You mean 'losing' and no. I'd rather not login on my other accounts here they would just get banned from servers/the forum, nice try at trolling though 'son'
You obviously forgot to read or simply just can't read, JAAAHF00LI.
So guys, I f*ck'd my girlfriend last night and I split her open, now she's just so open minded I just wish she was like this the hole time, it's AWSUM.
Yeah but you jumped in on a conversation, said I was a cheater (which I have) I've never cheated on my old WR's or any leagues or public servers etc, but you also cheat? the only reason you deleted the world record was because Crim made that slideshow, but you tried to de-fame him by saying he is a cheater, OK back on topic, speedhackers are good hmk, newclutch **** are 10x worse.
Last edited by Fonnybone, .
Reason : ...and again. Seriously, there are much better ways to communicate than with infantile hate words.
There you go little man, like I said, teach me to be as fast as you, a little tip for future use, don't jump in on a conversation/argument if your just as guilty as the noob I'm schooling.
Yes I'm slow, I shall watch your driving next time I see you, I might learn something, and maybe then I'd see what F1RST was thinking when they decided to 'sign' you and if I do learn something I'll race you and see if I can compare to your raw speed, oh wait, what's the top speed of the UF1 again?
999 days to think? No about a month after that was given I bought a new S2? as for me changing, yes in a way I have and in other ways I haven't as for you saying 'it's a shame you (i) changed' then yes it is, because unlike most I know you haven't changed, your just acting mature/nice so eventually you can get into a 'top' team again, how's the sucking up to Pearcy going? or did you stop sucking up since he told you where to go And yes don't try and sugar coat the wall hitting, it is a cheat, if you look up the word you'd fine that gaining time in a manner such as that is called cheating, so you are a cheater too, one thing I can say though, I've never cheated to get the WR's I use to have, can you say that?
On a behavior note, yeah, I'm immature etc etc (although I class it as having 'fun') but you are no angel since you got kicked from a few teams right? anyway this is going way off topic, and to contribute to the thread, the guy that made the speed hack is the real Chudy_2001 and he sent it out and people started to leak it and use his name on demo servers, the cheat is not available online so it's only a few selected people to have it, so if you start seeing loads of 'demo' users hacking, then it's most probably the same person on different accounts, anyway I doubt it's too hard to patch, and it's useless on S2 servers, but it is fun in the FXR
And so are yours, Mr 'I hit walls and get world records' and Mr 'I send messages to people to ask them to not beat my WR' you cheated to get WR's, now your acting mature etc etc all I can say is don't care that I speedhacked, I didn't do it to try deceive people, I did it openly for a laugh to see how fast I could go on a scrap S2 account that I used for having 'fun' on, I have serious ones, Although I hardly EVER play because I need to buy a new wheel, I will be back racing and neither you or anyone else can stop me, saying my point is invalid because I used a hack? Made by someone 'valuable to the community' seriously, did you think I could get away with beating WR's by 10 seconds? maybe everyone should be worried about the newclutch shiny happy peopleand the people using exploits/hacks that are not easily detectable in leagues, but it won't stop, as for all games there are hacks, some detection systems are better than others, I guess the developers have yet another thing to add/improve into LFS before they release a patch ( assuming they do ) so go cry emo and stop being such a hypocrite
Drop the act to sum it up.
E: Just realised, your signature is well suited to you.
Last edited by Fonnybone, .
Reason : You can argue, but try not to go over board in the hate and swearing, thanks.