dude!! i ment the lights coming from the lightbulb! and the car's head lights coming up...can adobe make such animation or maybe it could be flash? i use sony vegas...is it comparable with adobe at lest? :P
i must admint that this was a damn good movie! especialy the scenes...any1 know how he made that animation, with the light and all that stuffs?? and about the music what can i say? indeed he got some tastes...!
oh and 1 more question...that mip bias option...i really dont know what it does...if i put it at 0 the track changes a bit in far distances...if i put it on -4 it looks pixelized...im curently on -1...from what i have saw...it adds some shading/blur to the textures..now im not sure im right so, could any1 tell me what it is and what the best value? thx again
i just noticed this, that when i'm playing on a track with a layout the fps drops from 70-90 to 20-30....i got v-sync off, simple track disabled, shadows off...is it normal for a 2500+athlon(1.83Ghz), radeon a9550 (256Mb), and 1GRam(2x512dual, 400Mhz) ? i didnt clock anything and in some way i intend not 2...some opinions plz?
so you see spsamsp? only 2 of us showd up in here...i'm sure that there are 2 or 3 more romanian liceensed players, but inactive...this should answer ur question
Hey, i'm just curious how many romanian racers have a liceense?, cuz atm i only know 2 people Plz romanian racers (with s2 liceense) if u see this leave a "footprint" or a pm! Other nation racers how know romanian racers or somthin like that are welcome 2.... i do not intend 2 upset any1, i'm just curious how many of us are there :P
hehe, yesterday i bought the liceense too from a long time of staying on the demo i finally managed 2 buy this superb racesim! i'm glad that now i'm "part" of this comunity so i say a big HELLO 2 u racers (and drifters )!
i encounterd the problem 2 with my momo, the center point was a bit to the left, and yes i do the calibration all the time....i've download the momotweak but when i start it, guess what?: "Logitech MOMO Force Wheel not found! Please ensure it is pluggd in" What in the world is this? i mean my momo is working fine, the ffb, pedals all work great...in the game cotrollers saz its fully functional...so why that tool doesent recognize my wheel?? Momo racing black
i have a very stressing problem with my home made pedals conected to the momo! the pedals work just fine, the problem is the calibration. after a few houres of not useing the wheel i lose the calibration to the pedals, so i have to press them and turn the wheel so it can calibrate automatically, only this time my pedals calibrate in a totaly diferent way so the pressing rage is now higher or smaller. i found a "trick" with the pots, when i spin the acceleration pot to its very limit both the pedals go 0 and then i can spin them to the rage i want them to react, so i made the acceleration a bit longer then the brake, but this "trickd" calibration loses after some houres. is there a utility that simply locks the calibration?? every time i want to play i have to strip down the pedals and "corect" theyr pot range. its very annoying, belive me. and i dont what to go back to the momo pedals because i dont like them at all. i dont know if this counts but the wheel is new..only 4 days old . Could someone plz give me some tips or help me with a utility or somthing because i'm at the end of my nervs :| sry for my english...:P and thanks in advance!
ok i give up, its photoshop...supose ur right with the 3d thing....i have a car that's made in 3d's max and im sure of that cuz i'ved spoke 2 the author...and the colors seemd exactly like on the rx7....well...back on topic now post virtual tuned cars.....
yes i know that kind of work and its really photoshop
your absolutely right! that's photoshop. that is an relatively easy creation. now go look and please make the diference between the rx7 colors/skin and the civic one. if u study a little the car's details you will se the reflactions on the car are almost perfect, and just about every single detrail of that car its perfect, the clarity its just about perfect, so go try make one like that, if u succeed i'll rise my hat in front of u. and about the reflections i know u cand make an easy water reflection but that looks allmost real, loot at the detaild reflection and road bind, try 2 think how was the station picture befor, how the road was, and so on. i'm not trying to be a hardass but from my experience in photoshop(not so big, but enough) i cannot belive that car is photoshopd(only if iths renderd in a 3d and after corected with ph )).
now i say we drop this subject, cuz like this it has no ending. And about you Jakg, try not to be so harsh.
forget it man...photoshop doesen't know to render(only if u do it manually in 1 week)...and that colours are evin better then the original rx7. and the body that wide bodyktii its way 2 hard 2 make it with photoshop's tools... virtual tuning is basicly about copying parts from another picture and fit it into yours. only 30%max of the car is handmade.... the subaru is most likely to be made in photoshop. i admit photoshop knows 'lott of things, but that rx7 with light reflections water shadow renderd colors and huge bodykitt gets out of his league....
Kajojek u'll need at least 2-3 mounths until u can make an resonable tunned car...dont expect at much on the begining just make simple things ... and with time passing u'll discover new things to play with ) i know the program at about 60-70% of its functions, but i dont have the pacients to do somthing perfect ) now i'm not using it for tuning cars...u can modify or create just about everything with the photoshop (even undressing hot chiks )))) )
EDIT: yep the RX7 is a fake or its really made in 3d's max, although the first pic with the normal rx7 doesent reprezent anywthing... those pics doesent match....here u go:
hope u guys like it....i dont like them anymore ))) ...And that rx7 is made with a 3d program, i have a similer tuned car, same effects, same claritty and its made with 3d's max, so....and the subaru is photoshop made
i think that the ffshifter simply comands the FFb of the stick to push in one direction. if u can manage to block an nonffjoystick into place on the gear botton's spot (so that its pushing the botton continuasly) it will work. i've just got myself a momo and started to make an h-shifter, so i documented myself a bitt
what do you mean by: "LFS is unrealistic"????? to me its prety much realistic, its one of the best racesims out there. by realistic u refer at exactly real life? well never gona hapen because its imposible to simulate real life things in a room at a perfect level.... 301 its a start and in my opinion its a well done conmotionsim.
simply unbeliveble. this makes u think in what a fu*kd up world we're liveing in. I'm stupefyd. like u guys sad, execute her so she can go to hell!!! illepall