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S2 licensed
Just about every model is listed here:

Most common are Volvo V70 and Saab 9-5 (how surprising...)
S2 licensed
Quote from XRRoy :This looks like the best way yes but I'm wondering why do they have to be in an incompatible patch?

Quote from Scawen :Any tiny change to the car could put replays out of sync. For example, if a driver's position was moved by one millimeter, because of an updated steering wheel or whatever, the replay would be out of sync.

Thats why. It's not possible to be compatible.
S2 licensed
Great work on this patch! LFS is much much better than it was in U.

And Merry Christmas Scawen, Victor and Eric!
S2 licensed
The new sounds are great. Good work Scawen!

If it is possible at this point to implent this, it would be very nice:
When in custom view for tin-tops (w/ draw car) the map is the ligher version, and this is causing some trouble for me because the map is in the sky most of the time for me. Would it be possible to use the dark version for this view? Using an option in the menu perhaps?

And a question:
For future test patches, will the updater work for these or will it only pick up normal updates?
S2 licensed
I still think the BF1 is a little off...

This is a video of a Renault V8:
And a Cosworth at 20k rpm:

Compare that to the attached .wma (in the .zip file), it becomes clear that the BF1 is lacking some of the sound of a F1 V8.

I wish LFS could have some of these sounds, if possible. Not in patch V but maybe in patch W or X (or whatever they'll be named later).
S2 licensed
Tested upgrade to U36 w/ your altered restart exe and got a problem when LFS was restarted.
LFS was went to fullscreen, but wasn't focused. I had to use Alt+Tab to get LFS to regain focus to be able to do anything in LFS.

Edit: What's up with the Username/Password popup for "Private" at, shown here on the forum?
S2 licensed 8
16:22, 13 Jul 2005
Track : AS cadet, doing 10 laps
Car : UF1
Best Lap : 1:15.620 (lap 5)
1. Kryten UF1 11:47.960
2. RudolfR UF1 +0:16.990
3. DanneDA UF1 +1 laps
4. areaz UFR +8 laps
5. smizzi UF1 +9 laps

First time on Cadet and that car. Probably using default set.
S2 licensed
A few things:

1. Option or check of position, if view is outsite the car, for the amount of muffling of all sounds in custom view (appears to be in-car sounds in custom view for tin-tops).
2. Less windnoise from BF1 on trackside cameras, having a hard time hearing engine sound at higher speeds from this camera.
3. Louder high-rev engine sound for BF1, feels like high-pitched engine-sound with no 'depth' to the sound.
3. Nearly all cars engine-sound needs to sound meaner, less perfect.
4. Louder start-up sound for engine (for FZR at least).

And I'm still getting clicking/crackling a few times every laps.

When upgrading from U33 to U34 after after disconnecting from a server (was racing w/ wheel), the restart caused quite an increase in FFB power. Any idea why this would happen?

And a question (been wondering this for quite some time, no need to answer this if you don't have the time):
How big is the performance hit for the Viewer shadows (detailed sharp shadows) compared to the ones used in LFS right now, and are these (Viewer ones) possible to implent in LFS without much work?
Last edited by DanneDA, .
S2 licensed
Great improvement with the sounds, good work, but they need some tweaking. BF1 sounds crap tho. All cars sound too muffled and way to clean.

Also the other improvements in the patch are great. Menus have been improved again. Good work!

And I found a bug:
When clicking channel in Audio menu the Garage-background pops up when you are still on track. Quite dangerous when you can't see where you're going.
S2 licensed
No x 4.
S2 licensed
Happy Birthday Scawen!

S2 licensed
Using U30, no overheating.

After test patch U15-U20 or so, I started getting some bugs like this. No other patch before them have I had any problem like this, LFS have never crashed before using the test patches, now I have had several. Nothing else has changed about the computer.

Also, got "DIERR_HANDLEEXISTS" while swtiching between LFS and Windows while testing new suspension settings, message popped up a couple of times I believe when LFS had been Shift+F4:ed unfocused and then focused again (no Shift-F4:ing).
Last edited by DanneDA, .
S2 licensed
While I was testing a new set some days ago LFS frooze at the last turn before the chicane on AS3. Couldn't get to Windows or anything, so I waited for a bit, around 20-25 secs after LFS frooze it got working again. Now every button I had pushed during the freeze was catched by the computer (for lack of better wording, ie Esc brought up the menu in LFS, windows key gave me the start menu).

Saved the replay of this and it showed me lagging for about 25 seconds, at the same point as the freeze occured.

No overclocking, nothing running the background.

What could have happend here?
What would cause me to lag like that when the when I'm joining from the host?

Attached a replay, around 1 minute 30 seconds in too it.
S2 licensed
I sold an XRT for my girlfriend
Some MP suggestions
S2 licensed
  • Kick/Ban message (server option):
    If someone get's kicked/banned have an option to display a message of why the kick/ban was placed. Could also add a server message of what to do if kicked/banned in addition to the reason (IE "Banned for (time) for (reason) (server message), where (time), (reason) and (server message) is optional). This could sort out some confusion of people reconnecting after beeing kicked etc and causing a ban for doing so.
  • More detailed disconnect messages (server option):
    "(player) disconnected" could include information like connection issues (timeout, bad sync etc) or kick/ban info. Server could decide which of these messages that should be displayed to the connected players.
  • Clientside enable/disable voting:
    Let the client decide if they want to participate in voting or not, if not voting have option for No action (No-vote) and Don't add to total votes required for action. Add possibily for type of vote to ignore (kick/ban or restart, end race etc). Some server side part could be added for situations like 19/20 people use "voting disabled - no participation in votes" and 1 have it enabled that shouldn't be able to restart race.
  • Beeing able to see the ping of other players in connection menu in ms.
Except for the last one (and partily the 3rd) the server side have some power to control if these things should work or not. All up to the server admin to decide. With them disabled it's more or less how it is now.

Good or bad suggestions?
Spinoff : Internet connection issues
S2 licensed
Quote from DanneDA :A bug I've seen in the recent test patches:
At race starts, all cars appears to lag at the moment the lights become green. Remember a similar thing beeing fixed in an earlier testpatch (where every car got the lag message). I'll see if I can save a replay of this later today.

Image of a lag related bug/glitch?

(watch Subon VW at start of replay too)

Note bug #1: Watch car placed 2nd on the grid, lag at the start from him.
S2 licensed
A bug I've seen in the recent test patches:
At race starts, all cars appears to lag at the moment the lights become green. Remember a similar thing beeing fixed in an earlier testpatch (where every car got the lag message). I'll see if I can save a replay of this later today.

Bug 2:
Minor annoyance, sometimes when "Restart 3.. 2.. 1.." message appears the FPS drops heavily (from 80+ to ~5), making the sound "crack" (for the massive drop in FPS is my guess & the update between frames is so high), only seen this happen while driving around the track, and not while beeing parked along side it.
S2 licensed
I follow:

I watch when it's on, and if there's nothing better to watch:
CCWS, WRC, WTCC, GP2, other racing on 4 wheels.

Anything on 2 wheels. Never liked it.
S2 licensed
Quote from spankmeyer :Ehhh.... I'd have to disagree with those and ask a question: could you post a vid of your shifting behavior?

Only use the fingertips to change gear (=no force), and probably because of that I'll have an easy time missing to move leaver to the correct position.

Also how do you change to seq. for the stick? The switch get stuck sorta halfway, and I don't want to break it moving it further.
S2 licensed
Okay a review

The Wheel:
The wheel feels great, the force feedback is much better than my on my old wheel (Microsoft Sidewinder FFB), have much better precision than the old wheel too. I feel the car being more stable with this wheel, though I'm not as fast as with the old wheel or have perfect car control, but that will come with experience, give me a few weeks and I'll get similar times.

The Pedals:
All of the pedals are stiffer than on my old wheel (G25 throttle requires more force to move than the brake on the old wheel). I have a lot more control of the pedals than on my old wheel too, no problem with them not responding to my commands. I shall say that the brake is quite stiff, way stiff. Will take some time getting used to how much force I actually have to apply to be fast.
Let's not forget that I keep pushing the wrong pedal when using the H-gate with clutch. Will take some time getting used to use 3 pedals instead of 2, thats for sure.

The shifter:
Not as good as the wheel and pedals, very easy to get the wrong gear selected. Also managed to make the shifter come off the table it was attached to. Unlike others I haven't gotten into reverse by mistake, nor have I accidently moved the stick when using the buttons on the shifter. One problem that I do have, sometimes I can't the stick to stick in a gear position. Will learn this too, with time.

Great wheel and pedals, good shifter. Well worth the price.

Tested it in NFS: Carbon too, and worked somewhat okay, managed to use the shifter without even touching the clutch, not so realitstic there. Though, what can you expect from a crap game?
S2 licensed
Got the G25 earlier today, works great!
S2 licensed

The wheel is most likely at my pickup place but it has to be registered in the computer first. Which it hasn't. WHY!?!??!?! Want wheel NOW!
S2 licensed
Postal service site has been down for hours, so I havent been able to track the shipment, hopefully it'll still arrive in time for me to pick it up today.
S2 licensed
Looks like I'm getting the wheel today. Now it's on it's way to a distrbuting postoffice in the area, should arrive there in an hour or so. After that it has to make a couple of more stops before I can retrive it.
S2 licensed
Tracking site now show that it is in Stockholm South, arrived there at 3pm, Now it just need to find it's way to me near the west coast, should be there in 24 hours.