wrong you can refer to server admins, who can do what they want on their own. If he didn't, the fun you poke at him for liking something you dislike is way off mark.
But you can always tell to use the search, post in the right forum and so on, just as much as moderators have the right to moderate this and put an end to this quarrel.
Okay, the question may sound stupid to purists, but I really see no reason to poke fun at people who make a legitimate use of LFS, unless they are demo users who want to have something for free. Cruisers' money is just as good as racers'.
I'm glad you succeeded. As an additional hint since you have no bootable media ready, you may find convenient to slipstream Windows XP with Service Pack 2 if your CD is older, then download and build an UBCD4Win. It may come handy in some rainy days
I don't blame him, absolutely. He's done nothing wrong at all, he has suggested something that may be of value to a lot of people, really. What I mean is just that relying totally or with absolute trust in that piece of software is something I wouldn't do.
I know, sometimes I sound too serious, but don't take it as bashing... just my experience. I'm way older
Acronis Disk Director Suite, I can't recommend anything better than this when it comes to my experience, although it's not free. I used it also for some SATA/SAS/SCSI RAID5 partitions and it always delivered what I needed.
Clone the partitions you need and adapt them on the fly, remove and replace old hard disk and if you have a PATA drive set master or slave accordingly to the disk you have replaced.
If it doesn't boot (but it should) use the Windows XP cd, Recovery Console, Fixboot and Fixmbr.
As far as I'm concerned (and I use a lot of different malware cleaning stuff) I don't think I'll ever buy or try again something made by Greatis.
I didn't like their claims about Rootkit Unhooker and the total uselessness of Unhackme, touted by them as one of the best antirootkits ever, but completely unable to recognise a lot of different rootkits I stumbled upon.
So I'll keep relying on my not so common sense to protect me and on several trusted applications to do the cleaning on customers' infected machines, being well aware that the first useful instrument to fight malware is a bootcd with the needed tools.
All of these demoers protesting are ridiculous and give a bad name to other demo players but I wouldn't go political about LFS licenses, especially since those who are really in need don't give a damn about LFS, and rightly so.
Besides that, nobody could answer your post challenging your statement without going off topic, since your post is off topic, just like my answer. So consider this a kind request to be on topic and let me have fun silently, just as I did till now.
I'm one of those who have waited for this moment for so long.
Meanwhile I have grown a beard and lost some hair, and I have a larger waist. I guess most Duke Nukem die hard fans will look like Santa Claus by the day it really comes to the shelves.
If you perform a search as simple as "demo user avatar", show posts, you'll have lots of answers to a question that has been asked lots of times.
Danowat, I was wondering why you're unable to uninstall the old gaming software... Did you remove only the drivers or did you uninstall the software completely?
Edit: I just took a look at the other thread, I already have my answer
Last edited by Albieg, .
Reason : Removed duplicated hints about deleting folders
That's lame, Harjun. Squidhead knows his stuff about video. I know my stuff about tech assistance, security and user attitude. Just don't let me point to the posts that made me desist from doing tech assistance here, they would be embarassing. I may help you but if you have to settle scores, do it on your own. I just explained.
I don't know what you mean saying I haven't paid attention. Care enough to explain?
If you cared to look at doom9 you'll see that harjun request is perfectly fulfilled by the docs and links there, with free software. Doom9 is a respectable source that provides what Harjun wants, and more for those who have different (but related) needs and may perform a search in this forum in the future.
As for tech assistance related requests, I'm used to provide the best possible answer without suggesting google if the searches are likely to end up in a pile of junk (just like in this case, and many other popular ones). It's part of my daily job, both for trivial and non-trivial questions. Maybe you didn't perform the search in google yourself. I did it months ago, so I know what I came up with.
I can agree that NeroVision Express does the job pretty easily, but it's far from being the best performer, and version 7 is pure bloatware. Moreover if you have basic editions the DVD authoring plugin isn't included for copyright reasons and you have to purchase it separately, so the only option is burning an SVCD or having the Ultimate (maybe Enterprise) Edition.
Moreover, I'll always suggest free resources whenever possible because doing otherwise would be, ultimately, encouraging piracy or an unneeded expense: Nero isn't free.
On top of that, I'm used to clueless people. Once again, it's part of my job. I can't see why I shouldn't give the most informative, clean answer I can, and that means: I cannot cure lazyness, but I try to help providing respectable sources. In this, I do the best I can.
Edit: and of course I've read that thread you link too, stumbling in not so free junk software too (first link in the thread). That's primarily why I posted the link to Doom9, which is far more informative (and free) than what you provided.
Re-edit: and just to be clear, two out of five of the links appearing in that search page are deemed dubious download sites by SiteAdvisor. I can clearly see you don't use it, but I do, and I always take a look. That's perhaps the best reason for which I seldom suggest google searches: I don't want to put people into trouble.
Bob, if you try to perform a search about AVI conversions in google you'll most likely end up with loads of pages advertising for not so cheap useless converters, which are more or less rip-offs of freeware applications.
Best place (for me) for video conversion related stuff and guides: www.doom9.net.
Use The Avenger by Swandog46. Link to the usage and download page here. Simply put it's the best deleter available for persistent files.
And mind you, HijackThis is a useful tool but these days it could be insufficient, particularly if the malware uses rootkit techniques (a lot of them do, nowadays).
F1 may be crap, but let me have some fun at McLaren apologists who got sued by FIA and, subsequently, having read the documents, say it's time to move on and stop bickering... such as Martin Brundle on Times. As for the others, silence speaks for itself.
Personally I would have never sided with Ferrari, but given the amount of abuse Ferrari fans have been subjected to as supporters of a dishonest team (read past comments everywhere you like to confirm this) I am satisfied with this unusual level of silence from former vocal protesters. Some of them will still go on talking about double standards and subtle interpretations (while completely missing McLaren's double standard and subtle interpretations, and being now completely unable to oppose McLaren supposed total integrity to the 'mafia'...). Their call and they have a right to do so, but I bet there are less and less people willing to listen.
I'm open to developments although as of now I'm completely satisfied, on and off the track. If there will be something of interest, I'll change my point of view. As of now I'm able to stand by the ideas I had right from the start.
Edit: as an indicator of a further level of embarassment, you can notice that the only piece of motorsports news in Time's sports homepage is "It’s Scalextric with knobs on". Dig further in the Formula 1 section and you'll have Brundle's commentary after reading the report: that sounds like "I'll eat some crow but...", and you have Gorman's commentary asking for Ron Dennis' head. Expect more reverse gearing from betrayed supportive journalists soon, with variable levels of hypocrisy.
Once again: Renault case is different, and McLaren even issued inaccurate information in a briefing, and a subsequent press release to rectify the information wrongly offered during the briefing.
What McLaren says is "we've had the most harsh punishment for what we did", but they don't go as far as saying that the punishment was undeserved. They're in damage control mode because they realise that it could be much worse because the findings warrant more thorough searches, and not only on those ten ground-breaking issues, but on the whole car, with huge costs, delays and risks.
So, all in all, I'd consider this a not so generous offer from McLaren to FIA after they read the report and concluded more hassle was on the way, and rightly so.
To each his own conclusion. Mine is quite clear. I trusted McLaren as a fair competitor to the championship, but if I'd see them booted from the next one I wouldn't be surprised. They've done everything they could to reach that result while mantaining their integrity was adamant. 3rd July: McLaren acknowledges the flow of information from Ferrari. 4th July: McLaren McLaren has completed a thorough investigation and can confirm that no Ferrari intellectual property has been passed to any other members of the team or incorporated into its cars.
More or less a day... how thorough could that be? And in the light of all the apologies and clarifications, is it so hard to accept that McLaren blatantly and repeatedly lied? Press releases from McLaren are pretty clear about their strategies: we're not guilty or if we were we didn't know, other people are but we have to rectify the numbers we gave on Renault because we exaggerated them, at least let's share the blame, no, wait, let's end up all of this... All of this sucks, including strategy changes to limit damage. It's not what I'd expect from honest men. I won't buy their sorrow or their apologies, because they suck too, since those apologies and sorrow just depend on McLaren's worries. Pretty lame, if you ask me, and undefensible from every point of view.
I don't know who's worse than who, I don't claim I know. I don't consider F1 'likeable' overall, just as I consider soccer 'unlikeable', but I find those sports rather attractive (although not at a maniacal or paranoid stage). I know they are far from my ideal. I already know I won't find any white knight there.
But I won't say "up yours F1, go die.". You know, this parade is somewhat funny. In Italy we say The problem is severe, but it isn't serious. A bit of irony helps.
To avoid even the possibility of Ferrari information influencing our performance during 2008, McLaren has offered a set of detailed undertakings to the FIA which will impose a moratorium on development in relation to three separate systems.
And the report too, it's interesting. They just reviewed ten issues Ferrari considered 'ground-breaking'. There was widespread knowledge inside McLaren of three of them. This knowledge came from a 'mole', Stepney. They tested and used that undue knowledge to try to obtain an advantage. For me, this is copying.
On top of that, the apologies are repeated and widely addressed. Time to eat some humble pie, and try to stop the ongoing horror of the investigations...
Anyway we finally know McLaren really copied Ferrari parts. Case closed but more investigations pending, it seems. And, if you really asks me, there's more than a reason to be angry at McLaren for the way they behaved. Now they are aware more people were involved because FIA told them. They even had the courage to try to get their hands on Raikkonen's title after they screwed the last races bigtime... sorry if I sound harsh, but I hope you understand. In other words they blatantly lied on almost every account but they didn't know... How can you know, then, if they're lying or not now?
Ferrari parts are on our cars, we didn't find them but the FIA did, we're sorry because we didn't find them but we didn't look well enough, we could have avoided all of this if we didn't turn a blind eye when we first saw Stepney communications, we have been caught red-handed and feel utterly ashamed that these discoveries shows clearly we copied Ferrari parts (but remember, we didn't look well enough!).
Since we've been caught red-handed we won't develop three separate systems which undoubtedly have been "inspired" by Ferrari, we will pay more attention to the people we hire and we'll be under scrutiny.
To the entire world: we're sorry, we know it sounds like we did it on purpose, but we were just careless. We'll pay for the costs of the investigation, too.
Let's forget about all the fights we had in and out of the track to put our fingers on the championship and have a drink, pals! We're sorry, after all...