Well, since maybe like the Middle Ages, there have been many
differing opinions on hustle and bustle. This cannot be
denied. It is my intention to sit down and play video games
for several hours.
First, moving around quickly, and with purpose, is a
true sign of character. Secondarily, bustle(e.g. hustle)
yields more product for the working types. "Hustle and bustle
are like my right and left arms," said Li'l Spicy in his famous
"Hustle and Bustle Are Like My Right and Left Arms" speech.
Webster's defines bustle as "excited and often noisy activity;
a stir." A stir, indeed. Finally, sometimes gross stuff can
be funny.
In conclusion, I, "The Yellow Dart," think I have done a
great job illustrating the many differing opinions about hustle
and bustle, may they both rest in peace. Also, I think Strong
Bad should decrease The Cheat's allowance.
Because of that many bugs occur (NPC that go down a stairs really awkardly).
Also, the scenery isn't as nice as most pics here.
Also, I'm not really used to RPG's, so after playing for 2 hours, I still haven't seen a point where I can sell my inventory (since it's full).
Also, I broke into a house and when I got out it autosaved, so the only thing I can do after loading is run and hope I don't die.
Also, it would make for a different 4WD experience (since I think the RBR should be a 4WD too)
It would be awesome to make the field on GTR's bigger, while still having the same balance.
Look at DTM for example.
DTM only has two brands of cars left: Audi and Mercedes.
Because it only has two brands left, I think it's less interesting to watch.
Having more cars would just make the field more interesting, which seems important to me.
Hell, I would even be glad if it would start out with an RB4 with FXR physics, as long as it's there.
Me too!
I use LFSTweak a more and more lately, just to see how things would handle.
Seeing how easily cars can be changed with LFStweak, I'm actually quite surprised as to what cars CAN be made in LFS.
The potential is there, but it's not used yet, which is really sad, since LFS seems to be beyond its peak.
If/When LFS is abandoned, I see a future in which it will be developed by users/modders. So there will be lots of unofficial mods/cars which can be used on servers.
I think those loading screens in between going into a cave or house or whatever really breaks the game.
They seem more like loose parts in the game, instead of actually being there.
It would be nice to have the GTR-field expanded with an RBR (or RB8) and LXR (or LX8).
But I don't see it happen, unless mods are enabled at some point.