lol, isn't this just how it works?
I mean, yes the kill people like they are shooting rabbits.
But look at the trauma they'd have if they are really aware of killing people.
This is how it works, it's their job!
A war consists of killing people and making peace.
you can't just fly around and do nothing, that's just asking for trouble.
Yes, it's shocking, but it's not like this is the only place where it happens
I don't care that Justin Bieber is a hit atm, I never liked pop anyways.
I mean, you can't say this is far worse then Lady Gaga, and all these hiphop/rap dudes and such.
It doesn't stand out in any way, it just sucks too.
don't they have this layout for like a week?
I hated it.
At the start of the week, pressing enter did nothing, video's stutter.
Description layout sucks, and you can only see like 5 comments.
I do not like the new layout (yet), but I think I can get used to it.
If you have a plane full of people, is it ok to crash the plane?
I mean, people die every day right, plus the people in the plane will die eventually.
Another one:
What should you do when you are hungry?
You could eat something, but that would mean killing a fish, or a pig for example. You'd better kill yourself, since you wouldn't kill a fish/pig for that. Also, lions will eat you, which is nice, because they were hungry too.
it's not really a lot what you'll save.
But, if you want to save money, just fill it half.
I mean, it'll only save you a couple of quid in a year.
And when tanking twice as much, it is possible that you sometimes have to tank for a higher price.
So no influence on your wallet, little influence on the environment.
They did something like this on mythbusters.
They tested if it saved fuel if you drove with the pick up lid open or closed.
Which makes me wonder, why would you care if you drive a pick up?
Closed was better for the consumption though.