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names on for public servers... unless the racing is clean (which is unusual!) in which case i turn them off. Always off in leagues because it tends to be more of a friendly atmosphere and you know who everyone is anyway

this also needs to be an option in the poll cos im not sure which to pick.... but i guess i'll just go for public servers as i race there more often
Last edited by andy_bonjon, .
TG Motorcross 2
S2 licensed
great way to waste time -

what time can ya get for all 7 stages??

my best is 1.53.80
Motorsport Today
S2 licensed
Suddenly got a free day today and my dad is coming to visit so anyone know if there are any decent motorsport events within a couple of hours drive of london today? cheers

[edit] or any where decnet for arrive and drive karting
Last edited by andy_bonjon, .
S2 licensed
Im currently doing Motorsport Engineering at Brunel University. A 'Motorsport Degree' is more specific than a general Mechanical Engineering degree not the other way around. For example, any normal engineering company will probably prefer you to have a Mech Eng degree, whereas motorsport companies may prefer motorsport but even that's not garunteed.

Im second year atm and the first two years are EXACTLY the same as normal Mech Eng. From what I have seen it doesn't change too much for Level 3 either but thats just Brunel and I could be wrong anyway.

If you are wanting to get a general engineering job later in life then you should definitely do a Mech Eng. Only if you are 100% certain that motorsport will be your life should you do a Motorsport Degree. If you do want to have a motorsport career then pick a university which actually exposes you to motorsport. Don't be fooled by talk of Formula Student either, make sure the uni has some other motorsport outlets. We are currently sorting out our placement years here at Brunel and we have had some feedback from some of the employers about what they will be looking for. Basically the motorsport companies have said that it is almost worthless applying to them unless you have had some hands on experience with motorsport in some fashion and a degree on its own doesnt show too much.

As a final point it depends on where abouts in the motorsport sector you want to be aiming for. If its anywhere other than the top ranks of WRC/F1 etc then a good motorsport technology/engineering course will defintiely be a good choice. If you are aiming to get into F1 then it seems that aerospace engineering is actually the way to go these days!!
S2 licensed
Quote from Rubenz81 :Well i was thinking...
With the current rules if we use custom layouts, the ones that starts last can spectate more time and have an advantage so...
Why dont start from the pit lane end 30 sec after each other; like after 1 min after the race start so we can also have false start (after replay analysys) so everyone can spectate only the organizer lap.
Like first start at 1.00 second at 1.30 third at 2.00...
With that one can learn the difficult passage of the track but cant learn perfectly all the track. A substitute for codriver?
Also starting from the pit lane end we dont have starting guys disturbing finishing guys and viceversa.
Hope that my English wasnt that bad!

i had a similar thinking to you about the staggered starts after the first event that happened and it would work but would need more effort from the admin to calculate the results. Also even if your on track in your car waiting for the start there is nothing to stop you watching other ppeoples laps so the advantage for the latter starters would still be there.
S2 licensed
great! looking forward to these providing my coursework allows it! lol
S2 licensed
having got my g25 recently i have been trying to do heel and toe as well. however i am struggling to do it properly. when i blip the throttle i cant do it enough to get much response from the engine. Also the actual braking force ends up wildely modulating as well. i suspect that i simply need A LOT of practice but i was wondering about exactly what part of your foot you use to blip the throttle? as to press the throttle properly for this i become useless on the nbrake pedal and vice - versa.

I know its called heel and toe but i find trying to use my heel really uncomfortable and i have seen videos of drivers actually only using the side of their foot for it... what is the norm?
S2 licensed
i would be in this but im home for three weeks over christmas = no lfs for me my wheel would quite squeeze in me suitcase
S2 licensed
at home in jersey most of the servers i race on are between 20 and 60!! lol here at uni in west london in usually 50 - 700+ and my connection is so unstable that i can have really low pings one minute, then refresh the server list page and they become huge!

as for playability personally once i get over 100 i find lag starts becoming a major problem... but from what other people have just said the lag could be my unstable connection
S2 licensed
Im using an Acer AL2216W plugged into me laptop, bought from overclockers for £260 although im not sure if they still sell it.

its a 22inch widescreen, 1680*1050, 5ms response and 700:1 contrast ratio

it wont look stretched provided you change the resolution to a widescreen option in lfs itself... it has meant i can use a slightly wider fov whilst still making sure it looks the same as it did on my laptop

It has made so much difference and i dont think i could go back to playing on a regular screen!
S2 licensed
I ordered mine from from memory it was about £170 with vat but not inculding delivery (although that would have been about £12)... i got mine without vat though so not sure exactly... just check their website its on the first page. They will deliver really quickly and reliably as well, i've had a several things from them and couldn't fault their service at all!
S2 licensed
damn you BBT.... is was doing a good job of controlling my excitement until your post! but now i cant wait!

i should get mine tomorrow which you would think would be a good thing!? but nooooooooooooooooo, it couldnt be worse! so much coursework is not going to get done i can see it already! and the deadlines are next week for one piece and the week after for the other!
S2 licensed
i get my g25 in a couple of days... i want to make sure it doesnt break first but if you still havent got a dfp in a couple of weeks then pm me and i should be able to sell you mine
S2 licensed
:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

Right... so that everyone understands... if he is gmt -5 that means that his time is 5 hours LESS than gmt or 5 hours BEHIND gmt. So when he says 12.00pm (gmt -5) that means gmt is actually 17.00 (5pm)!!!!! so gmt +1 would therefore be 18.00 (6pm)!!!

S2 licensed
mine arrived at home today but no one was there to sign for it... so its being picked up tomorrow and then sent over here to me so i should get it on monday or tuesday!! cant wait!!
S2 licensed
Thats kool let me know if it works or not!
S2 licensed
ok i'd forgotten what my actual solution was so forget the last post if you read it this isnt tested but i cant think why it wouldnt work.... feel free to correct and/or improve the idea


Solution - A qualy or practise session is used instead of a race. At the start of the session everyone must have joined directly onto the track i.e. so your not in the pitlane. Every drives to a convenient holding point such as pitlane entry or other position which is out of the way... however it must be before the start finish and people can drive back to it if they are forward of the place. Competitors are held here until they are called forward to start. When called forward competitors must IMMEDIATELY proceed to the pole position grid slot and wait. They will then be released into the stage by the organiser. As they cross the line their lap will start and when they finish it will be recorded in the qualifiying list that is normally displayed on screen. On crossing the finish line they must spectate immediately. Cars should have gaps of approx 30 secs between them. Drivers in the holding area are reminded that they can still use 'v' and 'tab' to watch the action just like spectate mode.

In real rallying traffic is sometimes a problem so we should accept that this will be the case weith this system... if you are caught by a faster competitor, or have gone off and rejoined in fornt of someone, you should pull over and let them through. This is what happens normally!

When driving to the pole position point drivers must take extreme car not to get in the way of another driver... ideally if the holding point where on the same side of the grid as the pole position then this shouldnt be a big problem. To help ease this drivers should be called to the grid immediately after another driver has departed. this will give them 30 seconds to get there safely thus allowing time to properly check the track.

The advantages of this system are quite considerable. Each stage will be completed far quicker allowing more stages to be used. The intensity of each stage will be a lot higher as there will be a lot more action occuring at one time therefore making it more exciting. Since all the results will be displayed at the end it allows for easier recording. And for the future there is no reason while a form of online tracker could be used to help expand the event, possibly across multiple servers (although that is far beyond what we are talking about atm!! lol)

Im sure there where a few other things i meant to add to this but that'lkl do for now... feel free to comment
S2 licensed
I won't know if i can make it until middle of next week as i may be busy that weekend i really hope i can though!

I do think that while we are only using a 11 slot server it may be worth limiting the car choice further to keep everyone at the same level... if there were only a couple of people in each class it wouldnt be too good

Edit - see next post
Last edited by andy_bonjon, .
S2 licensed
This event was indeed very enjoyable and a great success and thanks for organising it!! It was really good to play LFS in a different way as well!

The event has great potential to grow and i think it will go far. The only actual problem (if you could call it that) from last night was that it did take a remarkably long time to complete but i think this can be sorted for next rally!

Thanks again!
S2 licensed
in my '84 polo all three pedals feel as stiff as a non servo assited brake should!!

For a sim the throttle wouldnt need any ffb and the clutch im in two minds about... because some older cars i've driven you can feel very small effects through it but with modern cars i dont feel anything

the brake however would be good to have some ffb... for example when braking hard feeling the brakes fade would be awesome and make the sim a lot scarier. But also i think ffb would make it feel so much more like a real brake pedal simply because in a real car its not a spring that stops you pushing further, its the pads on the discs and the two have a vastly different feel to them.

So i dont think ffb in the sense of a wheel's ffb is a good idea as there isnt much to fb but a different way of providing the resistance is needed, possibly through a ffb-esque system

Having said all of that people with modern servo assited brakes shouldnt complain about lack of feel because those brakes arent exactly much better!! lol Go and drive a real car with no power steering, no servo brakes and no fuel injection just ordinary carbs!!

Yeah my Polo!!
S2 licensed
fair enough... well tried to order mine from overclockers but something went wrong after i'd confirmed everything and so im not sure if my order is actually placed or notl... have to sort it tomorrow now but fingers crossed i can still get it by next weekend
S2 licensed
how did ya get vat off??

i can get it without vat but it needs to be sent home to jersey.... however im at uni in london so that would mean my dad sending it back to me (which he WILL pay for ) which means i wont get it until thursday... which is worth the saving... but if i can get it sent straight here without vat that would be a lot better! ?????
S2 licensed
This is a shame I have always had good service with dabs on loads of stuff from there!!

I can only assume that its logitech are just not sending them any wheels!

and now im stuck with where to order from as dabs was by far the cheapest! any ideas??
S2 licensed
judgin by the fact he is in america i assume it should be GMT - 5 but correct me if im wrong! lol that would mean it would be 2 am GMT and 3 am for Italy

if thats the case then that a big shame cos my housemates would not be too pleased if i started playing LFS at that time
S2 licensed
1984 VW Polo Coupé 1272cc... its a beast!!

ride a TDR250 for just getting me around