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S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT ::iagree:

Fair enough, don't help the guy. But say so in a decent and non-arsey way. Very arrogrant if you ask me (you didn't but I'm sharing my views anyway).

If this is as much of a problem as Victor makes out (as in it happens to lots of people) why doesn't he (being the master code he is ahem) create a simple account recovery procedure? Completely hands off from his end other than implementing it's a win-win.

Allow users to enter a purchase reference number (or whatever, I presume it's emailed to you...if you log into you can see it under "license status"... eg LFS19568791552) which then resets their password, or reset your account passwords back to a randomly generated one by clicking on a link which is sent to your email address. Make it so that email address changes can only be done by confirming you have access to the original email account, if you current LFS email is [email protected] and you want to change it to [email protected] then you'd have to click a verification link in an email sent to [email protected] before it would change your email to [email protected].

You're welcome.

As if there ever will be an update on LFS, LFSWorld or
S2 licensed
Quote from anttt69 :Super efficient aeroplane wins NASA's green flight challenge.

In all non-seriousness, let's see how that would look if applied to a boeing =P

S2 licensed
Did you start LFS in moderator mode? (you should)
S2 licensed
Quote from anttt69 :If you can build something better go right ahead. That aircraft is the class leader in its field, it is cutting edge tech why do you hate it so much?

Solar & pedal power planes fly using less energy but they cant carry four passengers at 129mph.

Like I said, it seems too obvious.. too easy..

Though, 129mph in a glider is pretty fast TBH.

I expected something wackier.

Last edited by BlakjeKaas, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Greboth :From the outside ofcourse it isn't going to be innovative. Even if it they cracked nuclear fusion for power generation the outside in the (not) ground breaking headline of the year it is still going to look like a plane.

a washing machine motor in a glider..
S2 licensed
That is really very nice.
S2 licensed
Quote from anttt69 :Dont be an idiot .

Ok, it should have some fiberglass body on it, but then it still would be a great idea.

It's just that I was hoping to see something innovative, but this isn't innovative, it's just minimalism. It seems like they took the easy way.
S2 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :Isn't 'a glider with an engine' the definition of any powered plane, ever?

True, but a boeing looks less like a glider than this thing.

If you would give me 2 gliders and a grand (or an engine), I could build this. How is that idea worth 1.35 million?

I also have an idea for a very efficient car.

2 bicycles, an engine, done!
Can I have 1 million euros now?
S2 licensed
It's just 2 gliders with an engine.

It should've been less minimal, I'm actually interested in 2nd 3rd place now.
S2 licensed
Quote from Velociround :The ones I have seen are almost 100% transparent. Not painted. They look even more real that way, specially on small ones (like the ones you have in sink): you can see through it! So it doesn't even look like there's a tube there.

If you get a lot of lube on it you are also able to open it and close it without moving the tube. That's very convincing, too. It got me thinking a lot about it until I finally figured out.

But that is not very handy, now is it?

I mean, you wouldn't be able to hold your hands in the water that's coming out of the sink
S2 licensed
cool story bro
S2 licensed
cool story bro
S2 licensed
cool story bro
S2 licensed
Quote from Jatimc :Im not sure are here any weightlifters, but if there is put some videos here. You may allso link other weightlift videos too

Are you gay?
S2 licensed
I don't know what to post, so I'll just say:


This time I mean it (instead of Amy Winehouse and Michael Jackson, pity they are dead, but they had it coming).

Not trying to start a flamewar though.
S2 licensed
Quote from Mr_Lonely :wow, i didnt know that u had to login from the same computor that u have ur s2 installed so it says that ur an s2 user on the forum..

I didn't know it was easier to make an extra demo account to login from other places to ask questions about the full game for which you need an s2 license.
S2 licensed
Quote from aroX123 :

this kinda nailed me

I constantly think dirty.
S2 licensed
What's wrong with the good ones?
S2 licensed
Quote from bunder9999 :heh, i remember trying one of the initial d games in an arcade. IIRC, it was faster to drive normally than drift.

S2 licensed
I did not find a village.
S2 licensed
It would take a desktop PC
About 36 billion years
to hack your password

S2 licensed
Quote from Skagen :I think there is alot of other aspects that would be far more interesting because they would be more concerning in racing conditions. For instance:

- differential wear and damage, especially for the clutch pack
- brake discs and blocks temperatures and wear (and catastrophic failure under too much strain)
- fluid pressures (brakes, oil, etc., and possible loss of these due to damage)
- better engine damage simulation (cylinder failure, catastrophic failure, etc.)
- clutch wear (in addition to clutch temperature that is already implemented)

Most of these things are too specific to be worth simulating.

You could just make it dependable on some variables, but I don't see how a 12 lap race should influence something like a differential.

However, what may be an acceptable solution, is to make it depend on temperature and time.

So if you were overreving the engine lots of times your oil temperature would rise too much, having certain effects eventually. (or at least make a significant top speed reduction)

Brakes could be done by braking time and input (max braking for a certain amount of time would ruin the brakes, although cooling it in the meantime would of course help.)

Cilinder failure or catastrophic failures do seem to random for me. We are all driving around in perfect cars, so why would there be inconsistencies?

If this would be a "build, repair and race"-game (à la SLRR), you could use this (wear and tear being the main factor).

BUT(!) in LFS we all start with the same car, in the same conditions.
How would you react if your opponent has 20BHP more than you because he has a randomly generated better engine and yours sucks?

That wouldn't work for LFS, or atleast until a multiplayer career mode is included. And we all know that is not going to happen.