Never thought i would put a post like this up, but i'm getting bored now of playing solo, so would like a team to join to make the game a bit more fun.
I'm on LFS as Mason@DriftWorks, the car i use is LX6, can link every corner in it without spinning, 95% of the time every transition is smooth, clipping points nailed etc
Can also drift the usual XRG, XRT, FZ5, RB4, RAC, LX4 and FZR but only up to 3rd gear, then i start spinning, and tyres last only a few drifts so kinda pointless really, obviously can skid FXR but that's just overtseering into corners, not really carrying the drift through and linking.
FPS on avarage is 92, would prefer a team in UK and one i have heard of, happy to try out.
Let me know