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S3 licensed
Entry number : 15
Entry team Name : Master Race Car Endurance
Car: Prototype 2
Entered driver (Ingame name / LFSW name / Country) : (adal/[MRc] bruhmomento/Turkiye)
S3 licensed
Session AND SERVER of Incident (Official Sessions:Race 2; Servers: Main)
Lap AND MPR timecode of incident (Lasp 34):
Car(s) involved:54 and 18
Location of Incident:Start line
Brief Description of Incident:As you can see im ahead at the finish line but i was placed 8th instead of 7th.

You can clearly see i was ahead so i want to get back the position.
S3 licensed
Quote from turbofan :it's not incoherent, but rather that u dont understand.
Each time u write here, u write bullshit, because u dont understand.
You are only noise.

Luckily for me the 2 other troll kings of the forum are in forced vacations. Phew.
"Just one left, Gromit !" (Wallace & Gromit and the Wererabbit)

S3 licensed
Quote from Pukyy :That's a bit dumb imo. This forum should, as the name says, be used for general LFS discussion, not to beg for an unban on some server. Why not just have a dedicated part of a discord server to be used for unbans, like other servers do? LCS, TC and many others have their unban sections on their discord servers.

Making a discord account is free and takes like 5 minutes, not to mention 99% of people already most probably have it.

Bro i don't know. Im not staff, ask the owner of the server. %90 of the thing about this server is dumb anyways
S3 licensed
Quote from Pukyy :JAR has a discord server, why are people still bumping and talking in this forum? just go on their discord and talk with the moderation team directly

The only way you can get unbanned is from here. Thats why, the discord server's moderations team and the server moderation team is diffrent Smile
S3 licensed
Quote from Bruhmomento :Num54

Fixed small mistakes*
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
bruhmomento/Read and Understood
S3 licensed
Quote from Bruhmomento :54/bruhmomento/Mehmet Nuri Coşkun/Turkiye/Master Race Car

Changed name (written wrong)
S3 licensed
54/bruhmomento/Mehmet Nuri Coşkun/Turkiye/Master Race Car
Last edited by Bruhmomento, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Joe mama1256 :man, this is so sad, being permantly banned

It is what it is man🤷🏻‍♂️
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from Joe mama1256 :fake, i got ban for 10 years

S3 licensed
Quote from Soli7 :Hi guys can i ask about my strike or ban?
I think i crash in oposite direction in to admin what i respectful but sorry guys i am not from uk and its pretty unusual for me, i only want to ask.
Bdw your server is pretty good and relaxing.
Thank you for respond.

Ban lenght can be around 1 day to 1 month but its probably not more than 1 week. Try it the next day (25 hours later minimum) if there is a ban still. Try it next week
S3 licensed
Quote from P V L :You may not get it, I got a very long experience and a good feeling what changes may cause.

If TC would disable the ability to send cash its possible its gone in some months, at least

almost dead. Many people may not agree with my view to future but its what I see. P V L.

Maybe money transfers can be monitored?
S3 licensed
Quote from RealistAdam :All I know is PETE, the TC manager, and I don't know who will convey this issue to him.

We will get in touch whit the TC Admins about the Rent accounts, well see how it goes.
S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :Here's how I understand it: On TC City Driving, people can buy new cars with TC money, but that requires some effort, mostly driving around on the server or doing jobs. Instead of doing that, you can buy TC money for real money and fast-forward this process. I think the exchange rate is 1 EUR = 10000 TC money.

Last edited by Flame CZE, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Bruhmomento :Alright ill make sure. We were just making sure our accusation were backed up by actual proof. I understand what you mean.

When i come to the "They sell the TC money for rl money" part.

We were explaining the main idea of the teams using multiple accounts to make money. We don't have the exact proof of teams selling the TC money but we seen that they transfer bif amounts of money (360k - 100k) between their accounts whic we sent screenshots of this happening. There is also excel and google document files, forms about how much real life money they made from each person wiht their names. I can explain further if you would want it.

I wanna say again i understand what you said and we will make sure to not make any more time wasting from your part🙏🏻👍🏻

There is form applications for the ones who want to join the "Free S3 by making money on TC" and excel files from another old team whic says how much a player made on the rent accounts, their irl names + how much real life money they made from that account. I couldnt explain that part properly, i did it now. Sorry👍🏻👍🏻
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Please don't send us all the information. We can't just take your info and start banning accounts.

I know you are trying to help but we cannot spend every minute of our lives investigating Turkish LFS racers. I am a software developer trying to find a bit of time to do some actual development. I am not a underpaid policeman and I'm start to get fed up looking into all this rubbish. Even if you are trying to help, it just takes more of my time, not less.

This is the part I can't understand. Shrug

You can't just say something that makes no sense at all, and expect me to take that as a reason for something.

Alright ill make sure. We were just making sure our accusation were backed up by actual proof. I understand what you mean.

When i come to the "They sell the TC money for rl money" part.

We were explaining the main idea of the teams using multiple accounts to make money. We don't have the exact proof of teams selling the TC money but we seen that they transfer bif amounts of money (360k - 100k) between their accounts whic we sent screenshots of this happening. There is also excel and google document files, forms about how much real life money they made from each person wiht their names. I can explain further if you would want it.

I wanna say again i understand what you said and we will make sure to not make any more time wasting from your part🙏🏻👍🏻
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Well I can't understand Turkish, but the obvious suggestion is to not remove bans for reason "I am illegally renting a license" or "I bought a used, banned license as disallowed by the LFS regulations".

If rented accounts are useless then maybe the trade in them can stop. I am astonished that anyone can profit from renting out LFS licenses. It must be so cheap for the driver, to be worth renting instead of buying.

So the amount of effort involved for the illegal renter (who is basically a software pirate) can't be worth the income received. It's very strange.

Though I heard something about TC cruise money being used to make real money, which I don't even begin to understand. Uhmm

They Rent the account. The one using the rented account makes money in TC, They sell the TC money for real life money and then make profit. If the person who used the rent account makes enough TC money (620k) they buy them a brand new s3 on their own name. We explained at the mail we sent you at the start of this month whit excel files etc
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Well I can't understand Turkish, but the obvious suggestion is to not remove bans for reason "I am illegally renting a license" or "I bought a used, banned license as disallowed by the LFS regulations".

If rented accounts are useless then maybe the trade in them can stop. I am astonished that anyone can profit from renting out LFS licenses. It must be so cheap for the driver, to be worth renting instead of buying.

So the amount of effort involved for the illegal renter (who is basically a software pirate) can't be worth the income received. It's very strange.

Though I heard something about TC cruise money being used to make real money, which I don't even begin to understand. Uhmm

We were the ones who sent the email about the money making etc. We will send you more proof and account names next week(if i can trsnslate them fast) whit english translation of the screenshots and google, excel files. We sent it to lfstech mail and well hope you will see it. (We were the ones who said "X number of people group at the start of the mail.)
S3 licensed
He blocked me too xd
S3 licensed
Quote from Bruhmomento :Here is the proof of him asking "is it worth to buy a second hand s3 account whic has been used renting for a month. Translate the texts and youll see the screenshots are legit too

He is active in the "Osmanli Garage" community whic is a off brand TC for Crack s2 users around Turkey.

Here is his Profile
S3 licensed
Here is the proof of him asking "is it worth to buy a second hand s3 account whic has been used renting for a month. Translate the texts and youll see the screenshots are legit too
S3 licensed
Quote from [OD :Jardim;2081017"]The staggering amount of Turkish players who play on rented accounts is why people aren't surprised that this illegal service is happening in turkey, and the Ban list on TC city driving is literal evidence of this. Multiple log ins with same license from different IP's, and people admittingly saying their accounts are either rented or "bought second hand" in the form of asking for a unban in the forum because they are now the new "owner" of the license, or the current user.

These guys are clowns