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S2 licensed
Quote from Hankstar :
Anyway, on to semantics. Terrorism is defined by the US State Department as: "the unlawful use of -- or threatened use of -- force or violence against individuals or property to coerce or intimidate governments or societies, often to achieve political, religious, or ideological objectives."

Yup, these are terrorists, no matter what some may believe about terrorism. By the way the word defines the usage of particular tactics or - as in the case of Al Qaeda, at least in the eyes of some analysts - strategies. Such tactics don't define the lawfulness (or unlawfulness) of the goal of those resorting to terrorism, but I'm no longer expecting some ignorant people to understand the peculiar qualities of this fundamental distinction. I just let them be the prey of the words of the people in power.
S2 licensed
I've read 1984, and Homage to Catalonia ranks as my second favourite book of all time (Orwell is my main influence when talking about writing and journalism). I quote Orwell constantly because he was an enemy of obscure writing, always asking for a neat, terse prose when somebody has to convey a message.
For the record I'm not questioning CSU1's credibility. I'm not interested in doing such a thing: I'm suggesting that his writing, along with the lack of documentation, could lead to this kind of misunderstanding. Let's face it: the way he reported the facts (especially the officer asking him to shut up and simply saying "I agree") is confusing.
I assume CSU1 didn't make it up, but I am quite certain that if CSU1 had told all the facts precisely from the start without rushing them his word wouldn't have been doubted. So, in this case, I'd bring up (again...) Politics and the English Language, Homage To Catalonia and Shooting an Elephant more than 1984 or other black Utopias.
Last edited by Albieg, . Reason : typo and comma overdose fixing
S2 licensed
Now, if you could get a thing straight:
In your first post you said "Last Sat night policeman knocks on the door", but summons date says 16 Oct 2006. Did they really need that much time to get that piece of paper in your hands? Just asking, and nothing more.
S2 licensed
A bad narration is a serious thing when credibility is at stake. And please don't ask me to get real, it's really a humorous thing to do, observing the context
S2 licensed
CSU1, seriously talking, there are some problems with your post: bad narration, bad grammar, unbelievable sequence of events, lack of documentation. It comes to no surprise someone's questioning the truth of all of it. That's why you should put some more effort in what (and how) you write, or you'll have to face the consequences. Who knows, you may well become a moderator in this forum, one day...
S2 licensed
Prepare for something like:
Keep your thoughts to yourself if you feel they don't start a topic in a constructive way.
S2 licensed
Unfortunately I'm unable to help, but I sincerely hope you'll find a decent job soon.
S2 licensed
An unconditionated welcome for Franky and a conditionated one for XCNuse. Sorry to say this, but I have my reasons.
S2 licensed
This community is labelled as isolationist, but sometimes it's good to be isolationist.
When I saw the comment about real cars and tracks on that thread I thought I'd prefer something that attempts to behave like it's real to something that attempts to look like it's real. Given the difference in attitudes about this subject, I really see no reason to vote (although I know the answer because I feel the answer).
S2 licensed
Cue-ball, resorting to a dictionary to state the obvious isn't my cup of tea. Your one-line idea of anarchy (which is indeed the lack of a government) has no strategic vision, and this leads you to believe anyone would be armed to the teeth. Reading a few more lines helped me understand there is more than a single possible outcome (a fact that somebody should tell the strategists at the White House because they don't seem to understand it yet).

For you the former, for me the former and the latter. I'm used to think that places that are commonly shared between people (like streets, pubs, public buildings) should be completely devoid of firearms. But I don't need to worry about things like that here, luckily. To each his own.
Last edited by Albieg, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Cue-Ball :
True freedom is anarchy. In the case of an anarchistic society, you can bet your ass that EVERYONE would be armed to the teeth, because there would be no police force or government to regulate the behavior of their fellow citizens.
You sure you want true freedom?

You seem to know very little about anarchy, and I'm talking as a post-communist anarchist. I recognise - as a practical person - that my dreams won't be fulfilled, at least during my life, but since there are so many offsprings of the original concept of anarchy you shouldn't use that term so loosely if you're using the word to describe a political idea. If you're using the word "anarchy" as the loose definition of "total lack of control" you may be right, but your sentence isn't built like that, so I guess you lost your bet. And YES, I want true freedom. As Jello Biafra said, "real freedom scares you 'cause it means responsibility". Therefore, I am willing to accept responsibility of my freedom. And that means: "My freedom stops where your freedom starts". Was it Martin Luther King or Voltaire to say these words originally? I don't care. Whoever said them was right.
But then again, as Orwell observed, some words whose meaning is only ideal (and "freedom" is one of those words) are used widely in all parts of the political spectrum with different meaning, so they are meaningless.
All I see in what happened at Virginia Tech is a madman who felt bullied and went on a killing spree with a very easy access to firearms, and my first priority in dealing with such cases would be trying to prevent them, not dealing with them when they happen.
S2 licensed
As the Angry Angel said there's no demo authentication, so there's no way to identify a unique user as in S2.
I perfectly understand the pain of clean demo users, but since most organised wreckers steal other people's nicknames to shame them it's useless and counterproductive to name demo wreckers here, because most of the times the wrong person ends up being covered in mud.
S2 licensed
Quote from duke_toaster :The Italian police ignored everything the Roma fans were doing - it's time for UEFA and FIFA to get their arses in to gear and remove all Italian teams from European competition, and potentially the national team from next year's European championships.

The police probably overreacted. There's an ongoing investigation that will likely lead to absolutely nothing, just like so many cases involving the police. In Italy? Not only in Italy, and not only in sports. I won't forget De Menezes being shot in London by some idiot who believed he was a terrorist. Everyone was cleared of wrongdoing, but I surely won't ask for all English cops to be banned from going abroad for this reason . I beg to differ. Anyway I'd be curious about the guys who'd have the courage to remove the WC team from the EC. No, wait, that's a laughable idea , but I'm sure those who have some diplomatic, political, social and economic understanding have no need for further explanation.
S2 licensed
I thought this poll was about the best or most used tools/mods for LFS. It's not, so I'm unable to pay my tribute to Kegetys (and others). I'll pay my tribute to some hardware manufacturers, then:
- Logitech for G25
- Enermax for the wonderfully stylish and precise Aurora keyboard
More could be named, but it's not related to controllers.
S2 licensed
Quote from Ast :I respect the people who see the race as more than a position.

I guess the exact meaning of this sentence is something personal, but I agree. In fact I respect everyone at the beginning, or I'd like to think so. Sometimes respect is eventually lost for some reason (wrecking, rudeness, unneeded aggressiveness, inability to perform reality checks, plain stupidity). Luckily it doesn't happen too often.
S2 licensed
It should be related to video overlay functions working only on the primary display.

Check if the following applies to your gfx card too, I cannot test it at the moment. I had a problem related to overlay too, but this was on my primary display: I couldn't capture screen. All I did was turn off Windows Media Player hardware acceleration to solve my problem (btw, I have an ATI Radeon). Check if clone display mode works, too. Be sure to write down or remember changes you apply in case you want to roll back to the previous state.

Certain video files which use video overlay may not display properly on a secondary monitor when running in dual monitor mode . To enable video playback on your secondary monitor or TV, Full Screen Video should be enabled. Please follow the directions below to enable Full Screen Video:

1) Right-click on your Desktop and select "Properties."

2) This will bring up the Display Properties control panel. Click on the "Settings" tab and then click on the advanced button.

3) Click on the tab corresponding to the graphics card installed in your computer. For example, if you are using an NVIDIA based GeforceFX 5700 graphics card, choose the GeforceFX 5700 tab. A pull out window will appear to the left of the panel. Select "Full Screen Video" from the left pull out window.

4) The "Full Screen Video" panel will appear. If you are running in Dualview mode, select "Auto-Select" from the "Full Screen Device" drop down menu . If you are running in Clone mode, choose "Secondary Display" from the "Full Screen Device" drop down menu option,

Click the OK button to confirm these changes. When a video, which uses video overlay, is running, the video will now appear in Full Screen mode on your secondary display.
S2 licensed
That page redirects to an Italian domain (at least for me). I couldn't say it's dodgy, I'd just deem any usage of that page as extremely unsafe.
Although located in Italy, the page wasn't originated by Italian people. I've seen a ton of obvious mistakes that are the result of a very poor translation, probably done by someone with a good knowledge of English and a very poor understanding of Italian syntax and logic rules, maybe computer aided, but with a hint of human effort. The title of the page is in Spanish.
Would I be careful? No. I'd just steer clear.

Owner of the domain:
Name: Enrique Dubois
ContactID: ED925-ITNIC
Address: Enrique Dubois
C Murillo 15, Apt 13
PALMA Baleares (Baleares)
Email: [email protected]
Last edited by Albieg, .
S2 licensed
The only non-changing persons I've seen in my entire life were dead. If someone thinks that the true nature of people never changes, he's entitled to do so, and probably he's right. But education is different from nature: it can only come with time and learning.
S2 licensed
I can't see Italians in this contest. You're lucky.
S2 licensed
Quote from CSU1 :Are my posts really that incoherant?

Embarassing questions could have embarassing answers.
S2 licensed
I sometimes have that feeling too. Perhaps blue flags are calculated on distance and not on times, therefore you sometimes have a "slingshot" blue flag, or you have the feeling they are issued too early. I really don't know.

As a side note, Parappa is thinking about what NotAnIllusion and nihil said. "Don't let the fire rush to your head", said an old song.
S2 licensed
Interesting remark, Sam. Now suppose this:
1) Parappa the Lapper prepares to lap Pippero the Lapped, that in turn moves out of the racing line to give space. Parappa has the racing line and, confident in Pippero's knowledge of the blue flag, tries to lap Pippero safely on a corner.
2) Pippero botches the corner completely because he evaluated very poorly his speed, so the car almost flies on tarmac and wrecks Parappa.
3) Parappa, quite angry, asks for an explanation without using expletives.
4) Pippero says "It's not my fault, I just lost control, and by the way you were only tenth".
5) Parappa, in complete amazement, goes to watch the replay and reassured by what he sees calls Pippero "a wrecker and a liar that's going to be reported". The discussion goes on, with Pippero saying meaningless garbage like "I race in real life". Parappa, sadly being human and quite astonished, doesn't refrain from telling Pippero what he thinks.
6) Pippero refuses to apologise after having seen the replay.
7) Parappa is still in awe for such blatant disregard of basic rules of education. Parappa feels a bit guilty too because his argument with Pippero had to be done in a better moment, without disturbing other racers.
8) Pippero, in the meantime, is gone away.
9) After a few hours, Pippero joins the server and finds Parappa. Pippero starts arguing again while Parappa tries in vain to stop the argument. Pippero sends the replay to a friend of his for evaluation. This friend of Pippero tells Parappa "It was his fault and he should have said sorry, but reporting is too much". In the meantime Pippero is gone away again, so he hasn't read the damning words of his friend.
So, in the end, Pippero's fault was only that he lost control and didn't permit Parappa the Lapper to do what he wanted safely; but the subsequent arguing and lack of apologies is extremely sad and embarassing, although not strictly related to racing conduct. What should Parappa the Lapper do in this case?
S2 licensed
I perfectly understand that Gunn. What you say isn't in opposition to what I've said. I simply disagree with some of the people who think that LFS should be just for this or for that. In this, I treat software as software, and people as people.
S2 licensed
I believe that anyone entitled to fully use LFS can do whatever they like, provided they respect both the license agreement and the specific rules of the servers they join, so this exclusivity concept sounds a bit odd to me. I don't feel I'm part of a club or that I'm special just for using a piece of software. I don't believe in religious wars. I just consider software as a medium, and LFS happened to be the right medium for my needs and likings. Anything else, including how some people use LFS, isn't important to me, as long as I am able to do what I want without too many hassles.
S2 licensed
Wrong. I'm sorry you don't understand my point of view, but I'm not here to quarrel, or to define as silly something I don't like (and that doesn't harm me), including opinions I don't agree with.