Hey guys,
Although I've had S1 for over a year, I never had broadband! Taking the leap into online gaming last night, I entered a server, and raced around 12 consecutive races. For sure, I was conservative at first. I took it easy, braking early, getting off of the racing line for those behind, and just generally finding my feet.
But then I started to realise that I was keeping up with the other competitors, and soon started to have some great battles. Then I fell pray to someone who *continuously* touched the rear of my car. They didn't punt me off, or slam into me, but kept nudging me, and nerfing me. This became rather fustrating! In addition, there *are* people out there who perhaps block when they shouldn't. But then we can all be over-enthusiastic sometimes, and loose track of what's going on
If someone is faster, and certainly of a better ability, then I'll certainly maintain the same line down the straight (I certainly wouldn't dream of changing lines purposely - recepie for disaster!). Mind you, saying that, I've I'm better than someone else, I'll still maintain a dead straight line - I'll just break earlier than them and watch them sail by