i have a problem with my new wheel..
when the wheel is in any game or not in game when i turn it to the right it seems to turn more fast and smooth but when i turn it to the left the wheel rotates more slow and require more force..
is this problem fixable or any of you have the same ?
if someone wants invitation you can send me an pm (to not be in public) with your email address or send me your email address to my email address at biraem@gmail(dot)com
Yes the mirror works in 3D
the shadows are 3d too.. you can see on the picture the red color that actually makes the 3d image
you can see the pictures for more info
the bad thing is that the 3d mode drops the frame rate from 60 to 25..
if i race with 30+ players i gonna have 1fps so the nvidia system is not too good idea
im with nvidia geforce 9500 , 2gb ram, intel D 2.8
reinstall your windows.. it should work then
or go to task manager and kill the explorer.exe then install it (it should make problems)
orrr if you are with win 7 change the compatibility settings in properties of the driver
or try this:
go to start -> run -> type regedit -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE ->
download the attachment unrar it somewhere and import the .reg file to that directory in regedit -> then download this file http://rapidshare.com/files/29 ... aming_software_-.rar.html unrar it and paste the files in it in C:\Program Files\Logitech\Gaming Software\ --> (make the missing folders in program files) --> then restart your PC and it should work properly
This version is 5.08