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S2 licensed
Quote from X-Ter :Here we are talking pure skill and ability to focus

Oh, crap. I'm screwed.

Quote from MAGGOT :If I had an eight-year-old daughter who raced karts she'd be my favorite child.

I think I'd fight her for a go
S2 licensed
I found the contention ratio to be horrific when I was with Virgin...
S2 licensed
Sky are pretty good for me (very little lag, no dropped connections), but then again, it took me three months to get the cretins to install it in the first place
S2 licensed
Just reeled off around 100 photographs of one of the sessions. Have to see how they turn out...
S2 licensed
Hi Raybrig,

That's right, they are. I think we'll push the start back a week - something's come up for me personally, and it'll give us some time to open a practice session duing next week.
S2 licensed
If you do get it, I think some photos are in order
S2 licensed
Yeah! Gonna bring the camera in tomorrow - hopefully get some decent photos to accompany the Silverstone ones!
RedBull Air Race, London
S2 licensed
Is anyone going? Our offices overlook the Peninsula and course, and they've been practicing this morning. Looks pretty damn spectacular.
S2 licensed
Server is online right now. I'm going to be in it for the next thirty minutes or so if anyone fancies it. Called Summer Series '07.

Hope to see you there!
S2 licensed
Well done old chap. Now, where are you having the celebratory pint?
S2 licensed
It doesn't. You'd be surprised - Google doesn't need particularly high speed connections or powerful machines. They just have lots of them.
S2 licensed
Quote from CSU1 ::rolleyes: Im taking a notepad with me with various stuff about me and info on the company....the last line reads *if all above fails set light to the HR team

edit: I'd better not leave it behind me when I leave

Don't take a notepad. Memorise it beforehand. Trust me, it'll do you the world of good. As the previous posts say, sell a chocolate bar to the Country Manager of Cadbury on it's merits.

One other thing: if you are going to sell - never, ever demean the competion. Tell people why your product / company is great, not why they are bad. It'll earn you the utmost respect and kudos
S2 licensed
Quote from al heeley :Salespeople who are pushy and arrogant are also an immediate turn-off for me. I would excuse a few interview nerves as long as the candidate seems confident and competent. Sales is not all about closing the sale on a double-glazing deal, it's about building long term relationships with clients who gain value from the services you offer.

No. Sorry Al, you are wrong. I agree with interview nerves. Everybody has them. Fine. What you are describing is 'Key Account Management', or channel sales. Sales Executives are trained to close. Hard. Not long term relationships, just qualification, and closing. You only care about revenue streams if:

a. You're self employed;
b. You're a Sales Director;
c. You're a Channel Sales Exec;
d. You're a Key Account Manager;
e. You're a corporate Account Manager.

And please do not start going down the double glazing route. It is incredibly stereotypical, rude, and just down right offensive.

And I think you'll find that as far as the interviewer is concerned, they won't give a damn about whether the end user is turned off by arrogance. An arrogant salesman who can turn negatives will have a higher hit rate that a nervous salesman every single time. Full stop.
S2 licensed
Quote from al heeley :far better than to come across all arrogant and don't-give-a-damn.

Not in sales. Why would you want a nervous candidate in front of a client? Would you buy something from a salesperson who appeared nervous?
S2 licensed
Believe me, if it's sales you're after, you need to have the gift of the gab, and be very quick on your feet. I'm a New Business Account Manager for the largest Managed Services firm in Europe, and believe me, it's not easy. Unless you are completely committed to working in sales, unless you're sure that's what you want to do, you'll be eaten alive.

Oh, and you need to have a high-standard of grammar etc. for Tenders and RFPs.
Last edited by creativesurgeon, . Reason : Grammar error :)
S2 licensed
Looks like great fun
S2 licensed
He'd want to know what experience? What systems? In-house or commercially available? Did you spot any faults? Could the process be improved?
S2 licensed
Quote from alland44 :BTW restarts in Lfs often are for the "incrowd" - When they are not in the lead - They whine restart all the time. When they have a start that suits them, then they don`t care about all the chrashes in the back of the pack.

Agree. If you knew that if you were going to ruin the rest of your race by flying full throttle into T1, then you'd think twice about it. You can't keep restarting until everybody is happy.

As for don't fear the reaper? Good song
S2 licensed
Or Schumi on any circuit
S2 licensed
Caterhams look fun though. Gonna have to give them a whirl. As long as my Steam doesn't run out of steam.
S2 licensed
I'm going to have a quick race around tonight around 8pm London Time. Server will be called LFS Beginners '07.

Hope to see you there.
S2 licensed
I had this too. Through the game menu, click multiplayer and try to join one of the servers. Game updates, all is dandy.
S2 licensed
Quote from Cappy333 :Races in progress will restart if:
1) At least half of racers vote to restart INCLUDING the current race leader.

Good idea, as I agree with the point in principle, but who do you know that as a race leader, will vote to restart? Chances are pretty slim.
S2 licensed
Hi Andrew,

Welcome to LFS Sounds great. Looks like we'll have enough racers, no problem. Everyone in agreement with dates etc? Race time 8pm UK Time?