The Rally for you update is nearly finished so i will not talk that much about it for now.
Lets come to the Rally For You Gravel Layout:
The Gravel layout will go into the gravel roads of the westhill including Grass parts and a 0.2Km of the Actual track.
The Gravel Layout is much smaller compare to the actual Rally for you and you wont see times getting up to 4-5 Mins to finish the whole layout.
The Update and the Gravel Layout will be released before the Turkish presidential election (14 May)
If we look at the update at the Rally For You i done some changes so you can't go change your way to
finish the layout quicker.You will get a heavy time penalty if you try to do that. I made the pit section of the track better too.
Rally for you will be much more
optimized for better fps.
Here is some Rally For You Gravel Layout's Beta Screenshots hope you enjoy!