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S2 licensed
Quote from tikshow :

Hey thanks, I will try this. I seems to do what I was looking for.

Helicopter view on second monitor
S2 licensed
Is it possible to place the helicopter view on a second monitor in Z25?
As far as I can see, the multiple screen option is only to expand the view angle while in car view.

Or maybe a demo license which can view all tracks as a spectator (not able to join offcourse). This way I could run a demo license in helicopter view mode. Or maybe add a spectator license (which can only be used to view races)?
S2 licensed
You can alter the position of your head by changing the x,y,z, axis, you can even place it on the hood
S2 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :If you watched Scawen's recent work, you would find out that Scawen was fixing the new bugs and was working on multiple screen features and now he's back to work on the tyre physics.

I rather have new physics than multiple screens....
S2 licensed
I know cars with hydropneumatic suspension have the e-brake on the front wheels. You know, those cars that sink a few inches after the engine stops. (Citroen etc.)
All others have it on the rear wheels. I never heared of any car that has it to all wheels.

Well, on topic now. Why are we 2 months after the tyre physic message and we don't have it (or at least in beta version)?
Threads closed?
S2 licensed
Is it me or are more and more threads closed for no good reason, other than that the moderator thinks it's not interessting??
Not a good development in my opinion.
S2 licensed
I'm running patch Z13 for some time now on my system, works fine. Just to let you know.

System: Phenom 9850, Radeon 3870x2, 4Gb, 790FX, SB600, Vista64
S2 licensed
Quote from jaxx751 :just got done with my experiment. it seems what we thought is true and is modeled correctly. the graph is attached. please keep in mind that there might be a max difference of .2 to .5 seconds on each time.

Time on Y axis, temperature on X. It was from that temperature down to the next lower temperature. Hope that makes sense.

Graph looks ok to me. But what happens to the point when the tire becomes overheated. Perhaps you can test that? In my opinion a tire should not become overheated as easily as it does in LFS, because the warmer the tire gets the more heat it radiates
S2 licensed
I fully agree with you on the tire physics. In F1 the performance drop from the qualifing lap to race lap is about 3%, and that's mostly because of the amount of fuel they carry and not because of the tires.
Tires heat up too slow after cold start (tire temp should be allmost optimal when starting with tire-heaters) and then heat up further much to quick to hot.
Then grip loss is way to much when tires are hot, it's much like you have a flat or something. I have never seen that much griploss in any reallife race..
S2 licensed
It's quiet on the patches as well, nothing new since 28dec Z10 came out. So, there has to be a big problem, or the devs are having a sebatical, or we get a lot of new features.. I hope it's the last
S2 licensed
I'll rather see more improvements in lfs physics than a scirroco coming. Scirroco is nice but nothing more than just another car to choose from...
S2 licensed
I use HD3870x2 too, many problems. Not only with LFS, less with LFS to be true. More with COD4/UT3 random lockups, blank screens etc.
I use catalyst 8.12 too. I tried catalyst 9.1 last week, that resulted in a BSOD while booting. Only possible to recover from it was by replace a previous copy of the registery.
So the problem could well be in the ATI drivers. I haven't had any problems with LFS the last couple of weeks and catalyst 8.12
S2 licensed
I don't think the Scirocco is the problem, the patch that should come with it is....
S2 licensed
I will try suggested settings, maybe it's a 'getting used to' thing. But yesterday I tried incar view again and I can hardly keep the FZR on the road (normally my laptimes are only a few seconds above WR).
Although I think the fixed viewpoint feature would be an unique one, and really cool in my opinion. Maybe when I have some spare time I will make a LFS video and write an image stabalizer for it, just to show the effect.
Mirror in chase cam...again
S2 licensed

I know this issue has been discussed many many times, but I'd like to explaine why I use chase cam view.
As for the developers the chase cam is only for force analyses, and many others think it's 'non realistic' etc. etc. Well, I disagree...

First reason why I use chase cam is, because if I use any other view (in car or between frontwheels) I get seasick within 15 minutes. The cause of that isn't me, but the bumpy way the image is moving. It should simulate the bumps in the road, but in real life it's not like that. In real life my brain and eyes compensate the bumps and my focus stays on the same spot all the time. Try reading this and simultanyously tumble your head a little, you see? Your eyes automatically stay focusses on the textline and you can read without any problems.
The image of LFS though, just bumps up and down... anything but realistic

Second reason why I use chase cam, is because although LFS is al simulation, what it doesn't simulate is real G-forces on my body. And what many of you reallife racers will agree on is that at least 50% of knowing how the car behaves comes from your butt. To compensate that in LFS, is in chase cam you can see how much the cars slides through the corners and if it has over- or understeer.

That's why I use the chase cam, and I don't agree with people who think it's a silly view. (as if between the front wheels is realistic)
And I find it very usefull to add a mirror to it, so I can see on which side I should hold some space for my racingmates..

So far the complaining peace.
I think there is a way to make incar view more attrackting.

Possible solution 'Reason One':
The centre of the screen should almost be bump free, and more bumping effect when closer to the sides. This way the natural steady focus is simulated.
It means the camera still bumps, just like it does now, but the focus point is steady, in other word, the camera alinement is fixed on a position on the road. 99% of the time the driver looks in the direction he wants to go or is going. So the focuspoint of the camera should follow the road as close to the horizon as you can see. This way you get a much more realistic head and eye movement. (and I don't have seasickness anymore)

Possible solution 'Reason Two':
At the sides of the screen, have some glow effect. Something like what is used in 1st person shooters to show from which direction you were hit. The more G-force is generated the more glow is visible. As if the side of the screen is a G-force measuring system. Top of the screen is front of the car, bottom of the screen is rear of the car. And left and right according to the cars left and right offcourse.
This way you can see skidding by a decrease in G-force on the front or back of the car without taking your eyes of the road.

Untill these features are implemented, I will use the chase cam view and as an easy fix for the 'I don't know where my racemate hangs out' a mirror would be nice. It should not be much more than flipping a bit somewhere, as the code is already there for the other views.
Setup Undo
S2 licensed
I would find an 'undo the last setting change' handy.
When I'm tuning the carsettings, I sometimes forget what the previous value was, in case of a change that doesn't work the way I want. And I want to get back to the setting I previously had.
S2 licensed
Using Vista64, no problems
There is a sound problem in Vista, solved with SP1 I think
S2 licensed
Quote from frokki :Now that's something that could be added if you ask me. Already possible with external tools but I'd like to see more analyzing possibilities included in the game itself.But now you are talking about another thing, which is unrealistic, stupid and hopefully not going to happen ever, nor in F1 or in LFS.

No, press reset after you are dead after you hit a wall with 200+ THATS realistic.....

I think it's a usefull tool for analysing you performance, and don't give me that shit about 'realistic'. Playing a racing game in your comfortable chair, turning a steeringwheel connected to a potentiometer plugged into a computer, looking at a screen isn't realtic, it never will be.
S2 licensed
Quote from Gekkibi :You can't compare LFS and NFS, as they are games from different genre. LFS is "simulator" and NFS is "arcade".

Also, simulator's don't have to be as realistic as reality, that's why they are called "simulators", and not "emulators". Some things would be impossible to simulate when you use computer instead of real car.

A simulators goal is to get as close to the real thing as possible. An emulator is something completly different, emulators pretend as if they were something else, a PC emulating a Commodore Amiga. Has nothing to do with LFS.
S2 licensed
It's not unrealistic, even F1 uses it. Only they can't display a ghostcar on the road. If they could, I'm sure they would!
They use the datalogging for comparing the laptime, to the the previous lap, but also to the fastest lap, simply by a 2D presentation of the track and cars. A ghostcar is an easy and fast way of comparing the datalogs.
Computer simulation provides these tools that are not possible in the real world, why not use that? LFS is a 'realistic' simulator, it's more realistic than NeedForSpeed. But is far from realistic compared to the real thing, where you don't press the resetbutton if you hit the wall with 200km/h...
It's not that time consuming from a programming point of view, the car is displayed as usual, only the collision detection is turned off. Not that hard to do I think.
And for the argument that some drivers with less tallent would do 2000+ laps and beat the record, simply add a lapcounter, so you can see how many laps are done for setting that time...
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :I hope LFS never includes ghostcars. What a complete waste of time - the skill, and surely the fun, of hotlapping is driving quickly, not copying the car in front. If you want lame ghost cars to make you quicker go and play Gran Turismo.

Your complete life is copying what other have done before! I see it as learning.
Ghostmode in hotlap
S2 licensed
Ghostmode I mean, the dowloaded (fastest) hotlap car is only visible, you can drive through it. In this mode you drive your own car and 'chase' the ghostcar (hotlapcar) to find out where you loose or win time.