Like Jon606 wrote, the most complicated/detailed graphics are taken from the game and then enhanced, not to look so pixelated or even blurry. Sounds pretty easy, but even like that it's a pain to make such low res textures look right on a XRT! But for example, the Trashman number 7 was created from scratch. I have hundreds of fonts on my pc to choose from, but they never exactly match the original Destruction Derby design. So most of the times i end up creating custom fonts from scratch, or heavily editing the closest ones to DD style i find, until it looks as close as possible to the original. Like in the case of Psycho skin. That font doesn't exist anywhere else.
Check out the attached picture to see what i mean.
Have you ever played DD1? I'm attaching a pic with a side view, for you to check it out. Unlike DD2, every car in DD1 has those black dents/marks, even if the car is not damaged at all. Despite looking worse or better, i guess i was just trying to be as accurate as possible. But since everyone agrees to have them removed, i will not include them anymore.
I have both pc and ps1 versions of these two games, but can't run the DD1 pc version on my main computer for some reason... Need to try it on one of my older machines and see if it still works... But i can assure you that on the ps1, there are 19 ai and one of 3 player cars to choose from. So yeah it was 20 car races.
It's actually 19 AI's and 3 human ones. There's 15 AI skins completed. Still working on Barmy Army, Heavy Metal Hero, Pyromaniac and Goddess to complete the pack!
Sorry, i havent seen your reply earlier. I dont have a clue why the ramps got those spots all over them. If i ever update the barriers, i'll try to fix that...