i posted this thread here because in the screen-s section is only for ingame shots
mm here everyone can post pictures of their "gaming" place or where they play LFS (1 or more shots)
please lets make this thread clean as possible
lets begin with mine
I bought DFGT but i am thinking to sell it to buy the G25 because i want a shifter and clutch but i dont now where to buy those things cheap for the DFGT i am racing in long races and driving in cruise and i think The DFGT is more comfortable than the G25 but will see
question: do the G25 shifter or pedals work with the DFGT?
well you need Nvidia Video card to launch the 3D application, and the rendering program does his job.
- where?
in the nvidia control panel (start menu -> control panel -> hardware and sound) on "Set up stereoscopic 3D". If you do not have that option update your Nvidia drivers frim here http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us
my lfs had hi-res textures and the fps was little
installed a fresh copy of lfs and i have now 160 fps +/-
btw: i do not understand how the processors work
there are some bugs with the Nvidia 3D view.
From the outside is perfect but from the inside nvidia cant render the car correct.. i will give support for what you devs need to make the perfect render from the inside. The problem is that Nvidia renders the interior good but the place of the rendered image is placed more to the left and it can make a correct 3D object
i bought Galaxy GTS250 ddr3 512m and my fps is around 50/60~ with more cars in multiplayer the fps drops to 22~
my old video card was Galaxy 9500 ddr3 512m and the fps is the same with the new one.. why is that? is not overheating and that stuff
hey what?
see again http://lfs-bg.net
my site is not ugly and do not have mods, patches, cracks and that your imaginary stuff.. oh ya you are banned for swearing there..