black snow modeled is the 2008 ALMS GT and every other GTR in any video games used the 2010-2013 "E92 GT2" no "alms" so... not only did black snow make a model that debut in america... and not europe but also isnt the version that made it into video games after 2010..... now tell me .. what video game had a e92 ALMS GTR in it after 2009 , a car that was literally updated to the le mans GTR 2010-2013 ...
Idk just look at the wing they used in 2010 and in games compared to the wing that was seen in chicago here i will link the two GIANT differences, and the ALMS doesnt have side exhausts at all or had hood vents as it wasnt based on a 2010 M3 like every other game but rather a bespoke le mans version which came out 2008, so he used a 2008 drawing not the 2010-2013 examples like we see from all over the place ripped from RR3 or forza , just look at the wings and body kit wideness
I really appreciate u taking the time to reply to the thread, no one cares since author is BLACKLISTED 💀💀💀
, but it seams maybe u didnt see where i said he had a GIANT disclaimer saying thats what he does,
2. ". Because finding the original sources is super time consuming and borderline impossible." Im almost sure thats what we mod makers are supposed to do .. and maybe there is a reviewer who has the ability to check certain games especially when the obj or the finished mod isnt behind a paywall or wireframes are available to see publicly,
3. Its a E92 GTR that debuted in 2009, with this logic... im assuming its borderline impossible to find such a car in games after 2009....????? its no use for anyone who think its ripped to breaks a sweat anyway, i literally spent days almost weeks searching for any possible leads or any way he could ripp this mod, and every road lead to dead endz, i gave up and just decided to open this thread so maybe someone who can help SEARCH
I even asked around in dischord and no one can help.
4. He literally commented in the model comments saying he drew it, every model people say he rips are in HD quality vs the 1 very low poly model im using, its literally the first carr model he uploaded to sketchtab😑 but they say its ripped, and my question is simple...
how can anyone know where the e92 is ripped from and if no one can find it or find which game its ripped from ....... why should i not submit the mod?
If i put in the extra work( the SAME extra work everyone else is refusing to do) to dig the internet down for a possible A Ha ! and still cant find it.... then why cant i submit the mod???????????? If its "borderline impossible to find the model" then why cant submit it???
So In term, if no one can find the source, and the author said he modeled it and its absolutely horrendous topology with a oval hamster wheel in the middle of the interior,... why cant i upload it
Hello gents and mod reviewers, i was working on a low poly BMW E92 GTR model from black snow, before his bio was changed he explicitly said some models are taken from some video game, which i cant fathom how people would not read before downloading contents.
I searched the internet to find any similar topology of the e92 and i cant find any similar LOW POLY with same or slightly different topology, i found one that looked like both used same drawing but the other guy topology was even more worst, i plan to increase the tris amounts(details) in his model and i have asked him in his comment section if its ripped and he said he did it according to drawing.
This is my next mod and it will be public, im also following up with a F80 M3 DTM so it would be excellent if a reviewer could show me if the e92 GTR is ripped from anywhere cuz i strongly believe he drew this compared to the extreme high poly cars he uploaded,
I get it..... the high poly cars are ripped and thats not trust worthy but if theres no other similar model anywhere on the internet, and every other LOW POLY STYLE versions are worst topology then could that be grounds for it to be legal? i really wanna create this machine in LFS, and if its too low poly for public then i will make private for others who dont mind the low tris count, but i asked him in comments section and he said he drew it, would be greatful if someone can also check out the model and see if its ripped.
*no option to import any OBJ, track editor comes with every objects Eric had ever created with option to build on or manipulate object points and load in custom alps and textures,
*tracks are then submitted and instead of reviewers having to check for copyright or struggle to check all corners of the map, the community can instantly get access to it (like test this mod feature) and vote on if it has any gaps or errors and if no one says ewwwwwww or yo theres a issue at turn 4 then its all good but tracks must be fully polished no errors before its downloadable publicly in game so basically anyone can test it as much as possible for any errors or issues, because once its published theres no "update map" button