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Driving Force GT - Potentiometer Output Values
S3 licensed
Hey folks,

is there a chance anyone of you has disassembled the Driving Force GT Pedals?

I am currently in the making of my own pedals and want to use potnetiometers that are compatible to the Driving Force GT Controller inside the wheel so that I just can buy a set of 2 sliding potentiometers (easier to assamble) and a plug.

I already got the pinout to the plug straight - but I just have no Idea which potentiometers I'd have to use..

Can anyone help me with that matter?

S3 licensed
Quote from GeForz :Where in that thread is android mentioned?

just simply nowhere I'm afraid. Some people just can't stop beeing smartasses..
Outgauge for Android OS..?
S3 licensed
Hi Folks,

anyone knows where I can get it? I know he wrote about not having it officially released yet, but maybe someone knows this guy.. my 4" LCD just broke down a couple of days ago and I don't want to spend extra money as I got the droid phone already..

S3 licensed

could someone please make me a pink skin? Pink / White / dark Grey and a small Austria Flag somewhere..

Kind regards,
S3 licensed
any news on triple head @ linux @ wine?

I'm a little bit fed up with SoftTH, so maybe triple-head @ wine works nowadays more flawless?
S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :Oh no, I thought someone released a track editor :banghead:

S3 licensed
Hey folks,

I know this thread is about 3 years old, but I'm currently at the same problem. I want to give my breaking / acceleration pedal some FFB due a small mobilephone vibration motor.

but before I do the designing and planning I want to confirm that it is possible to achieve this data.

Last edited by bberger, .
S3 licensed
That card unfortunately doesn't support Eyefinity which means: HDMI + DP aren't usable at the same time..
S3 licensed
Well, I've found another solution now:

I forced the resolution of the side screens to 640x480 and set "useMultihead=0" (which allows the SLI to work) - and it gave me an ENORMOUS performance boost.

Having now around 60fps stable and the low resolution isn't effecting your view on the sides, because those screens are mainly used for a supportive visual experience than for a nice look as they are only in the peripheral field of view.
S3 licensed
Links are down Anyone eventually got the Austrian ones?
3x 1680x1050 - recommend me a nVidia-Graphicscard
S3 licensed
Hi folks,

I am currently running LFS on an AMD Phenom X4 9950BE with 8GB RAM - BUT: I've got an onboard gf 8200 chipset combined with a passive 8600GT grapihcs card.

Must have's:
>= 70 FPS (currently ~35FPS)
nVidia (because I need that 3 lcd's up and running for work
passive (because my pc should be SILENT around 0dbA)

Should have's:
cost < 150€
70fps @ max details
able to run rFactor / RACE on on triple head with low / mid details @ around 40-50fps min.
S3 licensed
How about the sale? Please post / PM the link if it's on ebay Have the materials for something like that at home for over 2 years now and I'm just tooooo lazy to build something out of it..
S3 licensed
In the case you've got an NVidia-Card install envy or envyng (depending on your linux version and distrubution). It will install the official nvidia-drivers and will offer you a config, that "spans" your display and makes your system think that you are using only one monitor.

Don't know how this will work work together with wine, but give it a shot ;-)

(Don't know if this works with an ATi-Card, did try it a couple of years ago, but don't know if it is possible using current drivers.. just try it).

If not ask google for "linux xorg nvidia/ati span view".

Please tell us if you've found a possible solution!
S3 licensed

which version of SoftTH do you use?

I want to setup a dualscreen setup (2x24") on vista with an ati hd 2600 and can't get it to work.. :/

when i want to change the resolution to 3840x1200 lfs only shows me a black screen and my forsaken vista a "beep".

any tipps?
Last edited by bberger, .
V: USB Load Cell Interface BU0836-LC + 2 Hall Sensors
S3 licensed

Load cell amplifier with USB joystick interface. Based on popular BU0836. Plug-n-Play USB - fully supported by Windows and Mac OS X.
  • 1 load cell input
    • 10 bit resolution (1000+ steps)
    • Sensitivity (full scale output) - 10mV
    • Load cell powered from USB bus
  • 7 analog inputs - 10 bit resolution each
  • 32 buttons
  • 8-way ‘point-of-view’ hat switch
  • PCB size - 2.1"×1.7" (54×43mm)
  • Fully self-contained interface
  • Native support by Windows XP/2000/Me and Mac OS X
  • Serial number makes OS to remember each device
  • Powered from USB bus
  • Full-speed 12Mb USB connection
  • 250 position reports per second
  • Custom modifications
    • Two independent load cell channels
    • Bidirectional force meausrement (force-sensitive joystick, etc.)
    • Higher/lower gain
How to use
  • Works with any load cell
  • Buttons and switches connected in 6x6 scan matrix
    • ..with diodes if there will be 3+ depressed simultaneously
    • diodes if buttons used only momentarily
    • First 32 buttons are standard joystick buttons
    • Last 4 buttons make a point-of-view hat (coolie) switch
  • No drivers or support software needed. Just plug it in
  • Use in any game that needs joystick - FS2004, X-Plane, racing, etc
  • Calibration curves and deadzones can be tweaked with DIView
Construction tips
  • How to connect load cell?
    • Excitation voltage (load cell's IN) to +5v and Gnd terminals
    • Load cell output to -IN and +IN terminals
    • If load cell cable is shielded, connect the shield to Gnd
    • Example of load cell instructions and connected wires
  • What to do with unused inputs?
    • Unconnected buttons will appear as not pressed
    • Unused analog inputs are automatically disabled. They will reappear when connected and controller is restarted.
  • Which pots are the best?
    • Any value from 1kOhm to 100kOhm will work but the optimum is around 10kOms. Higher value pots pick up more noise, lower value - draw more current from USB bus
    • Not only the pot itself but wiring is important too. Use shielded wires, if possible. If the pot has metal case, connect it to Gnd as well
    • Use linear pots (taper B.) Avoid non-linear, log pots with tapers A, D or Y used in volume level controls
    • Try to use pot's travel range as fully as possible
  • Some basic knowledge of electronics from your side will help a lot!

Für alle Bastler unter euch verkaufe ich folgendes Produkt:

Meine Auktion: ... wItem&item=9732639750

In Kurzform: das Teil ist ein USB Interface speziell für Eingabegeräte für Simulationsspiele.

Folgende Anschlussmöglichkeiten sind gegeben:
[*] 1 Wägezelle (load cell)
[*] 7 analoge Eingänge mit einer Auflösung von 10 Bit!
[*] Eine Matrix für 32 Buttons
[*] 8-Weg Coolie-Hat

Von der Größe her ist es ca. so groß wie eine Zündholzschachtel und funktioniert mit den Standard-Treibern von Windows - Ergo ist keine händische Implementierung von irgendwelchen Treibern nötig.

Ein vergleichbares Produkt wie zum Beispiel das Plasma Lite kostet in etwa 250 Euro.

Zudem könnt ihr von mir noch zusätzlich 2 Hallsensoren haben.

Ich hatte es ursprünglich angekauft, da ich geplant hatte mir selbst ein Pedalset zusammenzubauen - scheitert aber so wies aussieht am Zeitmangel..

Bei Fragen bitte an [email protected] mailen!
S3 licensed
Maybe i would also be interested in the pedals. The shifter is already sold, right? :/
S3 licensed
There had also been no change with the "raised-nose" problem.. I just believed they adjusted the whole game only on the new BF1.. I hate it.
S3 licensed
Can't await..
S3 licensed
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :screeny to ur avatar...doubt the patch will be R...yea i know would be next letter in the order but in the readme of the CMX viewer it says LFS 0.5S

That's because the CMX Viewer has been updated twice. At first R, and then they fixed a bug and now it's S.. so simple
S3 licensed
Quote from Vain :You're completely illepall .


I really want more tracks, but not single configurations. I want the one ore the other racepark, like they did with Aston, etc.

Think what authentency we could create with LFS? If Hockenheim, Nürnburg, Spielberg, Monza or sthg. like that would be implemented.. illepall
S3 licensed
Sticky please :wise: (post can be removed)
S3 licensed
****in' amazing! SEV - I love you
S3 licensed
Yes this effect is true and best known in the NASCAR racing series.
S3 licensed
I guess you've got Logitech pedals.. and the "bad story" you told us is a well known bug. It can be more then less avoided by not pressing the pedals to the full range when calibrating..
S3 licensed
Quote from vrooom :Does this app record first lap only of *.raf file?

Quote of the year