I am a high-fov guru, played Quake2 at 130FOV all the time and i owned that game pretty much the time being. Downside is center of screen seems to get further away from u, but in terms of viewangle u gain lots of information from your surroundings.
Nowadays i realise 130fov is a bit too extreme, although when using it for some time its like your eyes are getting used to such a view and it seems all flat again. When going back to 80 at that point its like your face is smashed onto the windscreen and all other cars are dangerously close in your path.
Nevertheless, i got used to 100fov now but i use a custom incar view which is quite the same as the main incar view. I only positioned the seat a bit to the front to compensate on the FOV and raised it a little up to get a better look on the bends. To me this looks more realistic and gives me a better sense of speed. I also put the wheel and hands off.
I play FOX on ASCLUB a lot, and i noticed that on the chicane after T1 u can't look into the chicane when using a low fov setting (default fov). It's as if the turn is not there which makes it very hard. It also feels like a big bend all of a sudden, as if you have to turn left en right with much effort, but when using a higher FOV it suddenly turns into an 'almost' straight line where only the slightest degree of turn is enough to make u get thru. I also notice many not so experienced players take that chicane as a BEND, lots of LEFT-RIGHT steering instead of a straight line which could be related to FOV setting. U need to aim at the bit of grass alongside the tirestack there and drive over the grass almost hitting the tires. When passing the grass u need to go as straight as possible to prevent any form of sliding on the grass. With default fov i myself can't get this turn right anymore because i can't aim at this part of the track, its out of my viewrange which is stupid because in real-life u definately would see that.
So my statement should be clear, on 4:3 single monitor setups, use a higher fov setting to compensate on the loss of visual sight. A 3 monitor setup could do with a lot less. But still when using more monitors it seems the fov needs to be set higher to get the same result, so probably the viewrange is already dispersed over more screens, making 160fov on a two 4:3 screen setup like "2xfov80" which makes sense in some way. So in that case 160fov is actually like the default fov setting.
i agree with u, not that it is a bad drawing, but it actually shows that the drawer used a screenshot or some other kind of sample to draw the FZR from (very common) but then when he needs to draw the rest of the scene it all ends up to be out of perspective. It also shows the drawers sense of perspective is not too good, so he clearly could not have drawn the car out of his head. In the worst case he even used an outprint of the car as an underlay and drew over it's lines which suddenly makes it much less impressive. And if those white/black stripes behind the car resembles curbstones he is so far off the view of perspective it reminds of those little houses kids draw with the diagonal positioned chimney All in all there's no sense of depth, which is a shame. The type of shade is done quite nicely, i also prefer this kind of black/white pencil drawing over any other type of colored paintings, it allows for very smooth gradients and has something natural to it.
A little story from my side...
I quit drawing with a pencil quite a long time ago mainly because i can't get any inspiration. The whole digital drawing on pc took that away from me. first was Splash! a 320x200 dos painting tool, after that all sorts of stuff came along and stranded on Photoshop which i use for quite a while now, at least 9 years. The main thing for why i was so attracted to draw digitally is that i always have drawn pictures from the computerscreen when i was little (pre 10 years old). I was totally shocked by Sierra's first VGA 256color type adventures and the kind of painted colorful scenery that was going on. From Larry, to KingsQuest to Spacequest, i allways liked the idea of painting in pixels but i only had paper and a pencil. But those games gave me much inspiration. I did all kinds of things from nice old trees, landscapes with lakes, spacebattles and fairytale like locations. There was only ONE thing that i have drawn my whole life long (well, since the time i can handle a pencil) and those are automobiles
So the only thing i would ever draw with a pencil nowadays is a very futuristic looking car (my taste). But i favoured drawing cars so damn much at a certain period, people around me got bored of the cars and that had such an impact on me i quit drawing them at all. So i guess i was a bit too much influenced by ppl around me. I just whish i sticked to the thing i liked the most, thats drawing cars... I could have been a car designer by now, but i totally lost it
Anyways, all positive replys should be countered with a much more criticized point of view, in a sense that the drawer could learn from it and become even better. So don't let someone turn u down, draw cars and get better
PS, i refer to the TS as 'he', but it could also be a 'she', nowadays we never know if someone is really a she or a he or transexual 'harhar' on the internet, so dont blame me on that one too much please
Erww, not at all, 5 cruizing laps is just soooo god damn boring it's just nothing for me i would do, but it's no problem to cruise forever, except for the boringness and fuelconsumption. Its the same as driving a long distance to whatever holiday vacation site, say Holland to Italy.. absolutely boring as hell, only a bit less than LFS because the landscape changes during the trip
So to me, i did not get that picture on first sight either... till i read some reply's, u can't tell me u really posted this because someone drove 5 laps? thats just silly ain't it? 40 laps of highly concentrated racing and to win that race is a whole other story, and that happens everyday!
i would say, improve and come back later, or just impress your friends instead of posting such crap on the forum
Something that would be a bit more fun to do is driving a car over 100 laps without changing the tyres. Now try to get the rubber on the tyre as thin as paper. I Did this test with a FOX on AS Club. At 100 laps i parked the car on the roadside and turned off the engine :P
The next day i started the engine and drove away with tyres as cold as the weather temperature and thin as paper. The laptime i did on that last bit of rubber was totally awesome. But then, back on the straight my tyres were starting to pop, not by overheating but by totally wearing out. Not a thing that happens everyday, and the speed and grip u get on that last bit of rubber was just so exciting. it takes ages to get there, but for that one time it was pretty fun and even interesting to watch and learn the car behave under those circumstances.
Well, its not a real texture, i obviously used all kinds of high-res texturepacks, but what u see is done with Photoshop :P
I like to give the tyres some amount of visual wear.
Also the 2nd pic has the same kind of details on the tyre btw, maybe less clear. Also the Alfa Romeo badge on the nose is done afterwards. It looks much more realistic this way, now its more like the badge is really on it and has a certain thickness.
I mainly like the part where the frontwing is sticking out of the frame a little Got the idea when i nearly finished the picture.
Made some modified screenshots again, still "Alfa Corse Racing" related FOX-shots. This will become a whole serie of TEN pics with use of the same colorstyle mainly to be used as desktop background and later-on to be used on our website. They are also available in original style, but i found this style better suited as desktop background. Like it or not...
I really like higher FOV settings though i read many dislike them and giving them headaches. I really need the wider angle to give me better awareness (i use 21" CRT). It also helps to give more sense of speed. Mainly i'm just WAY better when i use a wider angle. At the moment its around 100, on a big Plasma screen (my teammate always uses his 100cm Plasma to play LFS which is less than 1 meter away) the angle is set even higher, but it also seems it needs to be higher because fov100 on that widescreen plasma seems like fov 80 on a 21" CRT. So its more around 120 now to compensate for that. Also widescreen modes do help alot since u see more on your left/right. It's even usefull for 4:3 ratio screens, i now play in 1920x1080 on my 21", i really don't need to see 33% of sky and 33% of incar details with only 33% of road which is of great importance. Now its more like 25% air 50% road 25% incar so there is more detail on that road-area.
Not much to say, completely done with Photoshop, based on in-game screenshot from the side and used that as an underlay. Basically this is a TEAM-ACR related drawing made to be printed on 60x80cm canvas, but when i saw this topic, i got the idea to share this one with u guys. I do quite some graphical work on LFS like polishing screenshots, but i also make ingame improvements of tyre/wheel surface textures etc, i should post such stuff and share it with the community. My drawback is that i want to keep everything i make to myself
Anyway, keep up the good work, i've seen many nice pictures around here.
Congrats on ordering your DFP, you won't regret it
Well, i don't know if this statement of mine is true, but always when i encounter a Keyboard player his car is going like mad, almost impossible to pass. Or these drivers clearly can't drive at all, or there is some input not handled very well, so the driver actually drives quite well, but to others it seems like he is waving around the track. It also seems it's impossible to drive a straight line. If the actual player really played like this he would be getting sick so i can imagine it has something to do with how the code is handled.
Also i talk about behaviour in the latest official patch, not the testpatches. I don't know if they have changed something to the keyboard input lately, seems like stabilized keyboard has something to do with interpolation between far left/right so they might already have a solution for this problem in the recent testpatches? If that's the case i'm so sorry i went on and on about this and being stupid
I'm pretty sure you can drive quite well with keyboard, i encounter lots of keyboard users who drive pretty 'ok' times, pro-mouse drivers can compete with pro-wheel drivers. The only problem could be the throttle/brake which is not accurate enough but u could use a joystick or even midi controllers to get this done better. When i need to brake into T1 on AS CLUB i need to brake 100%, then 50%, near the apex 10%, then slowly raise the power to 100% throttle. Last turn on the track i can't brake 100% at all, it locks at 80% so precise braking is crucial. It seems impossible to do this with digital keys...
But this is not MY main concern!, the problem is, that digital steering input is not handled well by the network code, cars seem to judder and shake around the track because of faulty interpolation. THAT is my main concern, if u don't get my point it's no problem. I need someone who agrees with this statement of this being a problem to other drivers around the keyboard driver because it's damn scary!!
Ok, i agree with that, it would be very uncool to abandon all keyboard/mouse players, they at least need to be able to play the game without having a wheel. Still would like the options though, and i encountered this word 'elitist' several times now which is a bit bothersome. There really seems a big gap between the good and normal drivers, even disgrace. I have nothing against the whole community, LFS is great the way it is getting support so i even like all the very bad drivers and i help them all the time. I don't like to put such suggestions into 'elite' thinking. Terrible word
Why too far, it would be a nice OPTION so all can drive the same way. But just as a serverside option. Same like the serverside 'reset' option used now. It certaily has potential bacause all topspeed drivers i talked with would really like such an option so players can't cheat by using a much easier way to shift.
It's going a bit to the extreme side perhaps, but it's just an OPTION, u can turn it OFF. But this is not the right topic to discuss this, so i'm sorry i even started this in here. Plz forgive me
pff, i just marked several points about diffirent things, and its not just ONE point to disagree. There are even points u can't disagree too bacause they are fact. So when someone just says "i disagree" he's totally insane and prolly just suffered braindamage.
This may sound a bit harsh, but i really hope there will be a time that Keyboard/Mouse combo's are not allowed anymore. The most disadvantage of keyboard users is that the abrubt steering input (left/centre/right and nothing between) of digital buttons are not very well handled by the network code. U see those players shaking left/right because of repeatingly pressing buttons to correct the car on a straight line. They probably don't know this themselves but i can get so angry at seeing this i almost reach for my shotgun, not even to speak of moments where there is little lag going on. Those players are making it very unpleasant for others who DID spent their money and really go for the way it should be played. As for the record, i never had any money and even i could afford my Logitech Formula Force 7 years ago because i did some work on holidays. It's all about priorities, do u like to go out every day and spend all your money on drinks and chicks... do that. But when someone does not really feel the need to pay for a wheel, i would say he's not really interested in playing such a game at full potential and thus is not worth playing a SIM of this kind. Play Need for Speed or stick with the S2 Demo.
For mouse players, well a bit less annoying but still not fun at all, a real race enthousiast needs a wheel, otherwise u're just a pc geek who adores his beloved mouse far too much. And again, it's not about the money but about priorities.
Please let them make S3 a full wheel-only game, make it even so that servers can force the use of H-shifters and Clutch pedals because it's a shame to use them nowadays if the rest of the field uses flappy paddles with no clutch pedal. It would be amazing to drive with 30 drivers on a track who all use their clutch and H-shifters. At the moment the use of clutch and shifter is just for fun, u can't compete with the rest as they use a much easier method. These options should be included in the future without questioning imho.
I totally understand the TS his request. But i also agree with Cue-Ball. When i still had my Logitech formula force which only had 180 degrees of steering i encounterd the same visual appearence as TS discribes. Only i never had such big problems with it.
Ain't it much more important to feel your own wheel and its feedback, and not use the graphical representation (which is actually correct, and should be that way) as your guide? A car with only 180 degrees of steering is insane imho.
Also, u look at the track, at a far distance, not at your graphical in-game wheel i hope! So it does not make that much sense to me.
If u are such an enthousiast, buy a wheel with adjustable lock. It will drive much better, have linear graphics and u gain lots of precision by doing so. This IS the advantage serious drivers have over unexperienced ones with no real hart for racing. A good FF wheel with these functionalities aint cost that much, everyone could afford one. Its just matter of priorities. If its not your priority to have linear response in a racesim, don't complain about it.
Some ppl still want LFS to be more user friendly, but it would take away its karma when doing so. The point described in this topic is just one of those. Also, 'this may sound a bit harsh', is that i don't really care about such suggestions because its nothing a pro-racer would ever complain about. To me, this is what makes LFS special. And i don't like LFS to get filled with unexperienced 'wreckin' guys who never get any better. Not that this particulair suggestion is THAT bad, it's just that i really care about this game and i like how it is the way it is.