- adjust the mic input in order to maximise it without "clipping". Some soundcards feauture a mic boost of +10 or +20Db, see if your has it and if it gives a better sound (not simply louder volume). See if your using line input values instead of mic input values, but judging from the quality of the recording you're already using mic input.
- The "presence" effect: if the mic is very close to the sound source it saturates the sound, giving it more richness in overtones and a better overall frequency response. Also, frequency response curves for mics vary with the distance from the sound sorce.
- Mic positioning is also important for the kind of sound you pick up: closer to the mouth, less nasal tones.
It's a recording of Demetrio Stratos explaining the significance of the voice and trying to imitate an organ with his voice. In the video he uses a mirror to see (listen to?) his face and have a better control when attempting something extremely difficult, such as recreating the attack transients of an organ.
The performance starts at about 2.25, after a brief discussion in Italian about the importance of breathing and other vocal related issues.
SamH, I don't know English laws, but I think your reasoning wouldn't work in a court, especially if you consider the technical aspects of the clip. You can clearly see that moving hidden cameras were used and the operator must be a hooker. Everything points to the fact that the stunt was clearly staged and carefully crafted by someone interested in filming the unknowing Mosley, who didn't give any kind of consent.
(Edit: I forgot to say, didn't you notice that the video is being removed from everywhere, including News of the World? Doesn't that ring another bell on privacy issues and potential outcomes of a lawsuit?)
Do laws actually consent such violations of privacy in the UK? If it's so, you're screwed.
His position may be untenable, but anyone interested in individual freedoms (and you should be one of them, I think) should heavily protest the way in which the fact has been rendered public when these facts have absolutely no relationship with his public figure, except for the alleged nazi stuff. It's not only Mosley's freedom: it is my freedom, your freedom to get in bed with whom you like (without committing hideous crimes) without anyone asking anything. My personal dislike for someone isn't enough to make me override such an important principle, for me.
As for the BMW and Mercedes statements, their criminalisation (and I include Toyota and Honda) is much more disgusting to me. Mosley appears to me like a victim of bigotry and political calculus, nothing more.
The first and more important law is the Italian Consitution, which explicitly forbids the reconstruction of the Fascist Party.
The other law, which is seldom applied, regards the apology of fascism, which is extremely difficult to prove. It has severe consequences but there are ongoing discussions.
Let's say that Mosley wouldn't risk anything entering Italy after what he's done because no one would even bother accusing him of apology of fascism and a prosecutor trying to bring him under trial basing his evidence on the clip would be probably laughed at and rightly accused of trying to become famous with a non-existent, high profile case and subsequently transferred or demoted.
I come from a family with a long standing militant antifascist tradition, but before grilling someone because he's a supposed fascist I need hard evidence, because - ironically - I'm not a fascist, and I can't apply their methods.
It is not known what form any legal action might take; the two most obvious recourses open to Mosley are to sue for libel or for a breach of privacy under Article 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights.
As I said before everything is hypothetical at the moment except available evidence, which is socially damning but not clearly indicating Mosley was consciously part of a nazi roleplay instead of a generic prison themed s&m fantasy.
Mosley will very likely leave FIA, but he may be extremely resoluted in wanting to clear himself from the most bothersome allegations. If he doesn't choose the path of silence and inaction he'll choose the legal action that grants the best results including minimal additional public exposure.
You could follow the usual path: learning until you know more about your voice and have better control. You could take lessons and do some experiments, and more confidence will come with time. Most of all, listen!
Speaking personally, I still haven't had the courage to sing anything. If I had a good song I wrote on my own in a style that suits my limitations I'd record my voice without problems, but I'm not good at lyrics or conventional songs, I'm much better as a hobbyst technician/producer, although I'm into experimental music and I don't feel any need to share something I've done although friends who play and record with me are pushing to publish. I am involved in four different projects, none of them public. The fifth one (the only solo one) will be oriented to EBM/Future Pop, as soon as I find some time and disposition. The style suits my limited vocal extension when I sing loudly (the only way I can sing more or less in tune), and it fits my tastes and needs.
My favourite voice remains Demetrio Stratos, who progressively steered away from his conventional, beautifully pitched and powerful voice to search for new forms of expressions, followed by Ian Curtis of Joy Division. Totally different approaches, but both were extreme and personal.
Err, I won't say anything about the voice in itself, there are renowned and uniquely styled singers who had a terrible voice and even sang out of tune (Bob Dylan, Ian Curtis, Lou Reed to name a few, and the Beastie Boys to name a band with terrible but beautifully used voices), but they overcame their vocal limits exploiting the personality of their voices.
I didn't laugh, but I think your interpretation is extremely unconvincing, and I wouldn't consider it a limit of your voice, but a limit in your knowledge of your voice and of the ways in which you could use it.
That's not exact. Standard camera mics pick up less low frequencies because they have a very small diaphragm due to space constraints. Low cost external camera mics can be extremely good and are used as a replacement for normal portable dynamic or condenser mics especially when in conjunction with a minidisc.
For instance, Field Recordings from Tibet by Geir Jenssen was made with a minidisc and a little external battery powered condenser camera microphone. The extreme conditions of the recordings, which were made also at more than 8000 meters, needed extremely lightweight and efficient equipment, and Jenssen preferred that microphone to anything else in harsh conditions, despite his presumably large availability of gear.
Not OT: a "simple" program for music making? Not cheap: Ableton Live, Reason. Not so simple: Cubase. Cheaper and with a different philosophy: Mackie Tracktion. The entire list of available hosts, free and commercial, is available at http://www.kvraudio.com, along with a lot of fundamental resources for the computer musician.
I don't want to jump to early conclusions. You already assume he's guilty of enacting a Nazi style role play, but the available evidence is really scarce, apart from all the signs that suggest he's been baited into it. I've seen no evidence of an explicit reference to Nazism in the video by News of the World, and I hear - in the same clip - no explicit reference made by Mosley himself. If they had it, they would have shown it.
If Mosley's really innocent about the Nazi allegations, his declarations about Mercedes and BMW are a naive sign of a real and justified impatience. You just have to review the video on youtube, it still works. If you hear Mosley counting in German or doing all the stuff News of the World puts into brackets and in very suggestive sentences which aren't supported by the video as a certain and explicit reference to the Holocaust, tell me. I haven't seen it. If you have better evidence, feel free to share it. But if you don't have anything better we can only discuss what's available and speculate about the rest.
Tell me what you see, and I'll tell you a thousand possible interpretations. Looking for parasites in the hair? Common practice during visits to inmates (remember Saddam?). A pair of German words used by a hooker? Hardly a proof of Mosley's involvement in a nazi-themed roleplay. More of a proof of someone wanting to smear Mosley, just as the camera placed outside.
Evidence, evidence. I want clear cut evidence. Everything else is just a speculation. If I have to judge my gut feelings aren't enough. I'm not that presumptuous.
There's no rule in picking a vocal mic, you should pick one that sounds good with your voice within acceptable limits.
The classic choice for cheap dynamic vocal mics is Shure SM-58 (some people prefer using the SM-57 finding it more suited to their voice, but Shure sells it as an instrument mic) or an imitation. The SM-58 has a strong 'presence' effect when used at extremely close range and is generally well suited to a whole range of voices, thus has become a standard in concerts.
A dynamic mic is good if you have to hold the mic in your hand, otherwise you could also look for a vocal suited condenser microphone. If you don't have a phantom powered audio card, mixer or DI box, electret condenser microphones are available and are battery powered.
So overall it depends on your needs, and cash. For instance Neumann, Schoepps and high and mid range AKGs sell for a lot more than 100$.
A good starting page (although it doesn't cover a lot of important mic stuff, such as polar patterns - generally cardiod for vocal mics - and frequency response curves) is here. It's generic, but I agree with the suggestions.
Because that bit is important for Mosley's position since it would involve in his sex game the memory of a whole people who suffered an immense tragedy. It wouldn't be a simple private lack of taste, it would be a lack of humanity.
Besides that such role-playing or impersonation, when constituting an apology of nazism or fascism, would be considered a crime in Italy and would likely lead to criminal charges no matter if private or public, unless it was intended as a condemnation of such regimes. We lost a war, we were shocked, we made laws to condemn such acts.
Personally I don't care about anything I could consider repulsive when no crime is committed and no apology of political aberrations is made, but I don't know if this applies to Mosley. I haven't seen the entire original video or significant, high quality uncensored bits, so I'll let others, more important than me, judge the whole episode.
I care much more about privacy and about anyone's right not to be disturbed by journalists when the private fact is unimportant for a public role. For me the only important bit here is the Nazi stuff; any other reason smells of bigotry to me, and of an unjust exposure.
Edit: for the other point, you wrote "He's also not said he's challenging the Nazi claims". He did more, he already challenged the Nazi claims in the press. The court case stuff is merely an hypothesis and should be treated as such with no absolute certainty (if you look closely I do), but as a matter of fact he already did what you said he didn't say he's doing. But don't scratch your head too much, just read his declarations (or provide proof of the contrary, please).
Re-edit: here's the video everybody has seen. But I personally need more evidence than that to come to a certain conclusion about nazi fantasies. I can't have it, so I give Mosley the benefit of doubt, as I'd give it to anyone.
Just one more edit to note something really obvious: there's a camera placed outside that films Mosley entering the 'dungeon'. Doesn't that ring a bell to anyone?
Last time I checked the F1 racers didn't look like Catholic priests, and the circus is not a church. Mosley's reputation is damaged beyond repair by this exposure, but let's avoid being hypocritical. He had no public position to defend about paid sex, he's not Spitzer. The invasion of his privacy is blatant, so the whole issue revolves around antisemitism and it's a problem of political nature, not sexual. Toyota is clear about that.
Sorry, but I think you're applying a flawed logic. For instance if I deny I am Italian I can be a liar, but I definitely don't admit I am Italian. And If I say that you're calling me Italian and that you should be wary because you were an Italian in your past, I still don't admit I am Italian.
When someone says something is untrue you can hardly consider he admits something is true. You can reasonably think Mosley's lying, but he's definitely denying nazi roleplay allegations, so your conclusion about him admitting it seems rather strange. He's very clear about it.
No, that's a wrong conclusion, as he deems the accusations against him untrue in the same communication. His words about BMW and Mercedes can be considered naive or outright nasty, but Mosley acts like he's reacting to an unjust accusation from organisations which don't have an immaculate past and don't have any conclusive proof of the allegations against him. Mosley must believe he has a way to prove his point. Whether this possibility is real or not, we'll see. If he ever succeeds, there will be blowbacks.
I think it's still too early to draw any kind of conclusion, apart from the fact that Mosley is in a trouble that's getting worse each passing day. It can be difficult or impossible, but if he ever proves in a court that his sexual stunts aren't necessarily a nazi styled enactment we'll see some other people in a very embarassing position. I have the sensation that Mosley's head couldn't be the only one to fall, and that much more mudslinging could be seen in the future.
You're not well informed. This is the opening of the original 'piece of news' by News of the World (really bad, sensationalistic journalism):
The son of infamous British wartime fascist leader Oswald Mosley is filmed romping with five hookers at a depraved NAZI-STYLE orgy in a torture dungeon.
The article is is written in order to exploit the emotions of the readers rather then exposing the mere facts, starting from the title: F1 boss Max Mosley has sick Nazi orgy with 5 hookers. Commentary and facts on such subjects, especially when the original source isn't available (a 5 hour long video, it seems) should be separated as much as possible, but there's no hint of such separation.
As you said before, the alleged national socialist fantasies are much more disturbing than anything else for certain people, especially Jews who have all the rights to feel disturbed by such kind of sexual role-playing. This doesn't mean they pre-judge Mosley's impulses, however. Whether he likes more to be a supposed victim or a torturer, it doesn't matter, as it doesn't matter if he did it only because nazis are still considered one of the most powerful and vicious forms of authority ever met.
All things considered, spanking, well paid sex and s&m can be perceived as strictly private matters, while the usage of nazi paraphernalia is perceived as having many more implications.
Overall I'm with Mosley, although I feel slightly disturbed by the alleged nazi implications. His sexual activities are something extremely private that should have no consequence on his public role.
Or downplaying the importance of the Holocaust with sexual nazi references (which he strongly denies, however). The truth is in the original tape.
Expect some good fireworks exploding in a court. Mosley isn't in a good position, politically speaking, but if the names of the leakers and of the organisers of this blatant violation of his privacy come out we'll see some other severed heads and damaged reputations.
After all he's no politician and has no public stance about kinky sex to defend or adhere to, so those matters should be kept private.
Unfortunately for him this rule doesn't apply, for historical and family reasons, to his positions about national socialism and concentration camps.
The only non-sanitised piece of news was that the monks shouting "Tibet isn't free" to the journalists will not be punished.
Why should have they been punished: speaking to the journalists? Having a different opinion? What kind of Countries issue such public statements?
Nice quote, Hankstar.
As a former Roman Catholic I can confirm that a typical Catholic Mass, here, is replete with constant appeals to our sense of guilt (and fear), starting from the original sin and then building on top of that constantly, to peak with "Jesus died for our sins". All this is carefully exploited throughout all Roman Catholic ceremonies.