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S2 licensed
Still no. One more hint: The song name... it is bit a personal taste, but I don't think many people will argue.
S2 licensed
No. Think about manufacturers and that bloody thing has been playing bit too often lately. That must help too much now.
S2 licensed
If it is an insim program, you should read the help txt file (actually c/c++ header) which comes with the game (insim.txt).

However if you have never made a socket program or even any program it is not the best choise to start with.

EDIT: You can use a ready made lib to communicate with LFS, but you still need some programming experience imho.
S2 licensed
She is Charlize Theron (iirc), but it won't help you.

Some hints:

1) Jakg might guess this (i.e. you might need bit information in computer HW). You don't need to know any geeky stuff, but if you have bought computer parts you could guess it. This is the artist name.
2) If the artist name is more closely what's in the pic, the song name (the 'she' part) is more like generally what she is or presents.
S2 licensed
Quote from zero :Rammstein - Das Modell

That's a very good suggestion... ram..stein...I guess I would have put a stone there too. So nope.

About the right side in the picture...maybe I should have put "" around her (which makes the song name), because technically she isn't quite exactly what the song name suggests, but close enough.

I thought people would guess this in 15 mins.
S2 licensed
Quote from XenoWolf :...

What document? The first post or the pdf file?

So if I sign and there are no 2 other Finnish members I cannot join?

Some input: In the pdf it reads... "In the event of a false start, an event marshal will restart the heat."

Doesn't this encourage people to try make "a dash start" (or whatever it's called in english when you try to guess when the light goes green), if you are not punished for a false start?

Also...maybe you should put a link at the SimRS section to this thread... I saw this only now.
S2 licensed
I suppose it was correct.

I made a fairly easy one (I think). I felt lazy and this didn't require any drawing.
S2 licensed
In my post I simple posted few facts. I have NOT seen the Gore film, nor am I very keen seeing it. However he was given the Nobel price for raising public awareness on the matter (not for his film).

Ice melting does increase water level, it's a bloody law of physics. You might think the vaporising increases too, but also the downfall would increase. Only on the areas where the ice has melted the land can raise because the ice had pushed the ground down.

Seems that certain people do not care because they haven't seen any 'hard facts' about man having impact on climate. I tryed to to explain this in a neutral fashion, but I guess it was still too complicated, so I make another comparison.

A game where you flip a coin. If you win you get some money. If you lose, you get killed. Do you want to take a chance?

I don't want to take a risk...there is just so much on stake. You have to be nuts not to care about it.
S2 licensed
There have been few of these threads here lately. So far I haven't posted, but now I cannot keep my mouth closed anymore.

I'm not an Al Gore fan, but neither I like Bush II "the dummer".
I haven't seen the film and I rather read the scientificly trustworthy sources.

Few things, not commenting directly those points claimed to be lies in the film.

- Temperature rise would be more like a global average and local changes can be more or less severe. There are many factors which affect the local climate like geographical features and jet streams. But it is wrong way to think that my area might benefit from warmer weather, so I don't care. Especially because the exact changes can be quite hard to predict.

- Generally this means more extreme weather phenomena like hurricanes, drought and floods. Also many things which many consider permanent or at least semi-permanent can get messsed up. The El Nino/La Nina phenomenon has great effect in weather in Australia and South America (and Fishing). It could mess up the monsoon weather, which is more or less vital part of the nature e.g. in India.

- In many areas even a small rise in temperature causes changes in plants and animals. And e.g. in Europe it would mean more severe pest problem (actually we alredy see bugs not seen before)

- Many animals which are on the extreme on their living area may disappear. E.g. polar bears hunt mainly seals which need ice cover for nesting. How fast the seals and polar bears could learn to the new situation? Could be that they die complete before they adapt. In Finland we have ringed seals in lakes and many years it has had a bad reproduction year because the nests built inside snow have collapsed too early in spring.

- when sea level rises it threatens first the near sea level areas. For example many Pacific islands. Even if the islands are not complete sunken the rising sea level 'pollutes' the fresh ground water with salt. That means people have to move away. Also the rising sea level and more frequent storms start to erode the land faster and sink islands before the normal rise would sink them. (all these happening)

- Gulf stream. It makes the northen Europe warmer than what the latitude would tell. Not ice age w/o it, but it could mean same weather as nothern Canada, Alaska or Siberia. E.g. Helsinki is about as North as Anchorage in Alaska. How would we deal the increasing power demand?

- Referring to stats telling there were so much more CO2 in millions of years ago is not sound. No way the current plant and animal species or even the current human society would survive from such a change.

- Together with increased CO2 output, human cuts down forest especially in the Amazon region. So the ways to deal the CO2 becomes harder.

Global temperature has changed a lot before the man started to pollute, but it would be better not to add this human effect into the mess. Even if we couldn't decide how much human affects the climate, it certainly isn't improving it. If you see an obstacle ahead of you while driving, you start to slow down in good time - not only when you have already hit it. If you don't know when to start break, better start break right now.

We have only this one Earth. Have you really thought what we are playing with? We simply cannot lose this.
S2 licensed
Looks quite nice. If it was a computer game I would give 10/10 for graphics. As a movie...well looks like the computer generated graphics still look bit like plastic. Anyway...worth to watch I long as they don't make it same kind of fiction BS like Pearl harbour.

About Wings and Knights of the Sky. I had both on Amiga. Wings had bit crappy 3D graphics, but the sprite strafing and bombing runs looked ok and overal it was great fun. KOTS had good graphics for the time. I was lucky to have 2 Amigas so it was fun to play against other human player with a null modem cable. In KOTS it was fun when you sometimes had to fight those enemy aces. Too bad MP is dead, they made great games

EDIT: If MP is dead, Firaxis makes great games now when the wizard Sid Meier is there.
S2 licensed
Quote from Crazy Harry :Weird Al is the man. Someone remember U.H.F.?

Looks better than Rambo

(do I dare to say he might even kick Chuck Norris' ass :shy
S2 licensed
Quote from PaulH :...
Still, wouldn't the answer have simply been 4GiB instead of 4GB? I'm still confused as to why you can express it as 4,294,967,296 GiB.

4,294,967,296 GiB is wrong. It should be 4,294,967,296 B or 4GiB

4,294,967,296 GiB would be 4*2^30*2^30B=4*2^60B=4 'eksa bit' bytes=4EiB (c 1.15e18, which is something quite huge).
S2 licensed
The normal multipliers M, G, k, etc are for powers of ten. These are used e.g in normal physical measurements. The Mi, Gi, ki etc are powers of 2. Those are used for some computer related measurements where things are multiples of 2 rather than 10. For example M=10^6, while Mi=2^20=1,048,576.
S2 licensed
To me it looked Ekström can blame himself.
S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :But Technically Keke Rosberg is Swedish anyway, so its a judgement call

Are you a Swede? During his racing days Swedes constantly tryed to 'own' him. Even he was born in Sweden he was (and is) Finnish.
S2 licensed
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :Correct me if i am wrong, but was'nt the lancia delta S4 superchardged and turbochardged?

It was. It might also help to read what people have posted earlier.

EDIT: Also wikipedia seems to confirm this
S2 licensed
It has to be a race. Qualifying or practise doesn't record laps.
In LFSWorld check the online race results.
S2 licensed
That's good in a way Niko. Now you can drive w/o pressure.

I've lost my chances for the 1st place too...unless I demand recount and if that doesn't help I take it into the high court.
S2 licensed
Dunno about 2 superchargers, but at least super+turbochargers have been used (although very rare?). Iirc Lancia Delta S4 (the group B rally monster) was first supercharged to like 350bhp and then turboed to give something like 500-600bhp.
S2 licensed
Unreleased by AceCream (38ch Impulse tracker mod:nana
S2 licensed
Quote from The General Lee :I'm glad I'm not a demo user still...


In S2, we get free porn if we press Shift + R, a great hidden feature.

Mmmmm....aren't they bit the same thing
S2 licensed
WMP? Why drive Trabant when you can have MB for free?

If you don't want to download add-ons. Atleast Winamp, Foobar2000 and Deliplayer2 play them straight.

The supported file format list must be longest in Deliplayer. It can play even old Amiga and C64 sound/music files, but you are so young you don't have interest to play them I guess.
S2 licensed
Why do you want them in MP3s? Are you uploading them into some gadget which understands only MPs? In computers the players normally understand ogg just fine.

In Winamp there is output into file (see preferences/plugins/output). I can't be bothered to try, might be crap quality.

Goldwave can output into MP3 if you have that. Maybe other editors too.
S2 licensed
Maybe year ago, one dude crashed his FO8 in AS2(?) and his car was dancing that way for c 2 minutes.

Someone made a video of it ("John takes the FO8 out for a spin") with a matching music. Wasn't able to find the thread, but I have the vid on my HD. It was (and still is) pretty amusing to watch.
S2 licensed
Mmmm...where have I seen that car...oh yeah...

Did you buy it from Imran?

Seriously...looks good