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S2 licensed
Quote from SV 84 :This is 100% correct!

Where is Bob Seger in that pic?
S2 licensed
Quote from Riders Motion :'Blitz Rallycross' server will soon be online, it's been two months I'm waiting for the server from Kiss Me, and I thought eight slots would be enough for rallycross. We'll use it for various disciplines at first but I hope someone *points a Niko* will evantually buy a 32 slots server for the race stuff.

Is that S2 or demo? I must be blind because or can't find it. Well it could also be that "soon" is a longer time period than a week
S2 licensed
Ouija boards are bunch of bull.

WHA and QDRD can mean pretty much anything and nothing at the same time. If your friend really believes these things, do her a favor and try to make her come to senses.

It can go bad when people begin to make possibly important decisions based on these kind of things.

If it was just a silly non-serious game... then I have no suggestions what QDRD could mean. ...except maybe Queer Daffy Road Drifters
S2 licensed
Turn the page by.... someone...Metallica?
S2 licensed
GMax - (no longer supported?)
ZModeler - (page full of cars? Somehow related to cars?)
Blender - (contains some Python stuff, and not very interested installing Python)
Freespace3 (3.2 - 1997...from stone age?)

Hmmmm...ok maybe you cannot get everything for free. I have experience with 3DS4 and I have some old 3DS4 objects. Anybody know if any of these load them? Even not sure if they are worth loading - maybe they looked much better 12 years ago than today
S2 licensed
Does this use BOINC?

I have taken part in finding 'little green men'(SETI), but not this. What annoys me in these is that I have to generate yet another account with yet another password...which I cannot remember after 1 week
S2 licensed
Who knows...

"Do you have a gun in your pocket or are you just excited to rob the bank"


"Let's make a show me the gun and I show you the money after that"

S2 licensed
Yes. Like it was earlier. kind of middle way option...reset: on/no-fix/off
S2 licensed
Not expert in this....

Since there are 2 slight problems, maybe moving the 1st barrier section closer to the 2nd one would help. It might help in that people didn't drive over the pit entry. Also adding soft protection to the barrier ends.

In my experience the last corner is not the problem, but that people hit the walls in the bus stop chicane exit and spinning there. And that's something you cannot correct in any way.
S2 licensed
Interesting conversion.

I would certainly like to try it, even the last corner isn't a problem with people who know how to take it. But it certainly adds alternatives.

You wanted suggestions...well only this comes to my mind. I would change the last tire line (closest to the red-white barriers) go all the way to the end of the red-white barrier. Now the end of the barrier is bit unprotected and I bet there are lots of people who hit it and fly to the moon. You know bit same way as the pit wall end is protected in the pic2.

EDIT: I tried it 10 laps or so. Not sure if it makes it any safer in the current form. You can take the chicane now too fast. It doesn't slow it down so much. I tried it with mouse and xrg (not my usual car) and did low 59 (with 10 laps). You can go through it 100+ km/h (60mp/h) and the risk of hitting the barrier ends is very high (see the pic where the skid marks go). Second problem is that now the racing line goes almost where the pit entry is, so if wanting to enter pits you need to enter it fast and at the very last moment. Maybe the pit entry line needs to be protected with barriers too. Certainly interesting racing, but maybe not safer.
Last edited by Aquilifer, .
S2 licensed
" weapons were used..."

So why the heck did they give him money? Did he look so dangerous in the disguise? Ooo...don't hit me with the branch...I'm scared
S2 licensed
Looks like there were racers in the late race too this time. Good to hear that more people join

...and Hackerx again in the late event... good that he gives little handicap for us by driving in the morning hours
S2 licensed
Crowded House - Don't Dream It's Over
(you are stuck at sand and the wheels just spin when you try get back to track)

Rockwell - Somebody's watching me
(In a team server you get a feeling that admin is watching your every move - or moderators in the forum)

Per Shop Boys - What Have I Done to Deserve This
(When your good race ended at the last lap for getting out of fuel)

Mike and The Mechanics - All I Need Is a Miracle
(when you find everybody else is 2 secs faster per lap and still think about winning the race...)

Johhny Hates Jazz - Shattered Dreams
(...but in the end you find out everybody lapped you)

Laura Branigan - Self Control
(You try to find that from yourself when you were rammed out of race in T1 by noobs...)

Pet Shop Boys - It's A Sin
(...but you think about revenging the wrecking noobs the same way )
S2 licensed
Hall and Oats - Out of Touch
When you suck like a vacuum cleaner with FO8
S2 licensed
Quote from Punchy :Here's the code you want for Boost's name m8.

[^0[AA] ^C^3┬εε╛≥] - UCID=51 admin=1

Thanks mate. I look more to it later.

Quote :
output_directory=C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\out; is this possible as it seems not to work.

That's because it should be
(use / not \)


EDIT: It might be better if the messages which are not generally useful, or which are more private in nature, would be private mailed to me instead. That would keep this thread shorter. Thank you.
Last edited by Aquilifer, .
S2 licensed
Just working on it. I made 2 new admin commands to help debug it. !rotator showing what's going on inside the rotator and !rotate which kicks the track change immediately. Those might be useful otherwise too.

I tested it offline...working fine
I tested it in dedi server...working fine with just me driving

I would like to test it with some more people on.
S2 licensed
Quote from SilverArrows77 :hehe - Strangely enough it actually behaves quite well with that setting - if someone writes four or five consecutive lines in a short time they tend to get two warnings in it, then the kick - which is very near the same settings as we used to run with lappers flood action - though lapper never had the warnings - just the msg on kick

Reason is that the level increases now only if the interval to the last message is less than 1000ms. The level is 0 in the beginning and so it would go like 0->1->2->3+kick. I guess nobody can write that fast, must come from spamming with predefined F keys.

I thought the warning would be good... I wouldn't like to be kicked w/o a warning first. If you have been warned you can blame only yourself.
S2 licensed
Quote from SilverArrows77 :Hey mate

Just have a couple of things to report for ya - mainly with !pointsall having a few probs - but will send ya that in email with our setup config tomorrow (well in morning as is 3am here and i cant be stuffed right now lol)

Okay. No hurry. Could you also give me the LFS form of the Boost's player name (NOT account name) - you now that with colors. It should be something like this "^1[AA] ^3..."
You can get it by getting Boost first to the server and then tapping C in the VCom console to get the list of connections. Then copy the Boost's line from the console. With the player name it would be easier to track why it converts one of the chars in Boost's name wrongly into the result file.

Quote from SilverArrows77 :
Just so ya know , i have changed flood filter settings to the following and it works just great - couldnt be happier with it

messageInterval=1000; // more frequent is considered flooding (ms)
fadeInterval=2000; // floodlevel decreases when messages typed less frequently (0=not used) (ms)
maxFloodLevel=2; // how many times allowed over the limit (floodLevel can go up and down)

Put what ever you like. That's why it is defined in the setup
Oooo...only maxlevel 2 to be careful not to spam on your server
S2 licensed
Wow. Good that you mentioned. I would have probably missed it otherwise
Demo server list [fixed]
S2 licensed
If you look at the demo server list in LFSWorld (Racers and hosts online), I think it doesn't show any other versions than the main versions (sub ver 0). I mean it shows V, W, X etc, but not e.g. X4.
S2 licensed
If there is still some odd behaviour in the setup, maybe you can email it to me or put it into web and PM me the link. You can replace the admin password with *** or something like that before posting
S2 licensed
So they are like these
"vcom -f setup1.dat"
"vcom -f setup2.dat"

What is the mode set line (mode=...) in the setup?
Maybe it is somehow illegal (not a base10 number)

I return to this tomorrow.
S2 licensed
How did you start it? What command line?

The options are pretty much these
"vcom" - uses default setup.dat and what ever mode is in it
"vcom 1234" - uses setup.dat, but overrides the mode in the setup with 1234
"vcom -f set.dat" - uses the set.dat (instead of the default setup.dat)
"vcom -f set.dat -m 1234" - same as above but overrides the mode in set.dat with 1234

Only the 2 last styles can be used for the multiple instances, where different set is needed for each of them.
S2 licensed
No wonder nothing was working because everything was off (see the list of tools where everything is OFF).

You start the program with a command line "vcom -f mysetup.dat" (if your setup is named mysetup.dat). In Windows this could be the command prompt, or the commandline in the shortcut options (if started from a shortcut). I think this is explained bit more detail in the readme.txt

I think I give an improved version tomorrow.
S2 licensed
Quote from Punchy :Managed to get two instances running using -p like you said, will that work for our third server?


-p? Dunno what's that, but "vcom -f setupname" should work quite well. I tested it too and it works for me. The reason is probably the old one that you had the radio thingie on server #1 (reserving one port) and then you started the second one it couldn't get the same port again (because it was reserved). You can disable the whole radio thing from servers.

The other thing (PLL etc). I'm currently working on it and done already few fixes and improvements.