That sounds so wrong to me... me and my mind eh...
On Topic: The Mercedes is nice, whether it's his or not, if I got given it I'd brag about it too, although I'd sell it and buy a smaller cheaper car (if it was my first car)
Been watching it and recording it, it's ok to watch when there's not much else on,
as for them being chavs, I doubt it, since they all have good jobs and obviously know much more than most of you about cars and earn more than all of you ever will, so if they are chavs what are you, unless you don't know what the word 'chav' means, and it doesn't mean 'Council House and Violent'.
Anyone willing to define 'chav' to me, is it because the way they speak or?
I must also admit, DFP's areeee haaard, it's so sensitive I turn the wheel like 15 degrees each way for full lock, sometimes I need to do a scandinavian flick just to get it to touch an apex and if I go too far it's extremely hard to save the car... those times up there were just for jokes normally I can get pretty close to WR's.... but at the moment I'm about 2-3 seconds off my old pace, I will try and buy another G25 soon I guess, and then just practice hard.
What kind of team are you looking for? - ANY
Age: 19
Country: England
Preferred Car/Track: Any
Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: No preferred cars or tracks but usually 10 - 20 secs off WRs on long tracks and 5 secs off on REALLY short tracks, Oval tracks I can get within half a second of all WR's
How Active Are You?: Few times a month depending on how I feel.
What Kind of Control do you use? Wheel, DFGT and G25 (not always at the same time)
LOL, all I know is there were two really dirty drivers, Andy Murray it must of been and I think he has a brother n-murray or something? anyway I remember one or both of them drove for ERT or something, I was in n!faculty doing a TBO and STD race on AS1 I think, he was in a different class and thought it would be funny to ram me off the course onto the grass for fun, and I've seen him crash before, he crashed a guy named (void) or something, anyway he has anger issues