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S2 licensed
my visa is full with beers
i will help
S2 licensed
well if the devs are alive and kicking the LFS will be i think with more content, new graphics, rain, more or less players?.. let the time decide
S2 licensed
Quote from llblacktid3ll :my dad is giving me the money for xmas how much is it? like 38?

S2 licensed
the funny drift setups
S2 licensed
its not too good comparing to the other ones
S2 licensed
Quote from juicedfusion :they do, or get them fanatec pedals?

i will try to find g25 pedals and shifter
mmm i have limited budget for fanatec pedals
S2 licensed
Processor: DualCore Intel Pentium Duo 920, 2800 MHz (14 x 200)
Videocard: Galaxy 250 gts DDR3 512mb
Memory: SuperTalent 866Mhz Dual Channel 2x1GB
HDD: Hitachi (320GB)
Monitor: LG FLATRON 21`
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate
Controllers: Logitech Driving Force GT
Sound system: Panasonic SA-AK45 - 400W / SilverCrest 5.1 200w
S2 licensed
ok thanks for moving the topic
well not everyone has a rig
Screenshots from where you play LFS
S2 licensed
i posted this thread here because in the screen-s section is only for ingame shots
mm here everyone can post pictures of their "gaming" place or where they play LFS (1 or more shots)
please lets make this thread clean as possible
lets begin with mine
S2 licensed
I bought DFGT but i am thinking to sell it to buy the G25 because i want a shifter and clutch but i dont now where to buy those things cheap for the DFGT i am racing in long races and driving in cruise and i think The DFGT is more comfortable than the G25 but will see
question: do the G25 shifter or pedals work with the DFGT?
Last edited by BOSCHO, .
S2 licensed
Quote from jaykay3000 :What were the pc specs?

3ghz duel core
500mb gfx card

System ram?

I'm guessing it's either cpu speed or the amount of ram in your pc or you need to make sure you have got rid of the old gfx card drivers and have the newest up to date ones.

Something does not sound quite right (duuu)

(may have to edit this)

the drivers are up to date
i have 2x1 gb ram
S2 licensed
night drift
S2 licensed
Quote from Furiously-Fast :Who knows, LFS S3 could be a monthly/yearly payment, just like iRacing.

Nah, the devs would never do that... or would they?

@ devs: This is NOT a chance for you to take notes!

dont think so
LFS - Stereoscopic 3D Ready
S2 licensed
- How is this possible?

well you need Nvidia Video card to launch the 3D application, and the rendering program does his job.

- where?

in the nvidia control panel (start menu -> control panel -> hardware and sound) on "Set up stereoscopic 3D". If you do not have that option update your Nvidia drivers frim here


if you drive with the inside camera, the depth of the 3D image needs to be "1".
example: ... mp;stc=1&d=1259214221
but if you drive with outside camera view, the depth needs to be "5"

- you need

Nvidia ( Galaxy, Palit.. ) video card (runs great on GTS 250)
Stereoscopic Glasses - ... 3386152940_4e83cd3705.jpg or etc..
you can buy them from here
or here ... d=m38&_nkw=3D+Glasses

- Samples

inside view ... mp;stc=1&d=1259215902 ... mp;stc=1&d=1259215902

outside view (like the front of the car is out of your screen). ... mp;stc=1&d=1259215902 ... mp;stc=1&d=1259215902

FPS with 3D Render

with Galaxy GTS 250 - 256bit - 512mb the fps drops from 100 to 60 so you need a stable card. More info here: ... iscover_requirements.html

- tip

you need to take a 1~ hour brake after 2~ hours of 3D racing because your eyes are going to hurt a little bit
Last edited by BOSCHO, .
S2 licensed
hope in next test patches lfs to support multi-core-optimized CPU-s
(i wrote a smart word )
S2 licensed
Quote from Victor :yeah i forgot that one. It's half updated now, as in the format's right, but i need to so some extra processing on them to make all hostnames work well. Will do soon.

Thanks, take your time to make it perfect
S2 licensed
when i clicked join host it gives me an error (windows 7 ultimate 64 bit) Z28
the server list is with iframe from lfsworld on index page
S2 licensed
my lfs had hi-res textures and the fps was little
installed a fresh copy of lfs and i have now 160 fps +/-
btw: i do not understand how the processors work
S2 licensed
there are some bugs with the Nvidia 3D view.
From the outside is perfect but from the inside nvidia cant render the car correct.. i will give support for what you devs need to make the perfect render from the inside. The problem is that Nvidia renders the interior good but the place of the rendered image is placed more to the left and it can make a correct 3D object
S2 licensed
Its 3.0 dual core that makes 6.0
S2 licensed
my cpu is intel 6.0
new video card same fps
S2 licensed
i bought Galaxy GTS250 ddr3 512m and my fps is around 50/60~ with more cars in multiplayer the fps drops to 22~
my old video card was Galaxy 9500 ddr3 512m and the fps is the same with the new one.. why is that? is not overheating and that stuff
S2 licensed
Here is a public VIP account with 101 posts

username: Test-VIP
password: 123456

play in any server you want i don't care
i don't give consultations here for banned members, that is my last post in this thread
S2 licensed
Quote from AudiBG :From your "NTCC" S2 server only for idiots using keygens or your demo parody racing? Or from your ugly web site, where everyone can free download, keygens, stupid mods and *.veh mods? I really don't care about that And please be silence when you don't have anything meaningful on the topic. It wouldn't be tolerated here, unlike ur pseudo forum.

PLEASE, LOCK this topic, thanks

hey what?
see again
my site is not ugly and do not have mods, patches, cracks and that your imaginary stuff.. oh ya you are banned for swearing there..