Seahorse, OK so on reflection you have some valid points. Maybe IE is getting better these days, maybe not. Compatiblity is not everything you know!
I only use Firefox because it works for me and I feel a little more secure using it, I've tried all these others, but didnt like Opera (doesnt work through authenticated proxies either) and didnt like the idea of the IE engine in a fancy jacket either, any IE exploits would still work inside those browsers too.
Those Firefox bugs you point to, notice none of them are "An attacker could gain complete control of your system" - whereas usually, when an IE hole comes out, its complete control of your system. I can live with a few bugs here and there, which I have seen none of in this version of FF, maybe Im not using it very hard though eh
I'm glad IE has 90% of the market share, as it means the hackers spend their time finding holes in that rather than the browser I currently use.
Having up to date anti virus isnt the end to all problems either, I have seen several virus's get into our corporate network with up-to-date anti virus. This is because there can be a 1-2 day delay in getting the signatures up to date. Just a little food for thought.
For info, I dont run a spyware scanner, virus scanner or firewall on my machines. I merely run checks online with Trend and sites like that to make sure I'm clean once in a while. Obviously I have a hardware firewall at the perimeter though. Some might say Im a bit mad doing that, but its all down to how you use your machine (or how badly you use it!).
The Firefox myths website you linked to is a better reasource, explaining some of the things that are touted about Firefox. I agree with all of them, still doesnt stop me from liking Firefox better. Also with the current hole in Windows automatically exploitable from IE I still feel more secure right now. Even today with the hole being widely known for more than 3 days, not all the virus scanners are picking these exploits up yet.
We are obviously going to have to agree to disagree on this as neither of us are going to back down. I like what I like and you like yours. Doesnt mean you have to jump into a discussion that has nothing to do with compatibility and say "Firefox sucks".
Now can we leave it at this and get on with racing?