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S3 licensed
I do know that cars get sideways a lot when racing (even go-karts)

> > But i noticed that moment you start getting a wee-bit sideways, it'll just keep getting more sideways.... o.O and if i try to turn a wee bit back the other way, like not even get my steering to point 0, it'll go the other direction... kinda odd...
S3 licensed
How about.. o.O Create a character? I mean i'd like to have a personalized character... that'd be pretty pretty badass.... > > You might think "Oh thats not very useful while racing"

It would help with cruise tho... > > cause why should people be wearing helmets during cruise?

Lastly... =D Customized race avatars! :3
S3 licensed
Quote from piggy501 :If there is a threat of not enough boxes, try to do it so that it's an option so if there are only 20 people and 20 boxes, you could turn permapit on and if there's too many people turn it off.

like i said before, or you could make it so that BEFORE the race can even START people have to choose the pit box they want to use.... and only 2 per box.


ArsenicFox | RandomDude
OMGAguy | Heylookpits
MEGApants| SmileMcDuff

> > something like that..

< < seems pretty simple.. like even something you could do inSim (at least the menu)

o.o Also, i'd definetly would recommend pit animations. I guess a few cars could do it the NASCAR way (like the lower level cars) and then the higher level cars could use the entire-car lift system.

I really feel we'd need animations. And as much as a simulation as this is... even if we COULDNT hit the pit guys, wouldn't it at least be more of a simulation WITH pit guys than a car that floats and fixes itself
S3 licensed
Quote from kester :indeed.. welcome i have a ps3 and a 360 and my ps3 sits in the corner while my xbox get all the glory

... Yeah well enjoy your jokerless batman arkham asylum.... nevermind. Insults never work. I still prefer my ps3 over a 360. I actually took the 360 back to get a PS3.

Can't wait for Gran Turismo 5. Heard that they're adding damage finally.

And i've been wondering about their NASCAR series.... it's not going to be NASCAR unless they can get 42 cars in it.

I played Forza 2... it's good. pretty fun. not a deal breaker for me. MGS4 was my deal breaker. XD and MAG. And the new Batman game with the joker and everything....

really... to me its more cause i'm pissed off that microsoft is buying everything out. Sony is like that underdog i really want to win. They're system is a lot better than what they've shown... just it requires a lot more programming than the 360 does... cause of they're libraries and such and the fact that the 6 cell cores are doing all the post-processing... that and the fact that the 360 doesn't really render in 1080p... it just upconverts it... < < which i find to be cheating....
S3 licensed
put it into your computer, right click, and click "Format"

It will erase everything, but it should work again.
S3 licensed
My logitech momo has no clutch. I also have no money, but take the game seriously as much as i can.

._. People gotta also realize that there are some of us who take it as seriously as we can.. but don't have the money to buy a G25 at the moment.

=D The moment i do have the money... all hell will break loose.

Auto-Clutch = Good for us who only have 2 pedals.

Now if what your saying is if you can turn off auto-clutch for yourself... than ok.

But what about those who play with a mouse?

They might not have room for a steering wheel, or also no money.

Sure than can get a game, but it's full of idiots. If you want to take your racing so seriously, go play iRacing. It's just as simulated (people who disagree can go behind a dumpster and choke on a spoon) but more expensive. But it would give you a better feel for REAL cars.

And yes, i find iRacing and LFS to be about equal on my scale of "If i was driving a car would this be what it feels like", and rFactor falls in in 4th, after NR2003.

=/ i'd play iRacing more often if it wernt so expensive and they just had open servers instead of "iRacing sanctioned events".
S3 licensed
Agreed. Also, i'm sorry to say, but i think an actualy live dynamic pit crew would need to be in order.

only your's tho.... o.o cause seriously i hate imagining "Oh.... my left front bumper is being worked on.... oh... they're changing my left tires! YAY"

And their is always a work around. Maybe a kind of option that comes up before the race starts ? Like "Here are the pit boxes. Here... choose a location"

And up to 2 people can choose the same spot?


> > Or you know.. he could always just edit the tracks and make the pits longer.

I really just would like to see a dynamic pit crew working on my car in a predefined location... kinda like how NR2003 did it. Only they arn't made of boxes.
Permanant Pits : More Dynamic pits?
S3 licensed
Ok, something I've noticed since i've first played is that there is no proper "pit" area. You can just stop almost wherever and pit.

This is kinda a drag cause sometimes you want a specific spot, or try to find a better spot only to miss out and, well... flail.

So why not a permanent pit? Like when you join you get a pit position based on your position in the race, or based on when you joined or maybe even a "draft" of sorts where each person can choose where they want their pit or if they don't care just a "whatever" option.

Also, why not a dynamic pit? Sorry to say, the racing is immersive, but the pitting is what ruins it for me. there's no urgency. i just sit there as text and numbers tell me whats going on . (i do this face often in real life)

I was playing NR2003 today and was like "Now this is what most games are missing, dynamic pit-crews."

=/ Seriously.... it's a good idea.
S3 licensed
well... i can't seem to get a good pickup race in either rFactor or LFS. I could always do iRacing but then i'd only get one race done in an hour....
S3 licensed
It's not really so much the "points" that i enjoyed.

=) I just liked knowing that there was a place that generally had full servers that were properly managed where people drove remotely sane, and i didn't have to join a team or a league. I could just plop in and everyone would be like "Hey whats up!"

I could care less for my CTRA "license"

Also... the only places i'm finding are in languages i don't understand.

> > Also, ^_^ The bump and jump server was a nice little breather from real racing.
S3 licensed
What kind of team are you looking for: Race
Age: 18
USA (save me from my own country T_T)
Preferred Car/Track: I prefer the much more stable S1 cars, but willing to get used to the more advanced ones. (Too used to stock cars XD)
Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: ... I don't know?
How Active Are You? More now than ever
What Kind of Control do you use? Logitech Momo. Hope to get a G25 here in the next.... 2 months or so
Time Zone: CentralI know. not really exciting specs. But I've been sim racing since the days of Nascar Racing 1 by Papyrus. that's about when i was 5. I owned NR1, 2, 4, NR2002, NR2003, and rFactor, and LFS.

._. Just recently got back into sim racing.
The Soul of CTRA | What will become of it
S3 licensed
Well, this is a shock to me. Got a new screen. New place. Wanted to race some, so i got into iRacing. It's pretty great. But something was off. Just the feeling. It wasn't as... well... fulfilling as something in my past was.

To be honest, I've gone from game to game. NR2003, LFS, rFactor, iRacing. Each time i find a great open racing (except iRacing), end up having issues for a while, then come back to find that everything i know is gone.

I really don't know what there is I could do, but I don't want the soul of CTRA to die. I would rather fight a pointless battle to bring it back from the dead than see it gone forever. Everyone here knows they miss it.

So... my question is... is there any server that will do the same for us? Will they recreate the feeling that CTRA did? Or will someone pick up CTRA themselves and revive it? Or will it's creator keep it dead forever?

LFS just isn't the same without CTRA. LFS and CTRA go together like .... well... like... a computer and monitor go together. It's just pointless without the other.

So... will we just let it die? Not CTRA itself.. but that feeling. Or will we recreate it? Rebuild it? Renew it?

.... probably not. But i'd rather we did... =/
Last edited by Arsenic_Fox, .
S3 licensed
... T_T I really wish CTRA could be sponsered by LFS. Like... maybe an entry fee? Not a monthly fee, no. But just like a "Here's something extra for your buck."

T_T Whyyyyyyyyyyyy.......
S3 licensed
...I miss CTRA... i even went and redownloaded LFS expecting to be able to race on CTRA again, but now on my 23" screen. ._. i also miss the bump and jump.

Any chance for at least a CTRA sanctioned server? Not necessarily with all the bells and whistles, but something that at least gives the feeling of a CTRA server?

o.o And of course i didn't read all the other posts. I'm too busy crying over the fact that i just spent 3 hours getting something all ready that I can't enjoy now. XD
S3 licensed
Thats just it... cars feel TOO grippy.

To be honest here are some problems

-Cars don't feel heavy
This is a big problem. We're dealing with a large weight here. Why do i feel like i'm driving a matchbox car? This might be graphical, probably more visual/physics. I don't know what it is... They just feel light weight sometimes... > > Really only a few actually seem "heavy"

-Cars are too grippy, leading to sliding
This also might not make sense... but too much grip can lead to sliding. We call this "Over-steer". Last time I checked, driving a road-type car going 40 around a corner turning a wheel half way (> > Trust me.. it's half-way) is actually normal to drive just a 45 degree turn (at least in my buick) There is no reason i should be having to drive at 103 miles an hour to get the same effect. ._. Again, i'll do some videos to show my point when I find a place to go 103 in a Buick Century.... > > I've driven a few of my friends cars to learn that... most cars drive remotely similar.... at 40mph.

-Car spin outs?
Due to this extra grip, cars tend to just.. SPIN, rather than slide. On rare occasions do i just "slide". Usually i do like 5 spins then hit a wall. If thats normal then obviously television racing series arn't doing it right.
> > It's a lot of weight, moving from one side to another. If anything i'd at least expect more flips than spins going downhill on City. I mean, sure you can turn the wheel and probably change the angle, but slightly, as you also have the rear wheel stuck in it's place, thus not allowing too much movement while sideways.

Another thing that should be added to say is that momentum generally challenges grip. Is it just me, or does sometimes when going around a corner at a pretty easy pace does the car just want to seem to spin in circles? Cars have always seemed way to loose (Which is one thing i DO like in rFactor.. they don't always seem loose.. just a bit too tight and unrealistic) It's odd how I can drive a Buick Century (without STRUTS on the rear suspension... thats right.. =) I live dangerously) and bad tires in the snow going 45 and still be able to take turns better than i can on this game.... o.O And yes... ._. i did have a few close calls... with a stop sign, a lightpole, and spinning... but i was still able to control it better than LFS. =/ (And i use a momo ._. tyvm)
S3 licensed
it generally gets rid of the rough pixelated edges on textures and 3D models...

makes it smoother =)

unless thats the other option......

> > I get AA and Anostrophic Filtering confused sometimes
S3 licensed

Oh well

Bloom works best in the following ways

1. Sunset (limited)
2. Cloudy w/ sunset (ok)
3. Day time (city)
4. Rain (rain)
5. When turned off when the graphics are well enough that the shaders do the job HDR replaces poorly =/

HDR is good for the game for now.

Just properly used shaders generally look better..

but... > > Yeah.. that will be a while for LFS
S3 licensed
Well it does seem to .... that word for "work together well with and make better" .... umm....



backup... umm...


supplements? no.. i do not belive that's right.... oh well

you get the understanding...

But yeah.. I'll just use supplements.

The bloom effect seems to supplement/addon/backup/ecentuate(not correctly spelled) the reflections. It'd look really nice with that realistic reflection pack.

The only thing we need now is some nicer shadows in the car and we'd be good to go =)
S3 licensed
In the first 2 bloom pictures you can, but barely

it gives the red car a bit of a glow that you get when you stare at something that's shiney and red

If only we could get that "Crysis" one working so it doesnt make our FPS 7 xD

i mean.. having a red glow on the ground is cool
S3 licensed
XD *laughs*


we all just kinda got... dumb xD
S3 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :If you had your side mirrors adjusted like that in real life, you would see 75% of your car in them. lol


maybe they should come out with a wheel with Rear view attatchments.

Each with their own ATIVIDA Geforce X287028 1/2 xD
(which doesnt exist outside the confines of my secluded mind)

or at least little analog sticks so you can move the mirror angles. =)

but thats wishful thinking..

o.o i know!!!!

Taco delivery to your car should be in LFS.

Drive in's! With the entire skating girl who brings you a tray you hook onto your door and everything... then driving away with it still attached so food flys onto peoples windshields behind you!!!


Meh.. just add an actual RAMP to the track editor and i'll be happy... or.... o.o even better add little 3d dirt clumps so you can make you're own dirt/rally thing

=) I would make individual threads but i'd figure that would annoy you
S3 licensed
Quote from ImportFantasy :Heres a test picture with bloom.In my opinion,it looks beautiful :P

I have to say that is the best looking bloom effect on here

Last edit:::

Mind posting your settings and setup for that picture? it looks amazing and i'd love to have my game looking like that =)

Pretty much if you use bloom to add depth to it then it works well.

Games that use pure images for things such as trees need to use a slight bit of bloom in order to create.. ohhh... that word for "poofyness". A tree isn't flat, and personally with the right amount of bloom you can make a flat tree look beautiful.

To the person who said "What bloom" it's obviously visible. Look at the tree in the background. =) I know for a fact that tree's don't look that soft in game.

I agree, bloom isn't bad.. i just hate it when things are like "OMG GOLD". Usually to take advantage of the bloom, many developers have started using it more in evening scenes, where it's... slightly understandable. It's no where near as bright and shiney, but it does give you a cool effect. I personally like the image above mine. =) Could you pass on your settings?

(Plus you can almost see the a slight shade of gold on the guardrail. only slight if you stare at it for 5 minutes.. which i'm sure wasn't good for me.

OH and for you rFactor bashers out there.

I think that the tire physics are amazing in that game. Sorry to say but they are a bit more realistic in a sense, plus i like the "heavy" feel of the cars. I feel more... oh how you say, like i'm in a really heavy car. Though i'm going to stick to LFS. The actually CAR physics are a little bit better than rFactor.. cause ISI keeps sticking to the source ISI engine. =/

Lastly in my rant.

Last edited by Arsenic_Fox, .
S3 licensed
the bacon of which designs you is those who does not speak its name

Decipher this and you too will be one with the forc... no..

wait.. this is a realism club?

I'll join!

Just give me a clutch pedel and an H-shifter and i'll be... just buy me a g25...

does jesus give presents for xmas... besides repentence for sins

ill take a G25 over repentence... sure there is the entire burning in hell for my after life.. but oh well
S3 licensed
Trust me.. the next thing i see is NASCAR, since they're trying to relate to EVERYTHING, going and putting spinners.. gah.. i could imagine it... they hit a wall, and 200 mph spinners come flying at peoples windshields. haha... though a few people would probably die.. xD
S3 licensed
Personally, i agree with sinbad's idea of a GLOBAL weather for LFS. Like, maybe have it load up what the weather is like/predicted to be, with a cool "map" of some sort, updating every 5-30 minutes or so, but still random, and having it happen to all the servers.

Here's a checklist of stuff i see that could make it work, from a simple "i only know the basics of coding but i'm still taking classes so give me a year and i might understand how hard it is to take in our whining" view.

1. Global Weather for "Areas" where the tracks MAY be (like an LFS map of some sort. Then again, eye candy isnt always that great) that change over time, maybe running off data from an international weather web site or something.

2. Have this weather FORCED on all internet servers. Meaning that when that server is created, or loads a track, it loads data from the master server that tells it that it's raining... then again, having a constant random weather might make the master server overload and such. but its a thought.

3. Allow people in lan/offline games to be able to choose between weather for practice, but mainly because if they're on lan or offline they arnt connecting to the master server

4. At least get rain in at some point.

5. For the changing weather, maybe you can make the server check every 10 minutes or so for a few lines of code like "PRESENTweather = Light Showers " and, since i only know visual basics and javascript, some like
"If blah blah blah then blah blah blah"
i dont know.. =/ just if you did SOMEHOW implement, don't do what EA did in "NASCAR SimRacing" where when the weather changed one moment it was rainy, the next perfectly sunny.... in a split second... for it to be real it'd have to change softly over time... like.. Rain... no rain.. heavy rain.. light rain... no rain..... night time... blah blah im done now...