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S3 licensed

You can add 30 or 45second penalties using the commands:

/p_30 [username]
/p_45 [username]

and this to remove it:

/p_clear [username]

But you cant add 10second penatlies im afraid.
S3 licensed
Quote from Töki (HUN) :Well, letter H is set to be Horn in my LFS and H appears when I try to write in the textbox.
Couldn' reproduce this bug...

Isnt H the LFS key for expanding the text lines in the top left corner?

If it is, thats probably why LFS wont let you assign horn to it
S3 licensed
Quote from maczo :Déjà vu anyone?

Just a bit

Seriously though, you have explained what you want quite well (unlike some of the other requests), but everything you have explained is basically a copy of the other insim systems already out there.

If you could come up with some new, fresh and exciting ideas, im sure any programmer would want to help you, because they will get some credit from it, but Im sure they wouldnt like coding a "copy" program.
S3 licensed
Strange, this started happening to me the other day in full screen, so I just had to disable screensaver (or tell it to kick in after 100minutes)

If your using win XP, just start>control panel>appearance and themes>display>screensaver tab>and change the time to something like 200 minutes

I dont think there is any fix you can do until the next patch, i tried a few things, but they wouldnt work, sorry
S3 licensed
i bet its like the M25 on there everyone in UK would know what im going on about lol
S3 licensed
i bet T1 is a biatch
S3 licensed
nah, its still showing loads of people in the "phlos is my god" server, it doesnt seem to be affecting anything else though, so its all good
S3 licensed
well the lfsw graphs are saying the master server has crashed, but from where I am they obviously havent, so hopefully its just confined to lfsw and not the master server itself.
S3 licensed
it was illegal when he got into the forums a few months back, this is just another thing to add to his "list" i suppose
LFS World problem?
S3 licensed
Just was looking on LFS World online racers and I saw this.. very strange.. the online racers section of lfsworld is timing out for me
S3 licensed
If you could PM me the username (and probably contact the devs), it would be much appreciated, so I can ban the user from our servers.


S3 licensed
Yea, our TC servers are still currently down, again, the same as Krammeh, no obvious commands used, but we did get some insim errors in the debug file as the servers crashed.

Hopefully this is just a coincidence, and server crashers are not still about.

We will be sorting out our servers tomorrow, keeping a close eye on them.
S3 licensed
Well done to "The Very End", he entered the server at 2:41am BST, as the 1000th unique user!

Your account has been topped up, nice one

This topic can be closed now if you mods wish

Thanks everyone

Last edited by Bradracer, .
S3 licensed
Quote from theirishnoob :hmmm another cruise sever giving away Very little prize money to people who sign up for a server which is full of noob wreakers... no thanks

1) i didnt mention sign-up, just enter the server and your part of it...

2) youve never been to our server (well in the last 3weeks anyway), so you cant judge from the sidelines matey

Also, this is obviously just for people interested in cruise servers, if your not, this isnt the thread for you
TC Prize for 1000th unique user!
S3 licensed
Hi everyone,

We currently have 969 unique users of our insim since last saturday, and we are going to give a cash prize of 5,000 euros (insim money of course, unless someone wants to give a generous donation ) to the account of the 1000th unique user.

The bonus will automatically be given by the insim system, and a nice /rcm message shown to show everyone that the thousandth user is in the server, and has won!

Good luck


p.s. sorry if ive posted this in the wrong section, feel free to move it if it is.
Last edited by Bradracer, .
S3 licensed
We didnt use a mod, its just insim programming. Im sure if you find a programmer, they could do it, but im afraid thats up to you

To setup a server, just follow the guides in the host or beginners section of this forum.
S3 licensed
Quote from fthsjustin :the first .jpg shows how he crashed it, it was the NIA messages he used you fool.

and why was my post in that? we didnt run insim then. Its a bit naaive to call people fools when you dont actually know them at all.
S3 licensed
Alonso has to play really dirty in order to beat a novice at his first season in F1... says alot about him. I hope he gets sone stern words from the team :banghead:
S3 licensed
Quote from Nick A :No, AOL isn't that bad compared to the other big name ISPs I think. Torrents run OK, LFS runs well too and the service is fairly reliable but it conked out during my league race at the weekend

Yea, AOL is good, but you really gotta do your research on how far you are away from the exchange, and what the recommended distance for the speed is, because at the end of the day, they will sell you the package if your over the recommended distance, but you will probably have a poor/slow connection. I had it for a few years, worked fine at 512kbps, but when AOL auto upgraded it to 1mb it wouldnt work at all, so I had to switch to NTL/Virgin cable (which has been cheap and seamless, customer service has been excellent since virgin took over imo).
S3 licensed
Ive got 4mb Virgin Media, some people have had bad experiences, but mine has been absolutely perfect for 6+ months, no lag problems at all, even in peak times. Definately give it a go, depends on your area though; do a bit of research first to find out any possible problems before your tied into a 12month contract
S3 licensed
Sorry to hear, the main thing to do though is to enjoy the time you still got with him/her. Mainly just think of the positives, have fun, try not to think too hard about the future, "cross that bridge as you come to it". Itll be hard, but its best to also stay strong, cos if you feel bad, god knows what they are going through, they probably just dont want to talk about it and try to enjoy themselves.

Try to put up a 'front' infront of them, as Dajmin rightly said, you cant hold back grief, but try and stay positive when you are around your friend.

Not much help I know, but very sad news, I wish them/you every luck in battling it
S3 licensed
It depends how you ask though. If you just go into a server and say "any1 got a FXO set?", noone will probably even bother to send, because you didnt say please etc.

If you said "Anyone got an FXO set please?" usually they will send it to you. If you ask nicely 99.9% of the time they will send you it

But even if they dont, they aint obliged to, its their set, they may have spent many hours perfecting it.
S3 licensed
Hi, I cant help you much, but I also have 4mb virgin media, and LFS has been perfect for me for over 6months, no problems at all, so it must be a router problem (im using the supplied cable modem).
S3 licensed
Quote from drifter06 :Yer but this is better than that tc jamaica thats so over crouded

The only reason its crowded (i.e. has 21+4admins there) some of the time is that its popular... if your judging us badly because people like to join our server, its really saying u dont want your server to be full

Anyway, good luck with it.

S3 licensed
Republica - Ready to go (race start, waiting for lights to turn green )