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S3 licensed
Quote from LERAUG :I was banned for harassment because I overtook an administrator who was driving at 100 km/h. It's amazing how administrators abuse their power.

S3 licensed
Quote from carreragt339 :you can just click cancel when the game asks you to update, it will still give you the server list

S3 licensed
Quote from redemu9659 :Hi, i loved the jusy a ride servers and always only logged in that server anytime i played multiplayer. Great atmosphere and everyone is super friendly including the admins. Sad thing is recently the server became private and i do not know the password to get in. Is the only server that keeps me playing this amazing game, not fun playing alone. If you could share me the password please(publicly here on directly to my inbox) would be greatly appreciated thank you!

Its on 50D patch download 52D and you will be fine
S3 licensed
Quote from YukselYilmaz :Hello. This is my newly created account, some of you know me.

Last edited by Scawen, . Reason : do we really need such a huge unedited quote?
S3 licensed
Quote from rane_nbg :Tnx for these nice layouts and for an awesome driving, was quite fun to watch.

My pleasure.Im happy to hear that you liked the video and layout spent lots of time into the it and tried to make it good as possible. Realistic aswell. Other Rallycross latouts doesn't seem realistic so that was my main goal.

Thank you for the kind words.
Last edited by Bruhmomento, .
S3 licensed
RallyForYou V2 OUT!

Loots of huge changes that i can't show so watch the video.

Check Out The Layout at the video link down below. (Lots of things changed since the last Screenshots.) I changed some small things after shooting the video. Really smal changes but better overall you should check it out.

Small patches or adjustments according to the feedback will be soon. Hope you Enjoy it.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bruhmomento :The RallyForYou V1.2 on its way.

At V1 and V1.1 it was really strict whit off-track rules and overall visuals were not that great.

What there will be new in V1.2 is more enjoyable and a comfy track layout and offtrack rules. There is going to be small but noticeable
visual changes better esthetics, better performance for lower end PCs and better track layout (New Turns and chicanes etc.)

It probably going be finished this weekend.

RallyForYou V2 is coming.

after somethinking i decided that i had to make some big changes. Since There is big chances layout's name is going to be rally for you V2.

I will publish the Layout and the hotlap video on youtube very soon.

Im really happy whit the result both how it feels to drive and how layout looks.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bruhmomento :Here is the Update and the Rally For You Gravel Layout!

-The Video of the Rally For You Gravel Hotlap will be out very soon.

The RallyForYou V1.2 on its way.

At V1 and V1.1 it was really strict whit off-track rules and overall visuals were not that great.

What there will be new in V1.2 is more enjoyable and a comfy track layout and offtrack rules. There is going to be small but noticeable
visual changes better esthetics, better performance for lower end PCs and better track layout (New Turns and chicanes etc.)

It probably going be finished this weekend.
S3 licensed
Quote from Joe mama1256 :im 12

Yeah like i guessed
S3 licensed
Quote from Joe mama1256 :anyways just a ride disapeared lol

Update to 50D lil bro
S3 licensed
Quote from JayDeM :Take it easy on him, hes probably just a kid. No reason to be absolute dicks, remember we want larger player base on lfs. You guys keep being complete ****s it will drive people away.

Turbofan will unban you when it is time.

If he is a kid, he shouldn't be allowed to say that extreme swear words to me on publicly. There is no excuse for the things he said. Thats why he got banned from the Forums. I understand he is a kid but you don't have to be that disrespectful ahaha but i get what you mean you are right too
S3 licensed
Quote from Joe mama1256 :plz unban me bro

Just ban this guy from the forums at this point
S3 licensed
Quote from bullet_in_aim :Do anyone have the servers discord link,the other link in this discussion was expired i see.

Here you go man
S3 licensed
Quote from johneysvk :see you in this thread in a week!

S3 licensed
Quote from JELLE 9990 :What do you mean going on it more? I need answers for the future, and I need it from the man who kicked and banned me. kinda hard to follow the rules on the server if there is unwritten rules nobody knows about or if they make em up as they go…

So brother basicly you need to give way at every hotlapping car if you can, if you don't its fine i guess you will just get kicked and its not really often, its just an admin sees it and warns you by kicking, doesn't make sense by warn kick but you get the idea. At "The Ring" its a highly used track whic covers the cruise area too and its expected to see some traffic, just next time keep in mind that when a hotlapping car comes by you need to give way to them. As i said, if you can't its fine. As Turbo said you got banned bc of the "?" (Who bans somebody for using "?" Bruh)Not bc of the "The Ring" accident. You can try "The Ring" layout and see it for yourself so you have an idea of the layout.

Have fun and be careful next time i guess you know what to do better then me ahahaha🙏🏻😁
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
[quote="JELLE 9990;2063554"][quote="turbofan;2063438"][quote="JELLE 9990;2063343"]Well i dint even realised i got kicked/quote]
This is your side, your responsibility, not mine.
I wont change my way because you dont understand. No.[/quote]

Okay i can take the not noticing the kick on my shoulder if that makes you happy, but you still didnt answer my question?? am i supossed to give way on that crossway??? if you look on the "signs" on the pavement its clearly the hotlappers who need to stop and not me? like i said the rules doesnt state that anywhere![/quote]

Sorry forgot to quote you*
S3 licensed
Its like a unwriten rule tbh, you are already unbanned and i see that you are on just a ride currently so no point going on it more mate
S3 licensed
*gets banned for 180 days*
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
No no, keep it. Its really fun to read it ahahah
S3 licensed
Quote from JELLE 9990 :I know how long it is. It’s only for a day.
I just thought it was a bit harsh to get insta banned for one mistake(if I was at fault) I’ve been driving for weeks on the server so I kinda know my way around it and the rules. I just didn’t know the Hotlappers had the power over normal traffic on a nearly full server…

I got banned for a day whitout warning too. He said he doesn't often warn before a ban so yeah it sucks i guess.
S3 licensed
Some people need to understand that admins are like Police, you need to be be careful around them and don't do dumb things and that will be it. I agree whit some people from the past forum messages but its really simple. Its Turbo's server and not connected to aynthing. If you don't like it you don't have to play it
S3 licensed
Oh my god here we go again
S3 licensed
Quote from littleredrocked :Thanks! Im on the keyboard btw so my bad driving is intentional!

Maybe you should take some brake from PiranMOTODestructionDerby ahahaha