My logitech momo has no clutch. I also have no money, but take the game seriously as much as i can.
._. People gotta also realize that there are some of us who take it as seriously as we can.. but don't have the money to buy a G25 at the moment.
=D The moment i do have the money... all hell will break loose.
Auto-Clutch = Good for us who only have 2 pedals.

Now if what your saying is if you can turn off auto-clutch for yourself... than ok.
But what about those who play with a mouse?
They might not have room for a steering wheel, or also no money.
Sure than can get a game, but it's full of idiots. If you want to take your racing so seriously, go play iRacing. It's just as simulated (people who disagree can go behind a dumpster and choke on a spoon) but more expensive. But it would give you a better feel for REAL cars.
And yes, i find iRacing and LFS to be about equal on my scale of "If i was driving a car would this be what it feels like", and rFactor falls in in 4th, after NR2003.
=/ i'd play iRacing more often if it wernt so expensive and they just had open servers instead of "iRacing sanctioned events".