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S3 licensed
+1 and i dont know if this has been sugested before, but an option to add favorite servers ingame would be great too.
S3 licensed
Quote from Kaxuxo_Jr : tá um espectáculo páh continua ue tens jeito pa coisa


S3 licensed
Oh look my layout! Looking forward to it tonight!
S3 licensed
For an instant i tought there was a porn lfs version for sale on ebay... lol
S3 licensed
Been having great fun in this server! Thanks
S3 licensed
Nice track around blackwood! I've had a pretty similar idea ages ago, but i scrapped it... Tought it was way too extreme for most people to complete a lap around it. lol Good job though!
S3 licensed
(The Stig)
S2 licensed

Join Date: Nov 2008

WOW... How could you had resisted the urge to register in the forum for all these years? Thats amazing!
Last edited by Disposable, .
S3 licensed
I must admit that the pack is a bit dead for now... Been working alot lately and i dont feel like skinning or even play, at all. But dont worry, its just a mather of time, for me to get back to work and finish the pack.
S3 licensed
Quote from LFS S2 Z :speed?

Have you tried it by any chance?
S3 licensed
Quote from Jon606 :When I asked you about them, you'd said you'd had a shit week.
Hopefully you've had a better week this week
And yay for inspiration!

The shit is still rolling, i'm just trying to get it solved and put it behind my back. Thanks for asking though mate.
S3 licensed
Quote from Jon606 ::bump: for updates (unless you're too depressed to make them )

Why depressed? I just felt like taking a break to do other stuff now. Maybe will inspire me a bit more.
If devs can take months of break, why cant i?! :P
S3 licensed
Quote from BernieLeal :Haha.. Lindo! Fico a espera destas skins!


Tou a trabalhar numa pro fxo, igualzinha aos novos carros da psp da brigada de transito! hehe Logo k tenha pronta ponho aki umas fotos.
S3 licensed
Quote from Sir moi 407 :It's the old one

Guess it's a choice that each taxi company takes. Some are still black/green, others are beige.
S3 licensed
Guarda Nacional Republicana - Brigada de Trânsito
Portuguese car liveries
S3 licensed
Lisbon taxi
S3 licensed
be my guest :P
S3 licensed
Quote from Velociround :Disposable THANK YOU VERY MUCH for this DD2 skin pack it is AWESOME, incredible work.

Unfortunately this seems to be a RIP version of the game. It has no music, no intro, no videos and something else
I have the original DD2 game for PC-CD and it has much more than just 8MB, a single intro video takes 14MB or something I don't remember now but I still have the intro videos on my PC .
Damn! I can't make my game work on windows XP (just worked on win 95 and 98). It installs and everything but just doesn't start.

Also how did that guy (I don't remember his post) put a higher resolution on DD2? I don't even know how did he take that screenshot ingame .
Thanks in advance

Thanks man! To make DD2 work under xp, try disabling Direct3d acceleration on Directx Diagnostic Tool. Works for me.

PS: Brasilia é lindissima!
S3 licensed
My Destruction Derby 2 skin pack

S3 licensed
Ill have to stop working on the dd pack till the end of next week. Sorry everyone.
S3 licensed
Quote from beefyman666 :Here's the group render I said i'd do. ... s/XRT_DD2Group_Render.jpg

Looks great mate! Thanks, it's my new desktop background
S3 licensed
Thanks everyone! BTW nice renders Beefy!
S3 licensed
Sorry was having something to eat. Now ill destroy u all better lmao!
S3 licensed
THESE RACES WERE JUST CRAZY! HAHA Over 30 people online! Great fun guys.
S3 licensed
Imagine how much fun this will be, if it ever gets accomplished... There's already some insim systems out there, like the ctra-x system which is great, another system that measures drifting angles, distances etc, and gives points for it. I don't see how a Destruction Derby style insim application, wouldn't be possible! I really just hope that someone is willing to do this!
S3 licensed
Quote from z-ro 8 :i can see me spending too much time with this. lol

Wasting some more time on lfs wont do you any harm! LMAO