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S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :Bloody brilliant.

These two words rang in my mind during the whole clip. Awesome lyrics.
S2 licensed
Sorry, but there's no reason to answer such a question, and there's no good justifications to tell the reasons to all the forum. So, after a careful evalutaion I decided I won't answer to you anymore until under extreme need.

I think that the people who can understand already guessed why I consider this to be the best choice, and informing you of my motivations would be a waste of time.

Consider this a victory, if you want to score a point. I'm not here for this reason.
S2 licensed
I don't know how the hell you believe that what you think is what other people think. Trust me, as a strategist you'd be a disaster.
S2 licensed
Yes, US must suffer a defeat too. But sometimes I doubt it will help. This is one of those moments.
S2 licensed
No, it won't last long. He's equating 'suffering a defeat' to 'advocate a destruction'. Just as saying that suffering the defeat of Vietnam the US were destroyed. We all know it isn't so. Such a moronic equation is self-defeating, and lizardfolk demonstrates once again the quality of his reasoning, which amounts to slander, in this case.

Truly disgusting. That's all.

Edit: (Archivist mode on) Xaotik, we have another palooka here! (Archivist mode off)
Last edited by Albieg, .
S2 licensed
Quote from lizardfolk :Article:,2933,332360,00.html

You have quoted, exactly, nothing. Please provide a reliable source where such advocation of destruction of Israel can be attributed to Finklestein, since in that lousy commentary I saw none. Not even the sentence you quote. You obviously have problems with English.
S2 licensed
Quote from lizardfolk :Finkelstein advocated the destruction of Israel to bring peace to the middle east (which means he regarded that as a solution).

Where, exactly? And mind, you, I'm not asking because I've no understanding of what Finkelstein says or means: I do, and I agree. I just need you to exactly document a sentence of yours.

Please provide exact link with exact quotes, please.
S2 licensed
You're missing many, many points. I can agree that the creation of Israel was a mistake, but if you seem to believe that I consider the destruction of Israel as a solution you're utterly wrong.

To follow your moronically hypothetical path, the only thing I have to demonstrate is that if all people - including Arabs and Israelis - thought what I think, there would be no war, and no violently dead people. Sounds idiotic? It is. An idiotic answer sometimes is the correct one, especially if the question is idiotic.
Last edited by Albieg, .
S2 licensed
Quote from lizardfolk :Excuse me, but your the one doing the insulting here.

If saying that you're behaving like a disturbing simpleton is insulting, I accept my insult to you as a matter of fact.

Your last questions is purely hypothetical since it refers to facts that didn't happen. If things went that way... they didn't. Any consideration about that would be an excercise of style with no practical meaning. Just as your question.
S2 licensed
Quote from lizardfolk :
This whole Palestine situation sucked to begin with. So do you want Palestinian/Lebanon/Syrian terrorists wanting Israel to become an illegitimate state? Or do you want some extremist Zionist terrorist wanting a "home for the Jews"?

I think your question is stupid, rethorical and offensive. As such it deserves only an improper answer.

I know what I want: I'd like that people like you, who have a penchant for simplifying, wouldn't attribute their simplifications to people who have demonstrated to you - even harshly - they have spent much more time and brains than you did or you'll ever do on some issues.

Age and education matter. Call it experience, if you like. Don't insult it, and don't insult the intelligence of people who are talking to you, next time.
S2 licensed
Quote from Hankstar :You just blew my mind.


I guess there's no translation in English, maybe whateverism, the feeling that things never change, don't have any emotional content and no meaning. Whatever it is, it is, and if it's different, it's the same.

It's an apparently light form of cynicism, extremely diffused. To tell the whole truth I don't think Racer Y is just as his words sometimes are, I don't know him so well to say something so personal.

I'll just consider his dismissive tone a useless way to say that, no matter the facts presented, he'll stick to his own opinion. Once again, no wonder. I don't expect people to change opinion. At least, not suddenly.

Fact is, a lot of people have lost (or never had) their individuality to favour some sort of collective identity where consensus counts more than personality, to the point that facts no longer form opinions: opinions form facts. It's a vicious epic to which I'll always prefer the fragmentation of modernity.
S2 licensed
All I can say about that is that Hacohen's piece addresses the suicide bombers' tactics and reasons effectively, for me. There's no sense in quoting it since the whole piece is about this kind of tactics.

There's no way, however, to turn subfactions one against each other since the real problem stems from an occupation. The only way for something like that to happen would be to give complete satisfaction to the internal factions. In other words such a deadlock can't be easily solved, or flattened to a single, partial and one-sided point of view. It's a complex situation that demands complex answers, and a lot of pain to come.
S2 licensed
...and you have to take into account that those maps only show the land. Resources such as water are not shown, and water is extremely important there. A map containing the appropriation of resources would be pretty damning for Israel too.

Israel, however, did build a separation wall from Palestine to stop suicide bombers, and it has been partially effective. They didn't build it exactly on the 1967 Green Line, though: they managed to take some more land.
S2 licensed
Racer Y, considerations about gangsters aside you have just described (almost) perfectly one of the most despisable aspects of Israeli tactics on the field. But, just as the US in Iraq, the IDF must stick to terrorist tactics since a cleaner approach to the enemy would lead to much heavier losses on their side, and this would lead to the end of the occupation. And this tells you how vicious occupations are since they add a sense of corruption that can't be easily shaken away. Military wise, there's no honour in such methods.

I agree with your analysis, and I thought such a thing could never happen in this forum.

Edit: about this issue there's a piece of Ran HaCohen which I deem particularly interesting: Israel - A Suicide Bomber?
Last edited by Albieg, .
S2 licensed
Your eyes are fine, DWB.
S2 licensed
It's particularly good for me. Just as yours.
S2 licensed
Quote from aoun :
Can take off dirt if requested.

I personally like it. My mind interprets that more as wear than dirt, and that's very appropriate.

Edit: I should add that I also saw a pair of boobs initially, so take my opinion with a pinch of salt.
S2 licensed
That's monkeon, one of smartest b3tans ever, but he's in good company.

The tag, the humour and the format of the image were familiar...
S2 licensed
Yeah, it seems. Then he wonders why someone wants to skin him and make some nice leather apparel, so to speak.
S2 licensed
Emergency, same usual trolling and same devious attacks from the same usual persons in this forum. And they think they have a good sense of humour too... Standards are really going downhill.

Yes, I take some issues seriously. Trolling is one of them.

Edit: and quality of humour is a serious issue too! You simply don't make me laugh, TC.

Quote from xaotik :... and people will not be so quick to dub you as a cold-blooded disruptor.

This wasn't a quick thing, for me. Just take into account in how many different ways someone managed to be disruptive in only two threads and you'll see that my conclusion about him is only due to both repeated and diversified questionable actions, along with only partial admissions without a single hint of awareness, or respect. Too many justifications but absolutely no apologies.
Last edited by Albieg, . Reason : correcting my own English mistakes as much as I'm able to.
S2 licensed
It's a cookie of your own dough: your lack of transparency has made me wary and this is a good reason not to trust you. That's all I can say about it.
S2 licensed
Quote from lizardfolk : No...wait...spend 50 DOLLARS on another account JUST FOR TROLLING?

Although far from being important since you already lost all my respect for your questionable tactics before your lovable friends joined in the fray, there are some people who have two licenses here and they don't do it for trolling.

Bringing in your friends wasn't a smart idea, but I've got used to not so smart ideas.

I maintain this post of yours was some sort of 'revenge posting' (similar to that of Racer X, but deceiving) to demonstrate something. Unfortunately you hid too many information and now you have no credibility whatsoever to my eyes.

Edit: to be clear, I don't know if your friends are imaginary or not, but I can keep that curiosity for myself since it doesn't matter anymore to me.
Last edited by Albieg, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Mille Sabords :
If I were from Germany I would probably use the same caution, and I think that some who are not from Germany could try it for a change.

Santayana wrote that those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. You find that inscription when you enter the concentration camp in Auschwitz.

For me it doesn't count who you are or where you come from, assuming nationality is part of one's identity. What you remember, and how you apply it to yourself and others, is much more important.
Last edited by Albieg, .
S2 licensed
Quote from theawesomebrit :Proof is right there:
Dont be angry just because he corrected you LOL

If you go back and read, I only addressed specifically the "self-hating jew" part. So far, there's no correction. Read my posts better, next time.
S2 licensed
Quote from lizardfolk :Where have I called Finkelstein a self hating Jew? I personally posted that article from a radio show that discussed it and they called Finkelstein a "self hating" Jew and I was curious of other's opinions (a crime as I've come to find out :rolleyes

I haven't really said anything in regards to the article at all. Also it's in question marks for a REASON. Never have I said that I've disagreed or agreed with his opinions or whether or not I've agreed or disagreed that he's a "self hating Jew who hates America".

So who's the one jumping to conclusions? :rolleyes:

You're just trolling with your confusion, and putting an additional burden on others. Be precise next time with your lousy titles, since your previous behaviour grants interpretations such as mine. Oh, and change your avatar. Use a clown.

Edit: I think you were doing some sort of experiment with your lack of clarity, willfully searching for erroneous interpretations of your quote. If it's so, shame on you.

Re-edit: next time, if you use titles like that, please post a link to the radio debate since you say the title isn't yours (read this as: you infer the title was made up by you interpretating a radio debate you didn't document). Otherwise you're hiding an important element for your own convenience. If you don't have such link, shame on you again, since you have no proof to back your own words. And STOP TRYING TO PLAY WITH PEOPLE, I'm not your toy.
Last edited by Albieg, .