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S2 licensed
I make my own setups... even if they arent the best i get more pride from doing a quick lap on my own set than someone elses! If i'm really stuck then i'll ask what downforce people use or ask if they are using a relatively hard or soft set just to get a base for my own. I never use anyone elses sets though! it seems like cheeating to me
S2 licensed
i dont particularly like it either in real life but provided the penalty is big enough i think it would be better suited to sim rallying
S2 licensed
This sounds brilliant i would definitelly be up for it!

One suggestion on the rules though:

If you crash out and have a DNF on a stage, you could recieve a 'default time' which say would be equal to the slowest competitors time + an appropriate amount of seconds as a penalty. That way if you crash all is not completely lost.
S2 licensed
sorry lol... they are supposed to be negative, i cant really think of a time when you'd want positive camber!

remember that those are 'live camber' values and are different from actual settings
Last edited by andy_bonjon, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Meanie :Yeah, i've got someone else to go to the market for me so i can test things out.

Could you share with me yor camber and pressures for that setup, sir?

If you guys can do it, MAYBE i can too.
I just need the info to tweak my setup.

Btw if you have a .mpr (replay) from that race you mentioned i would be very interested.

Thanks man.

Pressures where max and live camber would have been about 2.6 front and 2.2 rear.... however those are just guesses! Unfortunately Im not at home and i wont be back until about 23.30 gmt tonight

my set was fairly soft as i was still learning back then both how to drive and how to do setups... however i know the top guys didnt change tyres either and they were using only slightly modified hl setups

if you want the replay check out and if you look in the forums section you should be able to find a link to the replay there
S2 licensed
R1's on the FOX will easily last 22 laps and more at BL.... raise the tyre pressures to max or near max and they will be fine.... and you'll still get good lap times from them too easily around the late 1.08's at the start of the race... then as they wear towards the second half of the race they will cool down loads as the tread gets thinner and you should probably see low 1.08's

just checked the vixen challenge website and the first race of last season was at BL... it was a 40 lapper and i didnt have to change tyres using max pressures on the r1's.... i got a 1.08.44 which although not the best was pretty good for me at the time... the setup i had made for that race was no where near ideal either!! lol

For the FOX you will almost never have to use anything other than R1s in any race provided you adjust pressures and camber accordingly
S2 licensed
dabs just changed waiting time back to 1-2 weeks!!

oh well.... its worth the wait as i can get it vat free as im getting it sent to jersey only £120!!
S2 licensed
as said above what counts as being a 'racer'?

i've done autotests organised by my local club for the past couple of seasons and done reasonably well in them!

I am currently looking into building a rally car out of my '84 VW Polo and (money permitting) aim to be ready in two years.... although this will all be dependant on the state of the chassis and body which i will be looking at at xmas when im home from uni. if its not in good condition all around then i wont be able to afford to buy another car in its place! fingers crossed!!
S2 licensed
ok just tried u22

this is very minor but still a bit irritating

i usually have the time displayed in the top left corner... however, in single player if i go to the pits and then leave again i have the message 'replay is not being recorded' displayed quite large in the top left corner and it doesnt go away. Replay saving is set to manual save for both single and multiplayer races. if i restart the message doesnt come up its only when i go to the garage screen and then leave again.

I havent tried multiplayer yet as our BT internet service is, putting it politely, not very good and im getting stupidly high pings atm

i've gone back to u20 for now and the message doesnt appear at all
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :And avoid Chris Brown at all costs, becuase he is an arse in the worst meaning of the word.

he is my personal tutor!!
S2 licensed
just starting my second year (of 5) and Brunel uni and im studying motorsport engineering.... Im doing it because i have always been insanely mad about motorsport and would like to have a chance of getting a job somewhere in the industry afterwards.

has anyone else done motorsport and got a job in it afterwards that could give any advice?? next year i hope to be doing a work placement and i will be writing to some places soon so i need as much help as i can get!! lol
S2 licensed
someone on another car forum mentioned it was an awesome online game even though he only had the demo

had loads of free time at uni so downloaded the demo and within ten minutes was s2 licenced.... i thought gt4 was a 'sim' but i just never realised... this was just as patch q came out

anyway damn uni firewall ment i coudnt unlock it so i spent 2 months playing with the xrt at blackwood with a mouse! got home at christmas, unlocked and bought a dfp and played a little bit online but i was quite wary as i had never played online and wasnt too sure what i was doing

went back to uni and had to play offline again for ages although at least it was s2 with a wheel this time.... easter came and that saw my first proper online races and i've never had so much fun in a game... got through my last uni term and have been playing regurlary online since end of may but have done thousands of miles offline!
S2 licensed
I dont mind sharing sets usually when people ask nicely and i can see they are genuinly wanting to use it to LEARN how to get faster times

However what pisses me off is when someone joins a server and demands a set straight away and is generally rude with it.... especially if they join mid race they just dont seem to understand its sometimes not possible to send a set mid race or even type a msg telling them to wait until the end.... then they go around calling you a w***er because of it

and i think thats where some of the hostility about set sending comes from

The only other time i wont send a set is if i am preparing it for a league race and i prefer to keep my set private until after wards
S2 licensed
This is my first proper go at making a skin which i did for the start of the vixen challenge

I hope you like it as it was a bit of a bugger to get right!

comments welcome
S2 licensed
Got back home from my first Le Mans last night and it was absolutely fantastic!! I managed to stay up for the whole 24 hours as well!

Well done to Audi i was so surprised with the speed of the diesel.... and the sound although REALLY quiet was very impressive

Can anyone tell me what happened in the aston/corvette battle on sunday afternoon.... i lost track of it whilst moving around the circuit and suddenly aston had lost a load of ground and i couldnt work out why?

Two other things....

1) Any Danish people here go to Le Mans and wonder why there was one Jersey flag in your camp??

2) Did anyone else who went happen to get on the bus to arnarge/ mulsanne (sp) on saturday night and see Aston man and his friends get kicked off??
S2 licensed
Quote from Mazz4200 :Think i'll head on over to RSC and ask them if it's pronounced "Gran Prick's Leg-end's", but i have a feeling i know what they'll say

:clapclap: :clapclap: :clapclap: :clapclap: :clapclap:

Brilliant!! Still wetting myself at that one!! Best thread in the forum this and there is no arguing or bickering for a change!

I would never have considered that would 'live' wire in a million years but the more i think about it, i can see how it would be quite easy to do for someone not so fluent in english... but without a doubt its the other way!

Whether FX0 is a letter or a number i say 'oh' as thas how i say my numbers! (yes i got told off i primary school for that! )

and if i got round to having breakfast regurlarly it would be cereal!
S2 licensed
Quote from Hoellsen :Right. I guess you dont drive slower when your tires are cold fresh out of the pits in LFS than you do with them at optimum temp, do you? God should have given you a brain. Try to use it at times.

Of course you drive slower there is less grip!! But you can still push hard to warm them up... you just have to look at the way alonso throws the car around to see he doesnt lack confidence on cold tyres... whereas button does otherwise he would warm them up in the same way!

Whether thats his fault or the cars is open to debate and tbh its probably a bit of both.... you have to admit alonso is a bit of an alien in the tyre warming department!
S2 licensed
ok centering fix didnt help me and my dfp at all but dxtweak did and all is well!!

Thanks very much!
S2 licensed

seriously though.... do any of the fixes actually work for the dfp??
S2 licensed
my dfp center position is slightly to the left as well.... however this is a bit of a wierd one.... its a lot worse in some cars in LFS than others.... the worst is the LX4 and best is probably either BF1 or FOX.... is there actually anyway to fix this or is it gonna get on me tits forever ??

well until the g25 anyway
S2 licensed
Why does the general public put so much pressure on Button??? there seems to be this huge expectation that he will win soon but can they not see the car is s***! So far this season Button is still caning Barrichello who is a well respected driver and also struggling with the car... surely if Barrichello cant make it quick then there must be something fundamentally wrong! Im not Buttons biggest fan but I like him and i think if people laid off him a bit he would have a better chance!

M Schumacher - Never liked him never will.... since a race i saw in 94 or 95 when I was 7... rammed Damon Hill off the track and never liked him since... blindingly quick though and his records are impressive... however i only respect him when considereing the past few seasons as before about 2002 there was a definite tendancy to cheat... so no respect for early seasons

Massa - seams quick but makes mistakes, dont think he'll ever do anything special

Alonso - very quick and impressive driving (130R anyone?) not keen on his personality but did i say he was quick??

Fisi - Complains too much... you have the same car as Alonso mate!

Raikkonen - bit of a stealth man and nearly always drives really well but is not noticed... should leave Maclaren and that will sort his problems

Montoya - dont know what to make of him after all this time... has very good days but also very bad days... it is good to have a character like him in F1 although not every one will like him

Barrichello - great respect for him! always felt after his days at Ferrari that he deserves a damn site more than he has got from his F1 career... would like nothing more than to see him become champion as he is a nice guy

Ralf - nothing special, nicer than his brother

Trulli - Good in testing and qualifying but hasnt grasped the concept of 'racing' yet

Coulthard - Very consistent and impressive driving... should channel some of his complaining energy into some on track aggression and he might do a bit better

Liuzzi - great potential imo.... seems to have all the neccessary qualities for F1 but needs nuturing in a bigger team!

Speed - tbh i dont know much about him so no comment

Klien - seems like and average driver tbh... just gets on with things

Webber - quick and consistent like coulthard except with a bit more on track enthusiasm... deserves a better car

Rosberg - same as Liuzzi, great potential but has been unlucky in recent races... give him time

Heidfeld - nothing special.... dont really know why he is in F1 tbh....

Villenueve - gets paid faaaaaaaaaaar too much for what he does.... had a brilliant first couple of seasons and then ran out of talent... doing better this year though but i need more to be convinced

Albers and Monteiro - havent seen enough of them to really know what they are like

Sato - oh god!! i can see the other drivers reaching for the [nOOb!!!! blue flag LET ME PASS!!] buttons on their steering wheels already!

Montagny - only just started so not sure... seems to have gone well before F1 though

Ide - :clapclap: :clapclap: :clapclap: did some order a (semi) mobile chicane?? as much chance of doing well as there is finding rocking horse poo!

Anyway... those are my opinions on the drivers don't have a go if you disagree as everyone is entitled to their own opinion.... cheers!
S2 licensed
if you look in the other thread in the hardware section there are more pictures there
S2 licensed
I got one of my friends into LFS and it works absolutely perfectly for him!
S2 licensed
Yes you can!!
S2 licensed
Unfortunately decent racing in the demo can be a bit hit and miss but if you do get the licence racing in the S2 servers is far better

Can i just hijack the thread for a second and ask what exactly the ping time is all about? Sorry!