so i asume its probably very sure that ur server will become the main server and the other one, well it just wont be anymore ? so then we dont need to bother about the money and the cars in the main server (atm). From what i heard its proveing to be nice and smooth on the test server so, didnt really got the chance to play, srv's full all the time :Pe
so let me get it now ur pissd that u got banned for not paying a fine from a cop off duty? let me tell u again (for the xxxxx time) RAZVAN is the police chief!! go read the site! he doesent have to be on duty to make the things right for ppl who are not respecting the rules and the other cops! A M R askd him to do somthing about you because u didnt pay a fine! DOESEN'T matter what did u do to get that fine! THE police have the RIGHT to give fines! and belive me we are traind and have strict rules for that! if a cop wants to play you save a replay and send it to one of the admins or evin better razvan cuz hes manageing the police buisness. ARE WE CLEAR? now stop wineing around with 12 and 14year old because the only 13year old is you. go and show ur chinies tits somewere else.
i agree with Chris on a previous post. we shouldnt made this public with just those 2 queries. a nice cruise server witch it was sometimes on the private its now a chaos with cars flyng all over the place followd by police. Tweak sad 1time that if some1 robs the bank they do anything to get away even hitting other cars driving ww and the police need to do the same. well in my opinion IRL police rather slow down if it involves other cars and the danger to hit them evin in a blind turn u DONT go on w-side! IRL u dont have a map! it would be more fun to chase like in real life. one of the police rule is POLICE doesent have the right to hit other players just because they were in other persuits or running to assist ar whatever!
another thing with the police driving in 150000E cars. we started in the XRG (when every1 had uf1's) then we went to XRT/FXO (many ppl had xrt's lx4's) then on fz5 witch didnt last much because 3 ppl allready had XFR witch is a GTR and the had to switch to XRR/FZR.
i really start to dislike the server for what it is now its WAY offcourse of what it was supose to be! its absolut chaos now. ppl raming you /followd by police, u just cannot enjoy driving because u have to stay allert for the robbers comeing v fast on ww. its rediculous.
many of the police guys critiseis me for respecting the rules while in a chase and drive how i should drive and some times let the suspects get away. i just cant risc going wrongway and hit another car and then rapidly continueing my persuit! (p.s i play without a map/names and all (Shift+F) that-its at real as u can make it, but of course im the only "stupid" who trys to make it a good real cruise game)
best wau is to make ur own! but of course transforming a joystick its easyer :P i have a homemade h-shifter a set of 3 pedals and a handbreak :P and man...its worth it :P on RSC u will find TONS of info and allready made projects for u to inspire g-luck.
i have a problem with csr that "popd" up only now.after a while using v3 perfecctly one time when i started csr: "The Aplication faild to initialize properly (0x00000033)." i overright the exe and it workd, but after a restart same thing. any ideeas? sry if thins problem was posted before but i dont have time right now to read :|
thankyou. i dont have much time really. but i think soon i will start a really long "perfect" story animation that will take days to create! in the mean time ill keep experimenting and find new things
i got it from a site with tutorials for pivot animator...i made another experiment in shooting...and i added the gun file 2 (NOTE: rename the extension to stk !, the *.rar is just so i could got it posted from the forum) :P tell me what u think bout it.
i have a quick can i combine 3 gifs together? so that they run all in 1, one after another plz tell me and then ill show u a nice animation :P
...never mind i figured it out:P here it is! (sry Loz16 cuz i "stole ur ideea" but i really liked it if some1 goes to u )
edit....heh..anotherone..this program is getting adictive :P
yea got that to, when i enterd the track i could see my inside but the track was all gray and the whole surface too. when u look from outside its all good, gkinda like on the roof of that building from blackwood carpark when u look from inside. but then i left the server reconected and all was back to normal, didnt hapend again since (it was the first time i eneterd a server after installing the patch so...maybe that was it :P) donno