Haven't been here in a long while since I had little time for skinning. Anyway, I'm bored the past few months and decided to take a shot at it again. cheers.
Please remove the FBM Mercedes GP from your site. These skins were made for the Life4Pixel website and cannot be posted on other sites without permission.
Mainstream gamers are attracted by graphics. This is true. No argument there. But they also get turned away by a steep learning curve just as easily. So why not suggest dumbing down the physics a bit. You know... Just so people can try it out... get that extra income. If you're afraid that it might alienate hardcore sim racers, then why not add a toggle for realistic physics? But not totally of course. We wouldn't want casual gamers to get beat by sim racers online. That wouldn't look nice. So let's sprinkle a bit of traction control. So little that only the sim racers will notice. They're a smaller demographic anyway. And licensed cars. That attracts loads of people better than physics. Of course the damage needs to be dumbed down too. We wouldn't want most of the car manufacturers having a fit when people see how easy it is to wreck the cars in a virtual world. Negative publicity and all that.
Let's call the game: Live for Speed: Shift
Creating a sim racer does not go down the same road as mainstream games. You have to establish your sim as one that will best represent real driving mechanics. You're missing the point if you think the devs need to go to graphics to sell this product. It's not aiming for that demographic. At least not yet. There is a larger customer base for dedicated race sim fans if it does not take a newer PC to run the game flawlessly. Give the people here "decent" graphics, enough to pick out braking points and a correct sense of speed (Eyecandy games go for that "blurred" look) and depth; and they would not think twice about looking at a 2D tree or crowd. You just don't notice that hurtling down the straights. The mainstream crowd would love to pick on those. But give them time with professional physics and they'd drop the game in a few tries.
To your point, nobody loves drifting or racing right off the bat. But if these people don't like the game minus the eyecandy, then chances are they're not going to like it with it. It's just a different demographic.
The devs do think about the grpahics. Or else we'd end up with boxes with a hexagon for wheels, so don't panic. But it isn't on the top of their list. Another problem with developing for graphically inclined gamers first is that they'd be in an endless loop of updating the game. In a few months new hardware comes along and they'd have to shelf creating better tire models just to bring new gamers to try LFS. Then tire models will be in development limbo.
How about updates to old cars? I mean by real world standards, even the shape of the "newer" fictional cars are starting to look outdated. Then probably throw in some new features or characteristics, like probably a wider wheelbase, or a higher HP cap. A good example would be how 90s hatches differ from their 2000 up models. It might be cool to have a fictional evolution of an LFS car in tn years.
If your intent was to help me in posting my Williams skin, thanks. I was pre-empted from posting them from the L4P site and it feels a bit awkward, but thanks! It would be better if you linked to the site instead (here's the link http://www.life4pixel.com/index.php?do=skins&show=146.) Please edit your post with the L4P link to it instead. It helps me track the numebr of downloads.
The Sauber skin is rather sponsorless like I mentioned on my post from the previous page, so I think I'll post that last, similar to how I waited for the first race last year before I posted the Brawn skin. It was very similar to the previous livery too, same as the Red Bull and Williams.
The Williams was finished from Day 1 it was released as the lines were 100% similar to last year's and I keep my SVG files, but I couldn't see a proper pic of the some of the sponsors on (which turned out to be Ridge Solutions and Green Flag). Then I was searching for a HELLO drink logo... Which turned out to be HELL Drink...
C'mon guys... I made those last year, and I'm putting out skins 5-6 hours when they release the official livery! Do you think I'm skimping out on these teams this year?
I beleive F1 lacks yellow cars or fresh colors other than White, Red, Blue and Black.... Those were the dominant themes the past 3 seasons. My personal favorite is the Renault. Even from 2 seasons ago.
I do like the tribal tattoo theme of the VR-01. Can't wait to see how green the Lotus one will be.