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Quote from tristancliffe :
I can see you're getting stressed and emotional in this topic, being one of the many xenophobes.

Again? Point me in the right direction please since I'm tired of defending myself from something that I don't feel I did. You'll have my apologies then as will have anyone I offended with my supposed xenophobia.

Emotional? Nah, just slightly irritated of having to defend from both personal and xenophobic attacks. I'd be able to ignore you as usual, but I like seeing your baseless insults. You're amusing... or laughable? You know, sometimes my English isn't perfect.

And if someone has something against political posts he can act, provided he's a moderator or administrator. You're not. So stop telling me what to do, you're not the right person, not even one with a particularly recognised moral authority...

Edit: And don't misunderstand me: if this thread was closed, I'd understand perfectly. Blame the xenophobes and the trolls.
Last edited by Albieg, .
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Quote from tristancliffe :Good job I didn't, but it has made you make the remarks like "Sometimes a single person is enough to lower the average dramatically." which you said you weren't going to do.
And you may be related to those that fought for their country. But you're also related to those first to run away quivering, rather than sticking it out for what they believe in.

Oh, please. Just because I think you're using stupid commonplaces about Italians as part of your usual trolling it doesn't mean that I'm anti-British, no matter how much you try to manipulate or misread my words. There's an interesting old book called How to Lie with Statistics, it explains pretty well how including you in a survey about quality of humour would give botched results. Most intimidating forum personality, you? That's good humour!

As for running away, I'm here. I have a tradition to defend, and that's not about running away.
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Quote from tristancliffe :I was very tempted to point out that Italy and all Italians have surrendered already for the next 3 world wars, and the next 20 national (non-"worldwide") wars.

You wouldn't have achieved anything, I'm the grandson of people who fought for their country. That means: against fascism. So I don't feel like I ever lost a war.

Edit: quality of food is good here, thanks. Quality of humour seems to be declining in Britain, anyway. Sometimes a single person is enough to lower the average dramatically.
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You don't need to be a muslim extremist to qualify, you just have to be a stupid extremist. Nationality is indifferent to me except for being part of my education due to geographic reasons, I'm no xenophobe like you demonstrated to be in the other thread.
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flymike01, I see only a person who personally attacked someone else for his nationality, and that's you. Thank you for qualifying yourself for what you are.
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Quote from flymike91 :plus we don't really torture reporters, only militants. big difference.

The first issue is debatable, the second one authorises 'militants' to torture other militants, including soldiers and cooperating civilians. I won't deem that as an acceptable practice just because you think it's acceptable, but if you'll ever happen to be a victim of your own logic I won't shed a tear.
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Quote from flymike91 :you're italian. Eat your ice cream and be thankful that you never have to involve yourself in big boy country issues.

My ice creams are good, thanks, much better than you'd think as my mother produces them as a profession.
Oh, and she understands much more about politics than you, big boy. You're so uninformed that you don't even know Italy is involved on several issues, included extraordinary renditions.
Keep your nationalism for yourself, next time. Being American doesn't mean being stupid, so avoid demonstrating the contrary.
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Quote from flymike91 :We would only want to liberate it if it meant that their people would finally be free from being tortured

Like in Abu Grahib?
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Quote from flymike91 :
Many say that the war was based on lies, but is it possible to be wrong?

Wrong against the will of your people, for Blair? Wrong as Bush and Rumsfeld were? Deceiving people with the Niger uranium forgeries?
Yes, it is possible to be wrong, even treasonously wrong. Love your traitors if you like, I won't.
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Quote from Racer X NZ :
Sometimes those who are in the middle of an experience can't see the wood for the trees.

That's exactly what happens when someone is in the middle of something heated and loses objectivity, or, where information is censored, the needed tools are unavailable: most of the time you deal with emotional answers that talk more about the mindset of the people involved in facts than about facts...

I remember a friend of mine who came to a local club with a Chilean hostess. She talked so well about Pinochet and how great a man he was, and seeing that I wasn't pleased with such glorification she became angry and emotional.

I just asked if she remembered the other 9/11, the Chilean one. She didn't know about it.
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Quote from Christopher Raemisch :You actually think you can get a clear picture by reading some words and looking at a few pictures on the net? By the pure nature of the written language and photo's you only see what the person wants you to see and you miss everything else.

A simpleton may believe all people are simpletons. You already demonstrated in another thread what you think and how you read things, so I guess there's no use in explaining again. Your apologies in the Castro thread are therefore rejected by me since I consider you an unreliable witness of your own words.
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Quote from Christopher Raemisch :Get some real facts that you have seen for your own eyes up and personal and then come back here and we can talk....

Yes, it's curious how many persons have an uninformed look at things...

For instance, that must be why so many stupid people disagree with me when I say I don't believe Hitler was such a bad guy... I always reply to them that they didn't know him personally, so they can't tell good from bad when they talk about him.

Or better: get a grip and add some information if you have them. I take some time to form an opinion and I would like this time to be respected or countered logically, but your logic is extremely flawed. You can also rant somewhere else, please. I'm getting tired.
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C.R., there's a little problem with your post: no one, in this thread, said a bad thing about Americans, so it would be nice if you bring your irritation somewhere else.
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If you reveal the link between Chris Coverdale (Make War History) and David Icke I'll read the drivel you posted completely. If it exists, of course, whatever it may be, the link or the drivel
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The Flat Earth Society (one of many of them, I think) launched a web campaign many years ago, asking people to put signs over objects: on a chair, the sign would say "This chair doesn't exist". So I suppose it's every object you declare non-existent.
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Quote from xaotik :Aaaactually - the probabilities are that if that specific madman reports a direct action made by an activist the action isn't really happening.

Okay, the link I posted above to Make War History didn't happen. I gladly welcome you as a moral supporter of the Flat Earth Society's campaign for the non-existence of things.
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Quote from xaotik :First of all - the OP

Right, but David Icke is correct in reporting the content of the original website he's referring to, apart from the "never before" which Kev has rightly criticised. Icke should have linked the original site too for fairness, and he failed in this.

Issues shouldn't be confused: if a madman reports about some direct action made by an activist (which is a third party, for the record) that doesn't mean the action is, in itself, mad.
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Quote from SamH :I was an active political lobbyist for a lot of years, so I'm certainly not one with a counter-argument Albieg

I don't believe in conventional politics. That's why I don't lobby and I don't beg for votes. I don't even vote in general elections and I don't believe - from a theoretical point of view - that a democracy is the best form of government. I don't act in the name of someone else and I don't ask people to do what I do. But I see absolutely nothing wrong in sharing my opinions with others and making them public. No matter the result and no matter if people who think they know better shrug their shoulders because they have all the answers they already need. I don't. But for sure I won't emigrate because I'm fine with myself. Italy may suck and may be different from the democracy of my dreams, but I'm staying here because my life doesn't suck. Still, this is no reason to become cynical, for me. Just the contrary.

Edit: even hyperlinks are swear-filtered... Well, replace the magic asterisks with the dreaded word you might imagine and the hyperlink works.
Last edited by Albieg, . Reason : Comma killing
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Just a general question: if I think something is wrong should I stop acting and talking about it just because I have very few hopes? I don't think so. To me it would be like crossing the thin line between realism and cynicism, where all hope is lost and nothing can be achieved. One, at that point, says "yeah, yeah, seen that before, heard that before, things just go this way" and then turn the other way around enjoying their superiority over the poor beings who waste so much time and effort trying to follow their ideals.

Whoever wants it, he/she's free to do so. I marched in Aviano against the Iraq and Afghan wars and I don't regret it. I knew it wouldn't help, but rest assured I don't feel like I wasted my time.
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Orwell and Huxley, they always come back. Why Huxley?

Because in Brave New World there's a drug called soma that makes you so happy... And as it acts as a respiratory depressant it's also used for euthanasia in a seemingly perfect world that completely refuses individual thought... A soma induced eternal sleep.
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Quote from tristancliffe :I don't mean sad as in personal emotions, but sad as in the shameful the public think like this.

How would it improve. And what laws has he broken?

Here: ... says-bush-blair-could.php

And then you can search relevant international laws by yourself.

And about the past: I don't care about Vikings. Let's avoid pretending we're living in the same cultural climate, it sounds utterly stupid, just as your examples which are set in times far, far away. Things are different, and asking for accountability is the right thing to do for today's politicians.

Edit: I'll add that there's nothing shameful in this. Nothing. You can consider yourself a realist if you like, just as I do, but just ask Reg Keys if he feels any shame about indicting Blair. He knows better, and he'd be civil enough not to put any shame on you.
Last edited by Albieg, .
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Quote from Bean0 :Top Google ...

The video of the press conference in the homepage is dated Feb 14 2008.

Quote from tristancliffe :I think this is sad. ...

I think this is happy, but sad, happy, does that mean anything apart from a personal feeling? And improve things in which Country? I'm interested in geopolitics, in this case. And yes, that would improve things a lot. My opinion, of course, but justice should never be an opinion, and people in power should never be above the law, no matter if it happened in the past.
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How about the Make War History website mentioned in the original post?

As I already said in some other thread I don't believe that such attempts will ever be successful, but if they did, I'd be relieved.
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Quote from somasleep :This is the kind of stuff people do all the time in third world countries. Think about it.

I already thought about it, way more than you think, just as some of the people who are interested in these subjects. Perhaps something less generic would make me change my mind, but I doubt very much you'll be able to, unless you resort to much more detailed reasonings.

A war of aggression is a war of aggression, full stop. Interesting news.
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